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Trump Storms Out of White House Meeting with Democrats on Shutdown


Posted 8:57 am, 01/10/2019

This is what Trump is trying to stop, you knuckleheads will learn that when it is you they are gunning down.


Posted 8:33 am, 01/10/2019

Hey tnt, Rex Tillerson said it best. It fits you too.


Posted 8:30 am, 01/10/2019

"Just left a meeting with Chuck and Nancy, a total waste of time. I asked what is going to happen in 30 days if I quickly open things up, are you going to approve Border Security which includes a Wall or Steel Barrier? Nancy said, NO. I said bye-bye, nothing else works!"

(Trump actually said "bye bye" as he left the meeting, which is, um, amazeballs.)

This would be slightly worrisome if we were talking about how your teenager behaved in a meeting for a group project with the deadline coming up. It's outright terrifying when you are talking about the President of the United States, and the federal government has already been closed -- at least partially -- for 19 days.

But ask yourself this: Is stamping out of a meeting because you don't get what you want really a long-term governing strategy?


Posted 8:26 am, 01/10/2019

A source familiar with what happened in the Situation Room on Wednesday said that the top Senate Democrat asked Trump, "Why don't you open the government and stop hurting people?"

The President answered, "Because then you won't give me what I want," before ending the meeting by saying "bye, bye," and heading out the door

It was a classic slice of Trumpism that may have been satisfying in the moment and was surely popular with supporters who appreciate the President's blunt manner and willingness to shatter protocol.

But Trump's histrionics drove him deeper into a no-win situation at exactly the point when the political pressure is ratcheting up.

It is becoming increasingly hard to see how trump can escape this fight and not be seen as the loser.

But heading into the shutdown, a Quinnipiac University poll found that 62% of voters opposed shutting down government over the wall. Only 34% supported the idea.


Posted 7:32 am, 01/10/2019

Forty-two-year-old Theodore Roosevelt may have been America's youngest President, but Trump is America's brattiest.


Posted 6:59 am, 01/10/2019

So if there’s 6 million jobs out there...then I reckon that should cover the 800,000 folks with out a check from there government jobs while waiting on 🤥 lair trump to grow up. Geez... I just solved the problem!!!


Posted 6:47 am, 01/10/2019

I think the next meeting will be in front of cameras. So Chuck can’t lie again.


Posted 10:07 pm, 01/09/2019

We go by trumps words and actions, not what you babble about.

this n that

Posted 9:16 pm, 01/09/2019

"Works against the American people"

What a dolt.

You just revealed to all GW readers that you don't know what you're talking about.

GW readers know that Trump cut their taxes, gave them jobs, helped their employers so much, they got wage raises. GW readers know there's over 6 million jobs available right now. More available jobs than people to fill them. First time in American history. They know that President Trump is light years above that corrupt obama you say you miss. You miss the very one who was busy 'working against the American people" for 8 long corrupt years of crimes.

So guess what they must think about how brain damaged you are when they see a nut like you say Trump "works against the American people"

You define that whole long list of adjectives that Jason won't let be said anymore.

But you know what I'm thinking don't you?

this n that

Posted 9:01 pm, 01/09/2019

This has already been exposed as a crying chucky lie.

Trump handed out candy, didn't raise his voice, and didn't slam the table.. according to VP Pence, and McCarthy, and I'm sure we'll hear from others tonight or tomorrow who were there.

He simply stopped wasting his time.
But the more the media talks about this the better.
Showing the American people that Democrats are this nations enemy.

They are trying to paint Trump as 'unhinged'. The public won't buy it. They've been watching Trump, The very Stable Genius, for two years.
Millions know that Trump is always steps ahead of his enemies, and already knows what his next move is.
He's uncoiling the rope the democrat party and the media is using to hang themselves.
You mush brains keep on underestimating him. It's really worked out so well for you so far.

And another lie you fell for is exposed, and you'll do the same the next chance you get to play the fool.



Posted 8:48 pm, 01/09/2019

We need a president , not one in name only , who only works against the American people .


Posted 8:40 pm, 01/09/2019

Nanci don't even know who the President is much less what her position is. So, I highly doubt anyone is worried about her.


Posted 6:14 pm, 01/09/2019

LOL... can't even say diputs backwards.. first, norom, now diputs, whats' next, Trump?


Posted 6:11 pm, 01/09/2019

No, I didn't..


Posted 6:10 pm, 01/09/2019

* He's too . Sorry, I left out the most important word when describing the resident squatter.


Posted 6:08 pm, 01/09/2019

The Orange Anus has met his match in Nancy Pelosi, that's why rethugs hate her so.

He's too to know Pelosi raised 5 children , so she knows how to say "NO" to a toddler.


Posted 6:02 pm, 01/09/2019


Posted 6:00 pm, 01/09/2019

Yea like the BABY he is!


Posted 5:57 pm, 01/09/2019

WASHINGTON �" President Trump slammed his hand on a table and stormed out of a White House meeting with congressional leaders on Wednesday after Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California said she would not fund a wall along the southern border, dramatically escalating the confrontation over the government shutdown.

Stunned Democrats emerged from the White House meeting declaring that Mr. Trump had thrown a “temper tantrum.” The president’s allies accused Democrats of refusing to negotiate. Then he tweeted that the meeting was “a total waste of time.”

Read more: https://www.nytimes....e=Homepage

petulant child.

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