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U.S. officially recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel


Posted 11:46 am, 12/07/2017

"Will be speaking to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey this morning about bringing peace to the mess that I inherited in the Middle East. I will get it all done, but what a mistake, in lives and dollars (6 trillion), to be there in the first place!"

Read Trumps Tweet


Posted 11:45 am, 12/07/2017

hangsleft (view profile)

Posted 11:38 am, 12/07/2017

So you agree. Trump thinks they'll be the only ones to fix it. HA
I thought he was having a stroke yesterday while speaking. He must have been drunk or high.

his dentures were loose...too!

Did you also notice that his breathing was off...it was almost as if he was having an episode of shortness of breath.


Posted 11:43 am, 12/07/2017

hangsleft (view profile)

Posted 9:57 am, 12/07/2017

"If anyone can bring peace to the middle east it is me" said Donald Trump.

If you are going to tell a lie, tell it right as you can.


Posted 11:38 am, 12/07/2017

So you agree. Trump thinks they'll be the only ones to fix it. HA

I thought he was having a stroke yesterday while speaking. He must have been drunk or high.


Posted 10:36 am, 12/07/2017

hangsleft (view profile)

Posted 10:22 am, 12/07/2017

“We want to create peace between Israel and the Palestinians. We will get it done,” Trump said. “We will be working so hard to get it done. I think there is a very good chance and I think we will.”
At a lunch later on, he was even bolder: “It is something that I think is frankly, maybe, not as difficult as people have thought over the years.”

President-elect Donald Trump said he is counting on his 36-year-old son-in-law to bring peace to the Middle East. Speaking at a dinner on the eve of his inauguration on Thursday, Trump singled out Jared Kushner as a “special person” in the audience. After praising Kushner as “so great,” he said, “If you can’t produce peace in the Middle East, nobody can.”

That's more like it.


Posted 10:22 am, 12/07/2017

“We want to create peace between Israel and the Palestinians. We will get it done,” Trump said. “We will be working so hard to get it done. I think there is a very good chance and I think we will.”

At a lunch later on, he was even bolder: “It is something that I think is frankly, maybe, not as difficult as people have thought over the years.”

President-elect Donald Trump said he is counting on his 36-year-old son-in-law to bring peace to the Middle East. Speaking at a dinner on the eve of his inauguration on Thursday, Trump singled out Jared Kushner as a “special person” in the audience. After praising Kushner as “so great,” he said, “If you can’t produce peace in the Middle East, nobody can.”


Posted 10:20 am, 12/07/2017

Satan takes Zion..


Posted 10:04 am, 12/07/2017

hangsleft (view profile)

Posted 9:57 am, 12/07/2017

"If anyone can bring peace to the middle east it is me" said Donald Trump.

Because I know you are lying, you need to show when and where Mr. Trump said that.


Posted 9:57 am, 12/07/2017

"If anyone can bring peace to the middle east it is me" said Donald Trump. I guess if everyone is dead that technically is a campaign promise handled.

Hillary is a murderer

Posted 7:39 am, 12/07/2017

It's funny to see the Democrats criticize Trump for following through on his campaign promise in support of the Jewish people in Israel while calling him a Nazi. Did you Demoncrats not study history and learn what the Nazis did to the Jews in WW2.


Posted 7:09 am, 12/07/2017

Beeblebrox42 (view profile)

Posted 12:47 am, 12/07/2017

since most of the idiotic fundies want the rapture and end times to hurry up and get here,
this really doesn't surprise me.

There will be a very large scale war in the middle east with plenty good money to be made supplying the army with the tools of it's trade. sounds like a song doesn't it?

Trump will firmly cement his ties to the fundies and get richer the more people die for stupidity.

Congratulations mein fuhrer. Sieg Heil Trump.

False Prophet


Posted 12:47 am, 12/07/2017

since most of the idiotic fundies want the rapture and end times to hurry up and get here,

this really doesn't surprise me.

There will be a very large scale war in the middle east with plenty good money to be made supplying the army with the tools of it's trade. sounds like a song doesn't it?

Trump will firmly cement his ties to the fundies and get richer the more people die for stupidity.

Congratulations mein fuhrer. Sieg Heil Trump.


Posted 12:08 am, 12/07/2017



Posted 10:31 pm, 12/06/2017

Because Democrats think the solution to everything is always violence, Stupid.


Posted 10:25 pm, 12/06/2017



Posted 10:13 pm, 12/06/2017

Thomas Jefferson, First Barbary War, Democrat-Republican Party (founded by Thomas Jefferson, became the Democrat Party)

James Maddison, War of 1812, Democrat-Republican Party (founded by Thomas Jefferson, became the Democrat Party)

Abraham Lincoln’s, US Civil War, Republican (probably worth noting though, he only went to War after Southern states, led by democrats, seceded from the union and attacked a Union Fort)

Woodrow Wilson, WWI, Democrat

Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman, WWII, Democrat

Harry Truman, Korea, Democrat

John F Kennedy and Lyndon b Johnson, Vietnam, Democrat. Followed by Richard Nixon, republican, who finally withdrew the US from Vietnam

Try learning history before talking out of your ***


Posted 9:32 pm, 12/06/2017

Sorry I was wrong Clinton didn't sign it even though he had made it a major campaign issue hammering bush 1 for not supporting the move, My bad


Posted 9:24 pm, 12/06/2017

The law was adopted by the Senate (93�"5), and the House (374�"37) 0ct 95


Posted 9:21 pm, 12/06/2017

It was Clintons deal Trump is just the first one with the guts to do it, Look it up


Posted 7:08 pm, 12/06/2017

Trump didn't get anything done. He simply ran his mouth and got s*** started. He won't bear the brunt of it and doesn't care about the people who will suffer for it. That includes Americans who are in many parts of the world.

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