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Tom Morris for County Commissioner

Forever Cynic

Posted 8:29 pm, 09/17/2014

Thanks for the budget link, Tom.

I'm still torn about the travel expense line item. Without looking at earlier budgets, I don't know if this was the first increase in awhile, or if it goes up every year. With an increase in the cost of living and gas prices, it's not unreasonable for it to go up, though.

I'm more concerned by two other line items - $6,000 on advertising, and $5,000 on flowers. AFAIK, the county doesn't advertise anything other than legal notices, and those should be in the newspapers and online for free. And $5k in flowers, really? Both of those just seem like funneling money to friends than an actual necessity.

$22,200 on "dues and subscriptions" is pretty vague for a high dollar value, too. What can the county possibly subscribe to that's worth $22k? I'd like to see a break down of that one myself.

Conrad - Do you really think it should be required for each commissioner to make a public explanation for every action they take?

Well, yeah. If they expect to retain their seat they should at least respond to questions. I don't know of any politician that's not a regular reader of GoWilkes, so it would be in their own best interest to explain why they voted the way they did any time someone asks.

By not replying, they either seem hopelessly antiquated, or like they're intentionally hiding something. That's why, every year, we read the same "out with the incumbents" posts.

Fair Justice, I almost forgot, Steve Goss posted on here a bit, too. I always liked and respected him, I hate that he lost the re-election.


Posted 4:43 pm, 09/17/2014

Forever Cynic- Here is a link to the 2014-15 budget expense file. Look on page 12 to find the Governing Board expenses. There is no public record of this salary increase being discussed.




Posted 8:17 am, 09/17/2014

OH Billybill: Do you get dizzy from your constant spinning? Your suggestion that all that is required to record the sessions is a video camera is worrisome. Unless you are skilled at lip-reading, an audio component would also be necessary, since the sound quality of most video cameras is poor due to the omni-directional microphone. Then someone to operate the equipment. Then there is the additional cost of indexing, cataloging, curating, storage, retrieval and playback. Hmm, not as simple as you make it out to be.

Nowhere in any of my posts do I say anything about what SHOULD be done to keep the public informed of county business. If folks really want to know, they could attend the meetings and get their information first-hand.
Your deduction to my line of reasoning is absurd, as once again I have never posted anything about the magnitude of this budget increase. $400 per month is about what it costs to operate a vehicle kept available for public service. While your spin that the additional $200/month is a 27% increase is a true statement, the equivalent amount for a county employee making $30,000 per year would only be 8%. It is also noted that the two incumbent commissioners with business experience voted against this increase.
Furthermore, I posit that our local media do a fine job reporting on the county government and do follow-up when necessary.
Do you really think it should be required for each commissioner to make a public explanation for every action they take? This is where the admonition that "all politics is local" comes into play. We vote for people to represent us and trust that they will do right. The political science behind this is that the good people of Wilkes County just do not trust a Democrat, and especially a Liberal Democrat, to do the right thing!


Posted 6:49 pm, 09/16/2014

Thanks Forever Cynic for the correction. I had forgotten about Jason and I suppose I missed those others. Anyway, I am impressed when a candidate is willing to come on here and talk to us. Considering some of the replies that are bound to come, I think it shows fortitude.

Forever Cynic

Posted 4:37 pm, 09/16/2014

Tom, I'm assuming that you have a copy of the budget that was approved. I couldn't find it online. In what section is the salary amount defined?

When they voted on this section in the regular meeting, was it ever mentioned, or just passed over?

Fair Justice, I remember reading posts on here from Virginia Foxx, Keith Elmore, Gary Blevins, Steve Foster, and of course, Jason when he ran. There have been other candidates to post that didn't win, too, but unfortunately I've forgotten a lot of their names. So it's good and brave for Tom to post, but he's not the first.


Posted 3:57 pm, 09/16/2014

People he don't believe in GOD.THATS all we need in there you people don't even care.


Posted 2:44 pm, 09/16/2014

Go Tom Go ! Flush the republikkkans!


