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Turkey Hunter Killed


Posted 3:09 pm, 01/21/2010

so what? Who cares what happened in NE?? And what does that have to do with anything regarding this thread?


Posted 3:06 pm, 01/21/2010

Nebraska City, Neb. -

Allegations that a Nebraska City police officer looked into the windows of a residence where a woman was bathing have resulted in a charge of criminal trespassing.

NC citizen

Posted 2:51 pm, 01/21/2010

LEO has made many statements on this forum, that clearly show he backs any and every action by his fellow troopers. His "blue wall" attitude is the biggest part of the problem. Honest officers abhor misconduct, dirty cops embrace and defend it, vocally and every chance they get.

leo(law enforcement officer)

Posted 2:49 pm, 01/21/2010

You are right and armed trespasser not a LEO, very different as Minton was not trespassing but an on-duty LEO enforceing NC game laws. If you go to the OFFICER DOWN MEMORIAL PAGE website and do a search of the last name Odam, you will find not one single entry, because Odam's was not a line of duty death.


Posted 2:48 pm, 01/21/2010

The sad thing is that you truely believe that doing covert operations on private property without a warrant because of an anonymous tip is acceptable.

leo(law enforcement officer)

Posted 2:44 pm, 01/21/2010

A few times I have had search and / or arrest warrants, sometimes I did not; but in every case I WAS ACTING WITHIN THE LAW, whether you like those laws or not.


Posted 2:39 pm, 01/21/2010

LEO, you avoided answering this part of the question. DID YOU HAVE A WARRANT?


Posted 2:39 pm, 01/21/2010

The case in SC is about an intruder with a gun on private property. Sounds similar to me.

leo(law enforcement officer)

Posted 2:37 pm, 01/21/2010

The case in SC has nothing to do with LEO's, Odam was not in uniform, not on duty and not acting in any type of offical capacity; at the time of the encounter Odam was a private citizen who happened to be employed as a Deputy Sheriff.

I have done just that in times past and like Minton I was acting within the law; is it safe, no, was it the only option yes.


Posted 2:29 pm, 01/21/2010

OK, let me ask you this LEO. Would you dress in camo, sneak up on a property owner in predawn hours without a warrant? Do you think that this is a smart idea, and that it insures the safety of all involved?


Posted 2:27 pm, 01/21/2010

It was with great intrest that I read the case files for South Carolina vs Rye. I feel this sends a strong message to anyone with a badge to be very carefull when they enter private property. Constitional Law requires law enforcement to conduct themselves professionally and within specified guide lines in order to assure the rights granted by the Constitution.

The Bill of Rights puts strict limits on police power�not only because the power of the state must be kept in check but also because of the thin line between the rule of law and the rule of the cops.


Posted 2:13 pm, 01/21/2010

Whitehawk. I promise I would let it die if there is a trial. They want us to let it die.


Posted 2:10 pm, 01/21/2010

Ok, I hope you are just lying now, or you should not have the Badge that you hide behind. It is a whole different situation when dealing with private property. When on your own property, you have no duty to difuse the situation like you would in a public encounter. After mintons actions here, the public should no longer wait for explanations. The actions that you are supporting cause more officers to be put in harms way. If minton had followed the law, all would be alive, and I would not be here making you look like a fool.


Posted 2:08 pm, 01/21/2010

Isn't it time for someone, LEO or private citizen, to shoot this thread dead. Talking about beating a dead horse, or turkey in this case, this subject has been beaten to death!

leo(law enforcement officer)

Posted 2:05 pm, 01/21/2010

That explanation of self defense that I posted does not make any statement as to public property or private land encounters. I do my job within in the law, whether you like or approve of the laws or not is not my conccern.


Posted 1:59 pm, 01/21/2010

You know as well as I do that the section that you posted deals with public encounters.
On your own property, you can shoot if you have fear of life, or if you believe that the intruder came onto your land with the intention of committing a felony. Me personally, I am shooting first and telling the story from my point of view. Here is a way you can avoid this. Get a warrant, and access my property like any other visitor. Try pulling the crap like was pulled here on my land, and end up dead.

leo(law enforcement officer)

Posted 1:58 pm, 01/21/2010

And your last post proves what, I have never said that a person has a duty to retreat in order to claim self defense.


Posted 1:53 pm, 01/21/2010

Remember the little old lady in texas.

Prosecutor: "Why did you shoot the purse snatcher 6 times?"
Defendant:"Because when I pulled the trigger the seventh time it only went click"

By the way. Found not guilty.

leo(law enforcement officer)

Posted 1:52 pm, 01/21/2010

I don't see where it or I have said anything about a duty to retreat, a person is not under any obligation to retreat it does not matter if they are at home or at Wal-Mart. You can read but sometimes you do not comprehend that which you have just read.


Posted 1:49 pm, 01/21/2010

LEO, How childish.
Starting from #3 on, you are talking about incidents off of a landowners property. When on your own property, you have no duty to retreat, and you know that.
On your own property you never have to retreat. You can use all of the force that is availible if you can prove that you had fear, or that the intruder had intentions of commiting a felony.

Why won't the state make all of the documents public. HeII, we paid for them to make them!!!

None of that argument applies to minton. He was acting as an officer. As an officer, he violated coffee's civil rights under the fourth amendment, and killed him as well. This behavior cannot be allowed to continue.

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