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Trump intellectually unqualified to be president.


Posted 9:00 pm, 03/20/2017

You are just one of a long list of distractors hoping he will fail, he will not fail. His IQ is 156, obama's 142, hillery's 140, your's maybe 86.

trumpettes calim that's his IQ , but nobody knows.


Posted 8:21 pm, 03/20/2017

He's just an average joe, like all his supporters on here.


Posted 7:28 pm, 03/20/2017

""""Or people were just to dumb and voted for him. """"

LOL, There were a LOT of dumb Democrats that voted for him also, but they were smart enough not to Vote for Hit-Liar-Ry, unlike the Dumb Lib_Tards on here. and if you are looking for Really DUMB, just look for the one on here that post about pptrump all the time. She is obsessed with Trumps pp for some reason.


Posted 3:05 pm, 03/20/2017

Trump's tweets today are just nutballs crazy.

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 2:58 pm, 03/20/2017

If " pptrump" had to give credit to any outside entity for assistance during the election, it would be to the DNC who shafted Bernie Sanders.

If anyone "interfered" with an election, it was the DNC, and if they hadn't, we might be talking about "ppbernie" now.

So if we're on the topic of intelligence, the democrats might want to check themselves. Because that was a stupid move.

Ole Sarge

Posted 2:57 pm, 03/20/2017

He must be good at math. Seems he sure has a lot of money to count


Posted 2:43 pm, 03/20/2017

Dollie, you are a moron. It was the democrats that swung those states that won trump the election


Posted 2:41 pm, 03/20/2017

From what I have seen, I don't think that Trump's intellectual aptitude seems very impressive. However, I agree with what some of the others have pointed out. He could be dumber'n a box of rocks, but there's not really an intelligence qualification that applies to the Presidency. He may not be intellectually qualified to win your personal vote, but he's certainly intellectually qualified to to hold the office.


Posted 2:38 pm, 03/20/2017

Hangs - not what I said or meant but it's nice to know you contribute. The hungry children appreciate it, I'm sure !


Posted 2:29 pm, 03/20/2017

valleydoll (view profile)

Posted 1:50 pm, 03/20/2017

ppfrump wasn't smart enough to get elected without putin's help. of course Bannon helped by telling him to say what repubs wanted to hear. States that he won by a small margin, thought he would create jobs. They're still waiting.

You are just one of a long list of distractors hoping he will fail, he will not fail. His IQ is 156, obama's 142, hillery's 140, your's maybe 86.


Posted 2:26 pm, 03/20/2017

why is he doing such a good job then?

this n that

Posted 2:25 pm, 03/20/2017

Which is contradicted by some highly learned man who name I can't remember, who said on a news show that Trump was one of the three most intelligent Presidents this nation has ever had.

This was a few weeks ago.
Trump has a brilliant mind that thinks in ways you can't even dream of.
Underestimate him, and you dems will continue to lose, lose, lose.

And without question far above the intelligent of the liberals on this thread. Especially the OP.

I would suggest you stop hating long enough to really pay attention to how he is always one or more steps ahead of any of your kind.

Another person who are also much more intelligent than you, referred to Trump as a "Master chess player, who plays in 3 dimension. "
You just can't accept the truth because you're an ignorant liberal.


Posted 2:08 pm, 03/20/2017

The gullible repubs thought that's what he would do.


Posted 2:07 pm, 03/20/2017

Yeah, I don't know why trump is dragging his feet on those jobs. He's been in office 2 months already. He should just waive that magic wand and make it happen


Posted 2:00 pm, 03/20/2017

Trump's busy playing golf and Tweeting non-sense, no time for anything else.


Posted 1:50 pm, 03/20/2017

ppfrump wasn't smart enough to get elected without putin's help. of course Bannon helped by telling him to say what repubs wanted to hear. States that he won by a small margin, thought he would create jobs. They're still waiting.


Posted 1:50 pm, 03/20/2017

Or people were just to dumb and voted for him.


Posted 1:48 pm, 03/20/2017

The only qualifications for president are to be 35 years of age or older and a natural born US citizen. Nothing else is required

sparkling water

Posted 1:43 pm, 03/20/2017

He was smart enough to get elected.

His opponent was not smart enough to get elected.


Posted 1:37 pm, 03/20/2017

Apparently I'm not the only one who see this.

lawmaker stuns CNN panel when he says Trump isn't smart enough to be president

David Jolly, a former Republican congressman from Florida, stunned a CNN panel on Monday morning when he said President Donald Trump isn't "intellectually qualified" to be president.

When asked by CNN's Poppy Harlow whether Trump should publicly apologize if it's revealed that he was wrong in accusing former President Barack Obama of wiretapping Trump Tower during the 2016 election, Jolly said that he should � but he also said that an apology wouldn't mask Trump's other major shortcomings as president.

"There's a bigger issue, whether this president is intellectually qualified to be President of the United States," Jolly said.

Harlow seemed taken aback by Jolly's statement.

"You're saying he's not smart enough?" she asked him. "That's quite a charge."

Jolly went on to explain that Trump has very little knowledge about policy, and that he's relying on cable news shows to inform him about the details of legislation he's already endorsed.

"I think he's learning about his own health care bill listening to you and Chris in the morning," he told her. "He does not practice in details, nor understands the finer points of domestic or foreign policy. When he throws out a wiretap charge, what does that mean? We know he's lying about that, but he doesn't understand what a FISA court is. He doesn't understand that he just made an allegation of a felony, he doesn't understand that he's crippling the United States on a world stage. That speaks to more than credibility, that speaks to intellect."

Former Sen. Rick Santorum reacted with outrage to Jolly's statements and defended Trump's intellectual capabilities.

"Well, I just think it's an absurd claim to suggest that the president doesn't have the intellect to be president," he said. "President Trump has run a multi-billion dollar organization. He ran the most, I would say, historic campaign from the standpoint of coming out from nowhere to be elected president."

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