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Trump may send illegals to sanctuary cities.


Posted 5:19 pm, 04/15/2019

Just send them to California, they take'em.. Illegals ONLY make up around 7% of their population known of..


Posted 5:11 pm, 04/15/2019

Anti, what is the law on what cities the illegals must be released into? Just curious.


Posted 3:47 pm, 04/15/2019

The 10th Amendment to the Constitution says that the federal government has the right to create the laws on immigration, but it's up to the states to decide how or whether to enforce them.

Trump's silly proposal would be a gross violation of the 10th Amendment. But it sure does get the ignorant racists jumping up and down, doesn't it?


Posted 3:44 pm, 04/15/2019

Septic just had a stroke.


Posted 3:30 pm, 04/15/2019



Posted 3:16 pm, 04/15/2019

Immigration is a is given to the federal government.


Posted 11:43 am, 04/15/2019

Yeah, this is just another one of Drumpf’s mouth farts.

It’s amazing how little regard he has for the laws of our nation.


Posted 11:36 am, 04/15/2019

I'm constantly in shock at how liberal this county is.

The concept of "sanctuary cities" is an issue of state's rights versus federal rights. Conservatives believe that in more power to the states, wehre Liberals believe in more power to the federal government.

By demanding that states comply with requests like these, you're giving more and more power to the federal government that should constitutionally belong to the states.

And that's extremely Liberal.

I'm also in shock at how naive people are. We all know that this "plan" is illegal and will never be done. It's obviously just a shock issue being announced at a very convenient time, so that everyone will forget the Mueller report. He's done this every time, and people fall for it every time.


Posted 8:13 am, 04/15/2019

Dems really don’t want this. It will mess with their strategy of turning red states blue. I say send a bunch to Hoolywood and San Fran. New York City could take a million.


Posted 7:51 am, 04/15/2019

wrestling grandpa1

Posted 6:54 am, 04/15/2019

The Republics are in disagreement with Donald send these illegals to sanctuary cities.. they can be sent to Trump's properties as he does hire undocumented workers..oops..Mara a Largo has openings...I would almost bet Jared, and Donald Jr..and Ivanka may have such workers..being paid way below the wages and no health benefits ...but we do not want to go there..or Trump's Taxes being released, as Sarah Sanders says members of Congress are not smart enough to understand. .hmmm..think some members may have a hire math background than Sanders, Trump..hmmm what is there to hide and the Audit does not preclude taxes being released..


Posted 6:37 am, 04/15/2019

We could convert the Lowe's office into condos when it becomes empty and house them there. Send us the women and children. The women could clean our houses and the children could get school enrollment back up.

We already have enough yard workers.

Deep Creek

Posted 6:34 am, 04/15/2019

I spelled Lynnewood wrong.But you know who you are.

Deep Creek

Posted 6:32 am, 04/15/2019

Come on Wilkes County you can take a few.Country Club community no.Lynewood.Idon't think so.Finley Park.****** no.Just like Washington all these I can save the world people don't want them in their neighborhood.


Posted 10:39 pm, 04/14/2019

Send them where they are welcome.


Posted 10:33 pm, 04/14/2019

Has trump decided not to use illegals ??


Posted 9:54 pm, 04/14/2019

I thought Democrats said illegals were a benefit. What do you mean we will pay for them. Surely you don't think

illegals receive benefits.


Posted 9:16 pm, 04/14/2019

I vote for free tents and a bus ticket to Pelosi, Schumer's and any other Politicians home that like support Illegals then declare their homes approved political sanctuary's /free zones


Posted 8:57 pm, 04/14/2019

He's got to be joking. That plays directly in the hands of Sanctuary cites. They get cheap labor. Then ask for federal aid..


Posted 8:54 pm, 04/14/2019

Oh my Tilly, sounds like you're not happy with Trump's plan?

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