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Voter Fraud, and plenty of it.

[email protected]

Posted 12:40 am, 05/22/2017

ha whenever i think of fine, I always hear "how was your day?", "Fine."


Posted 11:20 pm, 05/21/2017

while humorous that someone would be attracted to me

Awww Brandon, I'm sure you're a fine man. You've always been fantastically respectful to me. I hope your marriage is as lengthy as mine has been......cheers friend.

[email protected]

Posted 10:59 pm, 05/21/2017

while humorous that someone would be attracted to me, why is it ok to ask for verification for a license to get married, but nothing to vote?


Posted 6:42 pm, 05/20/2017

oooh lawd. When I got married, they were still doing blood test and checking ppl for STD's......wouldn't be a bad idea today if you look at all the spouses that have gave diseases to their significant other's even though they are wed......I didn't keep that virginity for nuthing!!!!!


Posted 5:06 pm, 05/20/2017

The absolute shock here is that someone married you.

Quit burying the lead.

[email protected]

Posted 5:04 pm, 05/20/2017

How does voter id suppress the minorities?
Are you saying that getting their body to a government building is that difficult? Are you really going to tell me that they couldn't be able to make it out to town once, in the year in a half they have right now to get an ID? I had to take a half day to get all the information together for my wife and I to get a certificate that would ALLOW us to get married. That took more time out of my life, than going to the DMV for a general ID card. I had to prove who I was, she had to prove who she was, show identification, pay a fee, and sit in the registry office for a while.
Is it ok for someone to go through that to get married, but for voting it should be banned?


Posted 5:03 pm, 05/20/2017

Who said it did? Who are you taking to? Are you on the correct thread?

Hillary is a murderer

Posted 4:49 pm, 05/20/2017

Show me where in the recent Supreme Court Ruling it says that the North Carolina Voter ID law suppressed any votes.


Posted 2:21 pm, 05/20/2017

By the way, why would anyone support laws meant to suppress voters? Republican or Democrat?

Just doesn't seem very American.


Posted 2:19 pm, 05/20/2017


Seriously, though.

How is a direct response a change of subject?


Posted 2:12 pm, 05/20/2017

SO, you're saying that the democrats don't really want to stop voter fraud?


Posted 2:11 pm, 05/20/2017

I just realized you called a direct response to one of your posts a change of subject.

Good Lord. You are stupid.


Posted 2:08 pm, 05/20/2017

Change of subject?

What didn't you understand, and I'll try and dumb it down for you.


Posted 2:05 pm, 05/20/2017

SO, are you denying there aren't any rich, white liberals in your change of subject?

Tell us precisely why purging the voter rolls at the precinct level and requiring absolute voter identification at the polls is not a good way forward for our country.

The next general election is only three and a half years away. Plenty of time to nullify ANY disenfranchisement arguments.


Posted 1:03 pm, 05/20/2017

But I know how you like examples:



Posted 12:56 pm, 05/20/2017

Not at all. Voter ID laws generally focus on suppressing the voting rights of certain groups.

Hint: Rich, white conservatives aren't one of the groups.

If you truly want to stop voter fraud, talk to the members of the Republican party.


Posted 12:43 pm, 05/20/2017

SO, this certainly blasts a hole in the liberal/left/loser narrative that voter fraud, regardless of who perpetrates it, doesn't exist.

All the more reason for voter identification at the polls.

Once again the call goes out to purge the voter rolls at the precinct level AND require positive voter identification at the polls.

Anything less is pure BS !!!


Posted 12:10 pm, 05/20/2017

After review, they seemed to come from a lot of red states, or states Drumpf won. Texas, Kentucky...huh.

So, like I said...conservatives sure do like their voter fraud.

mulberry mulester

Posted 10:58 am, 05/20/2017

@BooBooRebox: you know what i REALLY hate? them black fellars votin'! they keep puttin' them stoopid libruls on the STATE SUPREME COURT, of all things! can you imagine black fellars votin'? what's next, wimmin like that empowers lady votin'?


Posted 10:51 am, 05/20/2017

MIxing that with weak napalm coulda get you arrested.

Here are 10 cases of voter fraud to review and digest.

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