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Trump Storms Out of White House Meeting with Democrats on Shutdown


Posted 9:23 pm, 01/10/2019

1047, have you started to "put out the word" to the drug dealers yet? Good job!


Posted 9:03 pm, 01/10/2019

Nice and quite on the border where the wall sections are.


Posted 9:01 pm, 01/10/2019

TnT, unless you were there and have a recording of the meeting it's all "he said, she said". So either post a video link or admit you have no idea what actually happened.

this n that

Posted 7:45 pm, 01/10/2019

I really liked the way P. Trump called out chucky and nancy today.

He told reporters that what crying chuck said 'was a lie".
"I didn't raise my voice, I didn't slam my hands on the table, that's a lie".

He didn't use silly substitutes like 'disingenuous. Nope,, he just called the liars, liars.

Shumer deliberately lied cause he knew that mush brains everywhere would fall right in line and start posting it on web sites. And here you see the proof of the mush brain who fell for it.


Posted 7:02 pm, 01/10/2019

So what the heck is supposed to do. They clearly are not going to talk about. You would have walked out too.


Posted 6:47 pm, 01/10/2019

Oh yea fox forgot to include that this article didn't come from CNN.

I know that it's hard to for a dullard like yourself to understand that.

You should read a little more it can't hurt.


Posted 6:43 pm, 01/10/2019

O.K. Fox:
Bye-Bye Isn't that one of the first words you speak as a BABY?
I guess some never grow up!

Not just CNN are reporting this...




Posted 6:11 pm, 01/10/2019

We could put out the word that the leftist liberals have agreed to pay for everything, including all the drug addicts drug bills, that way when the drug dealers sneak into the country, they will find the leftist and come to collect.


Posted 5:52 pm, 01/10/2019

Changing the subject with a copy n paste no one reads, typical leftist maneuver


Posted 5:46 pm, 01/10/2019

Trump's headline-hungry governing style has never lacked for drama, but there's a new sense of aimlessness lately in Trump's frenetic search for a crisis, his efforts to control the headlines, distract from other events, and keep his base satisfied that he is the muscular fighter who will stop at nothing to achieve his goals.

In reality, the Trump administration is a vortex of incoherence.

Trump is flailing badly on foreign and domestic policy. At home, some of his allies are worried, and abroad there is also concern.

At home, the government shutdown over a phony crisis at the border has created a very real crisis for hundreds of thousands of Americans, not only the more than 800,000 federal workers at risk of going without a paycheck, or the more than 420,000 who are -- incredibly -- required to work without pay, but also the millions more who depend on spending by all of those people

Trump's claim that there's an immigration crisis at the border is refuted by experts. His demonization of immigrants treads a well-worn path of demagogues seeking to invent enemies to build support. And even people who live along the border are skeptical of his claim that a wall is a solution. And yet he has brought part of the government to a standstill over it.

The shutdown is helping Trump keep the latest developments on Russia off the top of the news. But it is not making them disappear.


Posted 5:38 pm, 01/10/2019

Jimbojolly (view profile)

Posted 4:32 pm, 01/10/2019

1047, nobody babbles better.

Poor jimbo, he doesn't have a good grasp on the language, or clear thinking either.


Posted 5:36 pm, 01/10/2019

Are you liberal losers prepared to admit you started another lie? Fake News : Trump slammed the desk and stormed out of the room. Creators of this lie have already backed away from it, why don't you and and this to the list of Fake News stories created by CNN


Posted 5:32 pm, 01/10/2019

Here is another idea The Great Obama should say build the wall then all you nincompoops would say OMG that's a terrible idea because that's how dull-witted you and your leader are.


Posted 5:26 pm, 01/10/2019

Trump4King (view profile)

Posted 3:42 pm, 01/10/2019

Trump needs to make it safe.
1047 and I are scared to leave our houses, we might get raped and kilt

Sparky just go play in the road. I'm sure the road is just a few steps from your door.
Oh and be sure to take 1040 with Ya


Posted 4:35 pm, 01/10/2019


Posted 4:32 pm, 01/10/2019

1047, nobody babbles better. Try not to speak for others, you don't know enough to do so. Makes you look really dumb.


Posted 4:28 pm, 01/10/2019

bandit (view profile)

Posted 4:23 pm, 01/10/2019

1047pm (view profile)

Posted 8:57 am, 01/10/2019

This is what Trump is trying to stop, you knuckleheads will learn that when it is you they are gunning down

Why didn't George W Bush stop it? It happened Mar 22, 2006...on Bush's watch, just like 9/11, knucklehead.
I think you must have been in congress then blocking it with chucky and peloosie


Posted 4:23 pm, 01/10/2019

Trump4King (view profile)

Posted 4:21 pm, 01/10/2019

Trump or You?

The one who causes you to have nightmares.


Posted 4:23 pm, 01/10/2019

1047pm (view profile)

Posted 8:57 am, 01/10/2019

This is what Trump is trying to stop, you knuckleheads will learn that when it is you they are gunning down

Why didn't George W Bush stop it? It happened Mar 22, 2006...on Bush's watch, just like 9/11, knucklehead.


Posted 4:21 pm, 01/10/2019

Trump or You?

1047 could go to the border, act all Chuck Norris and clean up all of Latin America.

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