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Tyson's Unfair Labor Practices


Posted 1:15 pm, 07/31/2015

I don't work for Tyson. Things will get stirred up for Tyson. Maybe someone get pass the message to the big guys!


Posted 12:57 pm, 07/31/2015

If it's that bad quit being sorry and get a real job loser. Tyson is for under achievers, thugs, convicts and illegals. Don't spend all that over time money at the abc store, you gotta save some for balongna and pall malls


Posted 12:11 pm, 07/31/2015

Tyson employees are told at orientation that five people are on the internet every day looking for anything negative posted about Tyson. They are told that if Tyson finds out it is an employee doing it they will immediately be fired. And maintenance at the main plant work seven days a week. No family time at all for them.


Posted 12:11 pm, 07/31/2015

And to just get this out of the way 99 percent of the time it is your fault they way you are. Stop blaming others or saying I cant.

If you can't. Why not. Is it because of the decisions you have made.


Posted 12:09 pm, 07/31/2015

A lot of people working places like this work hard and bust there tales.

But on the same side a lot of people this is all they can do. They stay in trouble with the law and can not put forth the effort to make themselves better. They expect things to be given to them. Jumping up and down saying we have rights. We want 15 dollars a hour. You have insurance you have a 401k. You get a check. this is life. Ether live it or get your ship togther. Make plans for your life. And planing on winning the lottery is not a realistick plan.


Posted 12:00 pm, 07/31/2015

NC is a right to work state. You can quit at anytime, and can be fired at anytime. No one is forcing anyone to work. I'm guessing all this complaining is why they brought in all the Burmese workers. Compared to where they are from, Tyson is a godsend.


Posted 11:37 am, 07/31/2015

feed haul works 70 hrs an don'tget time an a half for over 40 hrs


Posted 11:36 am, 07/31/2015

I worked 2nd shift at Tyson and have 2 kids, and during the school year it was H***! I use to go in at 5pm and usually did not get off until 2-3:30am, and a few times it was 4-5am, 6 days a week. We only had 1 break and it was 45 mins (WHOO)! When you would ask to go to the restroom between break you were timed and if it took longer than 10 mins then you could get wrote up. Anybody that has worked there knows it takes almost that long to get out of your PPG and up the stairs, not to mention the 3 Layers of clothes you have to wear to work comfortably, use the restroom, wash your hands and then go back downstairs and redress in your PPG and return to your line. Tyson is a tough gig!


Posted 11:09 am, 07/31/2015

First, not all of Tyson employees are illegal. And yes, it is hard job, yet, they are not complaining about their job duties, It is the taking advantage that bothers many of us. I have family members and friends working for Tyson ( who actually KNOW what they're talking about), and having one day off it is not enough. Not to mention, you don't have a life. This is slavery to me. Just because they do not have a "career", doesn't mean they have to be taking advantage of. And that is primarily Smokeyman's point and mine!!
Your lack of sympathy makes me feel,sorry for many of you...

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 10:40 am, 07/31/2015

.... some people's kids....


Posted 10:36 am, 07/31/2015

Note from GoWilkes: this post was removed for racism, along with several replies to it.

Ole Sarge

Posted 10:06 am, 07/31/2015

I would not count on them losing sleep by shutting it down. Not for long anyway.I have seen it done before and the owner padlocked the doors and went to the house. Don't forget, you are the one that was seeking a job and needing money when you went to work there. Many others this day and time do not have jobs or money. Sooner or later the people working to keep them up will be overwhelmed. Then they will work or starve. I know you have never seen this and do not expect it but it eventually comes to that. If it comes to my family starving or your family starving, you are out.


Posted 10:01 am, 07/31/2015

It may be time to write a letter to the Tyson family detailing ya'lls situation. Have the whole crew sign it.


Posted 9:33 am, 07/31/2015

Amen burleyman. No one wants to work hard anymore. Any jobs that require people to strain and use their muscles have high turnover because no one wants to sweat and work. Parents were both factory people and I knew that was not the way I wanted to live. They were good people, worked hard and made an honest living. Father died before 60 of a heart attack working 6 days a week. I truly feel for these workers, maybe Tyson needs to hire more workers to give these folks a break.


Posted 9:27 am, 07/31/2015

People can say Tyson would shut the plant down if a union formed but where would they make up their nearly 2 million chickens produced every week? It would hurt Tyson a lot more to shut the plant than it would for a union to be there.


Posted 9:13 am, 07/31/2015

Great post Burleyman, and from my perspective, very accurate too. My mama worked in a local factory, while my dad "worked for hisself." He always said the factory workers were fools for working so hard for such little pay. Meanwhile, when he worked (construction ), he would make a lot of money, then lay drunk and not work for weeks. Mama's low paying job was true and steady & she was thankful for it. She never bad mouthed because she said it kept food in her young'uns bellies.

just a guy

Posted 8:56 am, 07/31/2015

Sorry tyson

just a guy

Posted 8:55 am, 07/31/2015

As far as a union goes my dad has been at tyson for 44 years he knows the head people pretty well and he was told by them that the tyosn family said they would shut down the plant if a union was ever formed in wilkes .


Posted 8:40 am, 07/31/2015

Exactly Burleyman.

We are a society with a Wal-Mart mentality.


Posted 8:34 am, 07/31/2015

good post, burleyman

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