Posted 1:35 pm, 09/16/2014

I have been reading on GoWilkes since it started, several years ago. Unless my memory is wrong, Tom Morris is the first political candidate to come on here and answer questions and explain his positions. That tells me that if elected, he will be available and responsive to Wilkes County citizens. I happen to agree with and respect his opinions concerning what SHOULD be done.

He has my vote!


Posted 12:37 pm, 09/16/2014

Way to go Tom and you will have my Vote.


Posted 12:34 pm, 09/16/2014

Conrad, let's begin with what we agree on. The commissioners are not REQUIRED to record the discussions that take place in work sessions, nor are the required to record discussions that take place in regular meetings. They are not REQUIRED to explain anything to the voters.
We disagree in that I believe they SHOULD keep the voters informed of the reasons for their actions. I deduct from your line of reasoning that you believe it was okay for them to give themselves a 27% salary increase without letting the voters know.

All that is required to record the sessions is a video camera. The expense amounts to very little.

Yes, I wish that our local media had the resources for more investigative journalism, which can require hours and hours of research, but they don't.

What's your next bone of contention with my desire for a more open county government?

Tom Morris


Posted 11:31 am, 09/16/2014

Furthermore, minutes taken of public bodies in assembly only need to record the location, date, time, purpose, agenda items, those in official attendance and the results of any actions taken. Recording and reporting of discussion is not required. That is the job of the press/media. Work sessions are held to receive reports, review budgets and planning. No actions are taken in work sessions. Any citizen is allowed to attend these sessions and hear firsthand what is said and by whom. Is Mr. Morris prepared to employ, at taxpayer expense, the services of a trained transcriptionist to accurately record and prepare for release all discussion of public business? Any second-hand reporting of public business opens the door to libel and slander, a messy can of worms not fit for bait!


Posted 10:06 am, 09/16/2014

Tom don't think they are a God.Please don't vote for him.


Posted 10:04 pm, 09/15/2014

I agree


Posted 9:40 pm, 09/15/2014

Isn't it time this guy buys an Ad on here rather than getting all this free advertising??? JMO!


Posted 9:27 pm, 09/15/2014

And you could challenge the other commissioners to donate theirs as well

Forever Cynic

Posted 9:23 pm, 09/15/2014

That's good to know, Tom, thanks. I think a lot of us were of the belief that this was a maximum allowance, not a straight check.

In the grand scheme of things, out of a $60 million budget this extra $10,000 a year is pretty irrelevant. But I do completely agree that it should have been made public, if for no other reason than to prevent an election year backlash.

I understand that you've pledged to donate that $200 back to the county. Might I suggest, instead, that you donate it to a respectable local charity? The county can't add it back to their budget so all you would be doing is adding a little to their slush fund, but a charity that helps children or feeds the poor could really use it.


Posted 7:25 pm, 09/15/2014

Forever cynic-the answer is yes, they receive a check for local travel each month regardless of actual travel. That is why I (and the IRS) consider this to be in the salary category rather than the travel category. Just to be clear, they ARE reimbursed at 40 cents/mile for travel OUTSIDE of the county. The "local travel salary" was doubled this year from approximately $200 per month per commissioner to $400. In effect, each commissioner received a $200/month salary increase. That is quite an increase if you are a working man. But my MAIN point is that the voters should have been clearly informed of this salary increase.
Thanks for asking, Tom


Posted 6:58 pm, 09/15/2014

How can there be a "civil" discussion when folks insist on calling Republicans "republiturds" and Democrats "libiturds?"

I mean. Seriously?

So far, I have not seen a negative name for independents.....maybe "in-depends?"

When we want to hide behind such silly names, we actually REVEAL ourselves as folks not willing or capable of discussing the actual issues.

So you think frog legs should be on the menu at every fast food establishment....okay....EXPLAIN why. Defend your position.

Just state a position and stop the dang name-calling.


Posted 6:52 pm, 09/15/2014

Let's flush all the republitards in November!

Forever Cynic

Posted 5:07 pm, 09/15/2014

Just to clarify -

Tom, are you saying that the travel allowance is given each month, regardless of how much travel they actually do?

If so, then I would agree that this is a notable salary increase.

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