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Tonight we finally get to hear the adults debate

sparkling water

Posted 10:19 pm, 10/13/2015

Sanders passed legislation to bring more doctors to VA.

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 10:19 pm, 10/13/2015

Yeah Webb is not in a good mood

sparkling water

Posted 10:18 pm, 10/13/2015

Hillary wants to support states that give in state tuition to undocumented aliens

O'Malley called Trump a bad name

sparkling water

Posted 10:17 pm, 10/13/2015

Webb has faded to peevish mess folks.

He seems frustrated, but also wants comprehensive immigration reform

sparkling water

Posted 10:16 pm, 10/13/2015

Sanders wants wealthy to pay more into SS.

Bernie defends opposition to guest worker plan calls it semislavery

Take 11 million undocumented people out of the shadows.

Hillary wants expanded benefits to help undocumented people

Comprehensive immigration reform

O'Malley says immigrants help the country, wants comprehensive immigration reform, says it will raise wages

Webb wouldn't have a problem with that

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 10:14 pm, 10/13/2015

Sanders wants to eliminate the earnings cap on SS deductions.

sparkling water

Posted 10:12 pm, 10/13/2015

Hillary wants to enhance ssbenefits for the very poor

Maintain ss solvency.


Posted 10:12 pm, 10/13/2015

Bernie is down right scary. If you have any income or savings he is not your man.

sparkling water

Posted 10:11 pm, 10/13/2015

Hillary supports refinance of college debt.
Make college more affordable
Public colleges to be tuition free
Wants a compact X college and student

sparkling water

Posted 10:10 pm, 10/13/2015

Sanders would raise taxes.
Notes need for college degree.
College to be tuition free.

sparkling water

Posted 10:08 pm, 10/13/2015

Webb supports a windfall profits tax.

Web is overly concerned about how much time he has compared to other candidates.

Says Wall Street money managers have unfair advantage

Chaffee admits he didn't know what he was voting for in (whenever)
Says bush tax cuts took money away from country

sparkling water

Posted 10:05 pm, 10/13/2015

Hillary never took a position on keystone until she took a position on keystone.

Sanders voted against bailout in 2008
Wanted the rich folk to sponsor the bailout.

sparkling water

Posted 10:03 pm, 10/13/2015

Millard represented ny before the recession, told em to stop foreclosure so.

Sanders says wall st regulates congress instead of the reverse.
Clinton wants a tough comprehensive plan
O'Malley is using numbers and notes Hillary's reversals.

sparkling water

Posted 10:01 pm, 10/13/2015

Sanders says on Wall Street fraud is the business model.

Three largest bank are now bigger than when we bailed them out.

Top Soil

Posted 10:00 pm, 10/13/2015

Is that why Hillary bailed out the banks....

sparkling water

Posted 10:00 pm, 10/13/2015

Hillary wants to avoid future economic bailouts, notes future risk.

Cover everybody

sparkling water

Posted 9:59 pm, 10/13/2015

O'Malley wants to separate banking from economic speculators

Top Soil

Posted 9:59 pm, 10/13/2015

Top Soil (view profile)

Posted 9:56 pm, 10/13/2015

Hillary is a true Patriot...And by Patriot I mean New England Patriots, shes stealing Bernie Sanders playbook.

But too bad her ego is inflated.

sparkling water

Posted 9:58 pm, 10/13/2015

Hillary has a five point Econ program. Econ better w democrats in wh.

sparkling water

Posted 9:57 pm, 10/13/2015

Sanders lectures on exonomic issues, last twenty years has seen loss of middle class, raise minimum wage, reform disasters us trade policy

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