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Vermont highschoolers expose Fox for having NO journalistic integrity

this n that

Posted 10:55 am, 01/27/2015

And yes, you see it all the time. Chester drawers kills me. So does bad grammar, bad spelling, and people who have no idea which tense of verb to use, and why.

Kids cruising through school, having no clue what awaits them when they try to make a living in a few years.

Teachers are not what they used to be. And apparently, neither are parents.

I was playing a game on my computer the other day. A hidden object game, and I was instructed to search for a dolly.

Turns out, the people who can create these awesome games that are so beautiful, didn't know the difference between a dolly, and a DOILY.

I also find misspelled words in them all the time.


Posted 10:49 am, 01/27/2015

Truth . Democrats are out numbered , but we can make a coherent sentence.

this n that

Posted 10:44 am, 01/27/2015

Truthseeker911 (view profile)

Watters could come right here and interview over half the posters on GW and get the same answers, TandT. You have eyes and can read some of these posts.


I do think you could go to any state, any city, and ask these same questions of any group of "young" people, and get the same dumb answers.

How is it possible that any brain could answer 1983 when asked when G. Washington was president.
It's really stupid when you can't figure out that was just 32 years ago.

It's not about dems or repubs. It's about the fact that all over this country, no matter where you go, the generation coming up, is really really dumb.


Posted 10:39 am, 01/27/2015

I left out interview the conservatives of Wilkes county. You know the ones who "sale" things like "Chester drawers" or "chiwawas", blame everything on their "escape goats" the Blacks, Gays and Latinos, post a meme on FB about how much they love Jesus and the next post is how effed up they got drankin' on Saturday night.


Posted 10:33 am, 01/27/2015


Posted 10:30 am, 01/27/2015

Watters could come right here and interview over half the posters on GW and get the same answers, TandT. You have eyes and can read some of these posts.


Posted 9:16 am, 01/27/2015

Disclosure up front: I do not watch FOX news, because I know it is blatant right wing propoganda. I do not watch MSNBC, because I know that it is blatant left wing propoganda. I do not watch CNN/Headline news often, because it isn't very good at whatever it is trying to do. BBC is where I usually go, if I can.

Here is what everyone who continually lashes out at FOX news needs to undertand, however; the vast majority of news outlets in this nation are liberal leaning. The Conservatives have exactly ONE news outlet...FOX News. Of course it is filled with rhetoric and propoganda for right wing causes; it is "fighting" a good 80-90% of the other news outlets. This is also why FOX news is far and away the highest rated "news" channel; it has a monopoly on Conservative leaning views.

As for what these high school students have done, good for them. I expect to see them disappear from the face of the Earth at some point in the near future. As Sideshow Bob once said "No children have ever trifled with the Republican Party and lived to tell about it!"


Posted 9:03 am, 01/27/2015

Most of the news networks seem to lack journalism integrity.

MSNBC seems to be close to Fox. Anderson Cooper is close to MSNBC.

this n that

Posted 8:37 am, 01/27/2015

Bill O'Reilly sent Jesse Watters on a mission to Aspen, Colo., for the X Games, where Watters asked some standard history questions and got very unlikely answers.

When was George Washington president? Watters heard answers that ranged from 1776 to 1983 to "way before I was born."

What countries did America fight in World War II? Not Spain, France, or Russia, like some respondents thought.

Who bombed Pearl Harbor? Well, it wasn't China or Korea.

Hear the cringe-worthy answers to these questions and more in the video above.

this n that

Posted 8:28 am, 01/27/2015

This was a ridiculous post from the beginning.

All that spin about how Watters picks the dumbest people on purpose.

Those students will likely end up wishing they had kept their mouths shuts, cause O'riley said last night they would respond to this.. soon.

Meanwhile, here's last night's Watters world, in Colorado just asking random people questions.

They are just as stupid on the ski slopes of Colorado.


Posted 8:09 am, 01/27/2015

Viewing a piece by O'Reilly or Matthews or Maddow or Beck or any of the other professional rabble rousers and analyzing it for news content is like going to a baseball game to analyze a golf swing.


Posted 6:47 pm, 01/26/2015

Students are smarter than most Wilkes GOPers. Who knew ?


Posted 6:09 pm, 01/26/2015

Since when have any of those states been associated with the term, "down there" ?


Posted 3:48 pm, 01/26/2015


Posted 3:07 pm, 01/26/2015

Vermont/Mass./Colorado/Oregon/Washington/California/. I believe they all have a couple of things in common. It will be hot down there.


Posted 3:28 pm, 01/26/2015

Way to show your ignorance Almac. Condemning 6 states of people to ****. Let me guess, you are a "Christian" ?

Maybe I missed something but I thought he was referencing the lack of sweet tea in the aforementioned states. Of course they're going to be hot with no iced tea. Give the religion line a break.....

Anyone who drinks Nestea and calls it iced tea CANNOT be trusted....and that's the gospel truth.


Posted 3:34 pm, 01/26/2015

O'Reilly's overall program may be opinion, but the story they referenced was presented as a factual segment, a report on this town and its people.


Posted 3:28 pm, 01/26/2015

Way to show your ignorance Almac. Condemning 6 states of people to ****. Let me guess, you are a "Christian" ?


Posted 3:07 pm, 01/26/2015

Vermont/Mass./Colorado/Oregon/Washington/California/. I believe they all have a couple of things in common. It will be hot down there.


Posted 3:05 pm, 01/26/2015

Nail on the head realist. I must admit fox leans right though. But msnbc, cnn, nbc, abc, and cbs all are on the left.


Posted 2:46 pm, 01/26/2015

O'Reilly is not news. O'Reilly is opinion ( or propaganda, if you like), just like like Chris Matthews and Rachel Maddow are opinion (or propaganda) for the other side.

Seems to me they should have looked for a news broadcast if they wanted to rate the ethics of a news broadcast.


Posted 1:57 pm, 01/26/2015

That was great Truth , it's wonderful that we have such talented and honest students.

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