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Turkey Hunter Killed


Posted 7:04 pm, 01/22/2010

The founding fathers of this country laid down important rules that the states must abide by when this country was formed. States are subordinate to Constitutional law. There was no such thing as a game warden or even for that matter a law enforcement officer when the Constition of the United States and the Bill of Rights was adopted. Game wardens are not exempt from the protections granted every citizen of this country by our founding fathers. I would say to those who think a game warden has more atthority than any other employee of government is that they are mistaken.

stressrelief 28.5

Posted 5:38 pm, 01/22/2010

Not from us..It would be from the law then.


Posted 5:31 pm, 01/22/2010

No it wouldn't stress, it would get them in a whole sh1t load of trouble for them.

stressrelief 28.5

Posted 5:19 pm, 01/22/2010

That would stop alot of talk and questions.


Posted 4:40 pm, 01/22/2010

Everything that has been done in an offical manner in this case has been state oriented and all of the state officials have done what is predictable and covered their own behind with the attitude that Minton did not break any state laws. Constitional laws were trampled on that morning when Clyde was shot to death and the good old state boys have buried their heads in the sand which is very predictable. This killing has not run the course of justice yet and the violation of federal law is just in it's infancy.


Posted 4:38 pm, 01/22/2010

I fully agree. If they aren't hiding anything. Then make it transparent!


Posted 3:29 pm, 01/22/2010

They refuse to release the records. If this case is so cut and dry as some on here would like us to believe, why not release the records.


Posted 2:10 pm, 01/22/2010

STRESS said it all .... "release the records " if those records proved Minton innocent beyond a shadow of a doubt we allready would have seen them . Reverse the situation , the landowner would be in -jail , probrobrably 500,000.00 dollar bond (if any at all) getting ready to be tried for murder ....


Posted 2:01 pm, 01/22/2010

The family verified it, and the relitive that was a police officer as well confirmed this. I trust they say, and noone from the state has been willing to make a statement to dispute it. Heck, they even admit that they do that as a comon practice. That is where the problem is.


Posted 1:59 pm, 01/22/2010

In all honesty, If he were in full uniform, and entered the property from the proper entrance to inspect the environment and verify no hunting laws were being broken and this happened, I would be defending the officer. The way minton conducted this operation that morning was with the intent to surprize and in camo during pre dawn hours. That is dangerous, and needs to be addressed. When coffee saw minton. There is no way to gurantee that he was who he said he was, and put everyone in danger. Thats why if someone comes armed on my land in camo barking orders, the coroner will be picking up a man in camo who will never try to tell me what to do on my property ever again.

leo(law enforcement officer)

Posted 1:55 pm, 01/22/2010

It has not stated anywhere but GoWilkes.


Posted 1:53 pm, 01/22/2010

Please stop arguing that he was not in camo, and that he did not sneak onto the property. This has not been denied by either party anywhere. Minton was in full camo when the encounter occured.

stressrelief 28.5

Posted 1:48 pm, 01/22/2010

Why wont the DA release the file and put a end to the Speculation????


Posted 1:47 pm, 01/22/2010

Here is a link to the Ohio case files.
They stated that he had no right to enter the property until he witnessed hunting in progress from a location outside the property.

He went for backup before proceeding.

All three appellants moved to dismiss the complaints against them.

The trial court found that the officer was required to have good cause to enter

Coburn�s land pursuant to R.C. 1531.13 and that because no evidence of good

cause existed in the record, the officer was not permitted to enter the land.

Because the officer did not make the observations that led to the baiting charges

until after he had entered Coburn�s property, the trial court dismissed the

complaints against all three appellants.1

The court of appeals reversed the trial court judgment with respect

to all appellants and remanded for further proceedings, holding that R.C. 1531.14

gave the officer the authority to enter Coburn�s land: �Once he saw people

hunting, R.C. 1531.14 gave [the officer] the authority to enter the land in pursuit

of his duties, one of which is to ensure that people are hunting lawfully.�
State v.

Coburn, 176 Ohio App.3d 600, 2008-Ohio-371, 893 N.E.2d 201, � 15.

In the coffee case, he entered the property based on an anonymous\unreliable tip. He could not see them hunting where they were without making entry to property. The fact that he entered the property in camo, in predawn hours, to investigate an anonymous tip without a warrant is a major problem. He entered the property that morning based on an anonymous tip. This alone requires a warrant.

leo(law enforcement officer)

Posted 1:11 pm, 01/22/2010

I spoke to a couple of people that were there that morning (NOT LEO's either) they said they saw Minton and he was not in camo, said he was in his state issue green pants, tan shirt and wearing a green vest that had the Wildlife patch on the left breast area. Mr. Coffee's family member had no trouble ID'ing Minton when he was approached by him, there was no trouble between them either.

You are right what did happen that morning was wrong a man died, however Minton was not violating any laws by being there. The best example was the one that 168AMAX posted from Ohio, hunters were issued tickets, they fought charges in court, court upheld tickets, nobody died.


Posted 12:56 pm, 01/22/2010

I did not think you would answer that one.

The truth is that the sc rye case is the closest example of this situation going to trial.
What happened that morning was wrong, and there is no way of making it appear differently.


Posted 10:15 am, 01/22/2010

LEO, those are the guidelines about an arrest. The way he entered the property and the manner violates #3 of your own post.

Can you provide us with an example that covers the proper way to conduct an ambush like the one Coffee experienced that morning?


Posted 9:40 am, 01/22/2010

I pour out corn for the goats and the turkeys eat out of their pile,so am I baiting turkeys? Could I get a sign for the turkeys to read that this is for the goats and not you turkeys


Posted 9:20 am, 01/22/2010

Oh, Minton is such a Douche-bag!


Posted 7:44 am, 01/22/2010

WHEN THE PERSON KNOWS or has reason to know that the officer is a law‑enforcement officer and that the officer is effecting or attempting to effect an arrest.

How does "the person know", when Minton snuck in , in CAMO, showing NO ID! and running his smart mouth and being the arrogant **** he is,,,Coffey should have shot HIM in self defense!!!! Let this happen to someone you know was a hard working, awesome person that had NEVER been in any kind of trouble before and someone you love dearly, that was at HOME and let's see how "Legal" you think his actions were!! Try to compare that to Minton's personality and background. Give it up!! MINTON YOU ARE/WERE WRONG!!!!

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