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Tooth count

[email protected]

Posted 1:07 am, 02/25/2017

29.... one wisdom tooth showed up but his partner never arrived.

sparkling water

Posted 8:32 pm, 02/24/2017

Just gum it.


Posted 8:27 pm, 02/24/2017

Everyone? That would be a very large number. I don't know what that number is, sorry.


Posted 5:14 pm, 02/24/2017

I grew up under the old saying one has lived half his/her life when the wisdom teeth are cut. I am a senior citizen, have never cut two of my wisdom teeth, had the two cut pulled, and still have the rest in good shape. I may live forever!


Posted 5:04 pm, 02/24/2017

Ole Sarge:: Just a question, this guy i knew years ago could open a bottled coca cola with his back toofers.Can you do dat? Them old bottled drinks would bend an opener,now you can twist them off with yo hands....


Posted 4:51 pm, 02/24/2017

I'm not sure i get confused after 12teen


Posted 4:43 pm, 02/24/2017

If you did then you could make it to 16.


Posted 4:42 pm, 02/24/2017

I counted 10 but,I'm not taking My shoes off just so I can count higher

Old Dixie Dog

Posted 2:11 pm, 02/24/2017

Chubby, that getting sorta personal. Next thing you know folks will want to know stuff like how many ears or toes you got! Sorta like them Hemmingway cats , you got six, everybody knows your a Hemmingway.


Posted 1:09 pm, 02/24/2017

Do the ones in my pocket count?


Posted 12:56 pm, 02/24/2017

real, or store- bought?


Posted 12:03 pm, 02/24/2017

23 if'n you include the ones I keep in an old coffee can in my kitchen cabinet.


Posted 7:28 am, 02/24/2017

I am old, and back in the day, we did not have dentistry as a science like we do today. Dental insurance makes a difference if you do not have insurance, it is cheaper to just pull the tooth and with advances in dentures...you can get really pretty new teeth. If they fit. I think wealthy folks with good dental insurance can get bionic teeth these days,


Posted 7:22 am, 02/24/2017

Dentist don't want you to have a tooth pulled. That's one tooth they'll never make any more money off of.


Posted 7:21 am, 02/24/2017

I can still rip most plastic packaging with my good canine, although half a century of ripping plastic packaging on that side has worn that canine down. The dentist keeps rebuilding it, but I keep ripping it down.

Ole Sarge

Posted 7:14 am, 02/24/2017

As you get older your teeth go bad. I can barely crack hickory nuts now and am thinking about moving to walnuts


Posted 6:57 am, 02/24/2017

I have never counted. My wisdom teeth are out for sure. I am missing two back molars from decay which I could get a bridge for, but never have, and one canine which has been replaced. I am beyond sixty years old and my teeth are not what they were when I was twelve years old and my front teeth have long lost those sharp pumpkin ridges we all had when they first came in. My dentist says I need to keep my teeth because I have a high palette and not a candidate for dentures. When I go to the dentist, they just put this putty stuff on and remake my teeth. Lasts a couple years. Just before every Christmas I go to the dentist and he rebuilds and whitens my teeth.
My mom had all hers pulled in one day and got beautiful dentures same day when she was in her seventies. She never got used to them. She had that high palette too!


Posted 6:47 am, 02/24/2017

Any where between 1/2 tooth to 32 or maybe more or less to none.


Posted 12:42 am, 02/24/2017

There is verification that the tooth brush was invented in West Virginia.

If it had been invented anywhere else it would be called a teeth brush.


Posted 12:21 am, 02/24/2017

Real or fake?

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