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Toddler carseat trouble


Posted 1:33 am, 01/20/2022

Here are some good ideas.


Posted 1:21 am, 01/20/2022

LOL at Dunce!

[email protected]

Posted 12:25 am, 01/20/2022

Well I thought my idea was decent...


Posted 9:00 am, 01/19/2022

I'm sorry...I misread the post. Time for better glasses, or a bigger phone.


Posted 8:10 am, 01/19/2022

Foxnose she's not smarter than us. We have just ran out of options. Was seeking advice, but I guess now a days you can't even do that. Because people jump at your throat or tell you your not doing this or that or assuming you don't parent right. But the thing is is this is the only problem we have out of her not listening? We have tried everything we can think. I guess our next and final step is a new carseat or different type of buckle. Just for her to figure out sooner or later as well. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Posted 7:48 am, 01/19/2022

Bestill (view profile)

Posted 5:04 pm, 01/18/2022

Maybe on family movie night cuddle up and watch the most gruesome car crash videos and explain to her that this is what will happen to mommy and daddy if you unbuckle. Plus the doctors will have to cut her legs off so that when the mean people come to take her to the Used Girl Store she will not be able to run away.

It works in North Korea, Russia, and China, I guess that is where Bestupdt got her teaching certificate.
It is called Socialistic Education.


Posted 7:25 am, 01/19/2022

Sounds like not only is she smart for her age, she might just be a little smarter than her parents. I would suggest stepping up to a more secure seat. I am appalled at Bestill's stupidity. But hey, she was a teacher what do you expect.


Posted 3:20 am, 01/19/2022

Be still, we have popped her hands, popped her legs, spanked her, gave her the look, hollered, explained, etc. She even unbuckles in our driveway. Which it takes about 5 minutes to get out of. But by the time we're at the end. She's already unbuckled. Going down the road. It don't matter. We have been trying to get her to stay buckled for months now. I guess a car seat change or buckle change is what we're gonna have to do. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Posted 9:42 pm, 01/18/2022

Have you tried "the look"?


Posted 9:26 pm, 01/18/2022

Joseph T, by today's standards. Our daughter is disciplined. But your telling me just because she's smart and we don't bust our child's *** with a belt we don't discipline? So your telling me if you go get a 6 week old puppy and it poops in the floor you'd bust it's *** with a belt and it'd never do it again? 😂😂🤦🏼‍♀️ Just because you parent one way don't mean everybody else is parenting wrong. My child listens. But she don't like being buckled. If your just here to down grade somebody's parenting then maybe you should just stop replying. I wasn't asking for parenting advice on how to discipline my child. I have that covered. I just have a high strung stubborn *** child that can be hard headed at times, i.e the unbuckling situation. Other than that she's a good toddler.

Joseph T.

Posted 9:20 pm, 01/18/2022

LOL by today standards I was an abuse child but guess what I don't have a criminal record because my parents and grandparents didn't believe in that spare the rod crap. I learn real quick that no meant NO and the next time would be so unpleasant that I would have wished I listen.

Its funny how you say she is so smart and then make excuses that she is only two.


Posted 8:43 pm, 01/18/2022

Joseph T. you do realize she's only 2? If she was like elementary school yes I'd enforce more forceful whippings. But she's 2. She's just now learning to talk in complete sentences. Just now able to start telling us what hurts and what not. How do you expect a 2 year old to comprehend a belt smacking her *** or hand? And for your information we do wear her *** out. But we don't force a belt onto her. She's to young for that. This is why America is the way it is. Because parents that act like you wanna wear a toddlers *** out with a belt. When a toddler isn't even old enough to comprehend why their getting hit with a belt?! Let alone most toddlers can't comprehend they need to use the bathroom in the toilet instead of their pants or pull ups. But you want me to smack my child with a belt. Yeah, right. Great advice. 🤦🏼‍♀️👏🏻👋🏻


Posted 8:26 pm, 01/18/2022

How do you expect a two year old to mind if you don't hit them?


Don't abuse your children folks.

Joseph T.

Posted 7:54 pm, 01/18/2022

Mama_Bear2k19 (view profile)

Posted 11:50 am, 01/18/2022

We have tried popping her. Don't work. I'm not sure if they make baby proof chest buckles. That she won't figure out. She's to smart for her own good at this age. And I just spoke with a trooper and they said they have to have the chest buckles. So I guess our next move is a new chest buckle. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Dunno what else to do other than keep replacing the buckles till she can't get out of one.

Grrranimal (view profile)

Posted 11:33 am, 01/18/2022

Nothing a good belt to the tuckus won't fix.

Just what I was thinking Op needs to stop with the popping her and moved on to wearing her hind-end out each and every time. Smacking her hands with the belt every time should also do the trick. I never understand parents who don't want to discipline their kids and then wonder why they don't listen or get in trouble.

Op you better nip this in the bud right now or you are going to have even bigger problems


Posted 7:43 pm, 01/18/2022

Zip ties.


Posted 7:32 pm, 01/18/2022

I have been researching and reading. She's really smart for her age. Knows things she shouldn't know how to do. She has a Graco convertible carseat, which she's had since she was born. I was thinking about a different carseat due we have an 8 month old that will soon be forward facing as well. So it won't be so bulky. But I guess I will have to look at the buckles very carefully and choose one I think would be harder for her to unfasten. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I have looked up different kinds of buckles and all.


Posted 7:31 pm, 01/18/2022

cut her fingers off....


Posted 7:15 pm, 01/18/2022

Do you think a different car seat may help? Research and see if you can find one that would be more difficult for her to unbuckle.

[email protected]

Posted 7:07 pm, 01/18/2022

You know I was just thinking of like a paper towel tube or something that the buckles could go in so the kid "shouldn't".. and i'm not sure but shouldn't have enough hand strength to crush the tube and push the clasp down


Posted 6:52 pm, 01/18/2022

I almost said the same thing!!!!

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