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Was in severe car accident and had to stay in Baptist Hospital with broke spine


Posted 6:22 pm, 07/25/2016

Bc the people at PVBC knows I'm a good person and Go blesses his own an just a lil while ago the pastor called me with a donation so. Thanks to all you Christians out there BC God is good

I'm glad they finally did the right thing


Posted 6:01 pm, 07/25/2016

End of thread for my concern bc people keep talking drama and lies and God will always make a way


Posted 5:58 pm, 07/25/2016

Tim, I don't go there, I meant that people are disheartened with church in general. But if they're not willing to use church funds to help the needy, and won't even ask the congregation for a collection, then do you honestly think they're doing the Lord's work?

Regardless, I'm actually on your side here. I understand that people make mistakes, and that was a long time ago. You got hurt, and that sucks, and you'll be out of work for awhile, so there's no shame in asking for help. My only concern is that when people asked you for more information, you immediately got defensive. That makes you look suspicious.


Posted 5:57 pm, 07/25/2016

Bc the people at PVBC knows I'm a good person and Go blesses his own an just a lil while ago the pastor called me with a donation so. Thanks to all you Christians out there BC God is good


Posted 5:52 pm, 07/25/2016

Quick question for Antithesis???? Whose the pastor there if you go there


Posted 5:40 pm, 07/25/2016

As much time that the op has spent on this thread in the last 2 days begging for money....could have been spent...going to social services, other churches and charities...begging!

As a matter of fact too much time has been spent by the op begging for money....

give it up little man...no one is buying your story! True or not.

Antithesis..tyour 4:45 post nailed about the church...nailed it perfectly!!

Marie, you keep up the good work girl...if nothing else...she see's it and tells it like it is!!!


Posted 5:33 pm, 07/25/2016

Yeah I hung out with a wrong crowd when I was young and dumb and LEARNT from my MISTAKES and found the Lord and the Bible says. To forgive one another. And I've tried to walk a righteous path for the past few years and had a big change with God leading my footsteps and Jessica Groce is from Wilkes and she was my nurse


Posted 4:45 pm, 07/25/2016

I've been attending pleasant view Baptist but I'm not a member there and the preacher said he couldn't just take up a love offering for me he would have to take it before conference and talk to the deacons of the church to help.

Side note, but I think this is why so many people are disheartened and disgusted with the church. Did Jesus ever once say, I'm not helping you because you didn't tithe enough, or follow me for long enough? The whole purpose of the church is to help people that are in need, like Tim.

If churches like this were doing their job then no one would ever have to ask strangers for help, or live off the government. Why do they even exist, if not to help the needy?


Posted 4:34 pm, 07/25/2016

That's almost ridiculous, Kathy. Everyone in the county is on GoWilkes. Including you. Are you saying everyone in the county is trouble?

If you're asking for money then the people you're asking have the right to ask for the details. We've all had too many people asking for money, claiming to "need gas money to get to their sick child in Winston" or whatever. You can't fault people for being suspicious.

FWIW, though, Jessica Gross IS a trauma surgeon at Wake Forest, just like his brace says. But Timothy McCann also has a criminal record of Breaking & Entering and Larceny from 2009:



Posted 4:13 pm, 07/25/2016

Tell'em Bestill I'm so ham mad i can't. 99% are trouble anyway, don't know if that includes you or not.


Posted 4:03 pm, 07/25/2016

No need to get snarky. Folks have a right to investigate where they are sending charitable contributions and are foolish if they don't.


Posted 4:00 pm, 07/25/2016

It's almost never a good idea to ask random strangers to donate money to you.


Posted 3:57 pm, 07/25/2016

A paper from SHWP will not prove nothing, except you were in an accident, but i doubt they'll hand it out to just anybody. Same as attending physician, you or family member will have too get it, which you should already have. Yet, Salem Electric pays 37k plus to typical worker, down to 27k-81k according too job.I think the 27k was a janitors job......@ kathyb:: If 99% of posters are trouble how many is a few, 1-3-5-7-8 that are good?

Ole Sarge

Posted 3:36 pm, 07/25/2016

Kathy why dont you pitch in a few bucks


Posted 3:18 pm, 07/25/2016

Tim I wish you the best of luck. You shouldn't have ever ask for any help on here. These people rip you apart. They have no life other than to tear other people down with the exception of a few good people on here the remaining 99% are trouble.


Posted 3:16 pm, 07/25/2016

MarieLaveau (view profile)

Posted 7:56 am, 07/25/2016

You started squalling yesterday,you said Monday a week ago, which would been the 11th. SOOO whose immature or don't know one day from another?

Once again starting trouble...when will you learn?


Posted 3:14 pm, 07/25/2016

If people have sincere question about my accident or condition I will be more than glad to reply I just don't want to waste my time fussing with people that just has rude and sarcastic remarks


Posted 3:09 pm, 07/25/2016

Sorry for not replying I was just tired of being criticized and judged in my time of need I can get a paper From hwy patrol to prove my accident report


Posted 3:04 pm, 07/25/2016

Yes I was was born in Sept. 1991


Posted 2:12 pm, 07/25/2016

Were you born in 1991, Tim?

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