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Toddler accidentally shoots himself in the chest


Posted 5:09 pm, 02/23/2017

Any updates on his condition? Just concerned.


Posted 7:11 am, 02/23/2017

......"Yes. There is a major difference. In this case, it's the difference between a toddler with a hole in their chest or without a hole in their chest"......

That statement has merit!......Good Job!.


Posted 5:31 am, 02/23/2017

"The interview with the guy from Duncan Gun Shop was very informative. He said that if you just don't keep a round in the chamber, a child won't have the strength to ****it and there's no problem. Too many people think that they need to keep one in the chamber for emergencies, but they don't realize that they create their own emergencies by doing that!"

I completely agree for the most part, although I'd change this last statement- Too many people think that they need to keep one in the chamber for emergencies, but they don't realize that they are being ****g stupid. The only time that a handgun should have a round in the chamber is if it is in your hand and you are planning to shoot it immediately. Any time that you put the gun down, it should be cleared and then checked to ensure that it was cleared properly.

"Fox 8 reported that the family lives on a farm. The father had to put down an animal for some reason with the gun and placed the gun in the door of the truck and inadvertently forgot about it. That's how the baby got it."

That's no excuse. It's still poor gun safety. Even without a toddler in the vehicle. Hopefully the child will be okay and the father and others will learn from the incident.

"A unloaded gun is useless if you need to use it. What are you going to do ask the person attacking you to hold on so you can load your gun? Do you think the police carry with out having their gun loaded?"

An unchambered round does not equate to an unloaded gun. A round should never be left in the chamber of a gun. Even if I am handing someone a firearm that I have just cleared and know does not have a round in the chamber, I still removed the magazine, check for a round and then hand the individual the gun with the slide back so that they too know that they are being handed an unloaded weapon.

I don't know about you, but my handguns are kept loaded for accessibility in emergencies and unchambered for safety, but it would make virtually no difference if I were to need them because I make a point to practice chambering a round in the process of raising the weapon for defense. I worry far less about the half a second that it would take for me to chamber a round from a safe weapon than I do about the other 365.5 million seconds that the gun rested in an unsafe condition throughout each year.

"Joseph, I admit that I am ignorant on the subject of guns but isn't there a difference between a loaded gun and keeping one in the chamber??"

Yes. There is a major difference. In this case, it's the difference between a toddler with a hole in their chest or without a hole in their chest.


Posted 6:04 pm, 02/22/2017

This is clearly the parents fault. Yet, it could happen to almost any gun owner. Kids will be kids and we will be careless. It is amazing more kids are not shoot.

Joseph T.

Posted 5:58 pm, 02/22/2017


Posted 1:28 pm, 02/22/2017

A gun is considered loaded when it has a round in the chamber not when the magazine is inserted. It is possible to be loaded and not even have a magazine. Also no self-defense expert or trainer would suggest that you carry on a empty chamber when your life is in danger seconds count. in the time it takes you to rack a slide you can be shot or stabbed
I have a hard gun to rack.....so in an emergency I'm screwed if it's not ready once that safety comes off. I do not have children in the access area of my weapon....I've thought about a small revolver but you always go back to that instructor....never shoot a large caliber person with a small caliber weapon.

.....accidents happen, but it makes things a bit more real in ones back yard. Thats a mighty small feller to take a bullet like that, is but by the grace of God he didn't die instantly......keep up the fight lil dude.

I have one of those as well a 1911 with very stiff recoil springs I carry it ****ed and locked the way it was design to be carried.

I wonder if the dad is going to be charged for breaking the law?


Posted 5:25 pm, 02/22/2017

Great post, bobster! We have friends who educated their four children from a very early age regarding gun safety. Now they have three children as one has passed, the result of an accidental shooting with the one of the family guns at the age of 14.


Posted 4:41 pm, 02/22/2017

Cajahah (view profile)

Posted 1:53 pm, 02/22/2017

aFicIoNadoS (view profile)

Posted 9:16 pm, 02/21/2017

Yes. A two year old can comprehend don't touch

You obviously don't have children.

Two year old children learn by trial and error, these guys are just learning where to **** and piss. Telling a two year old not to touch something.....simply guarantee's that they will. The person who needed education about gun safety was the parent.


Posted 3:32 pm, 02/22/2017

Another in the long list of reasons guns should be banned and all of them destroyed.


Posted 1:59 pm, 02/22/2017


Posted 1:52 pm, 02/22/2017

A bit more real?

It's the NIMBY effect. As long as it happens elsewhere then it doesn't count.


Posted 1:53 pm, 02/22/2017

aFicIoNadoS (view profile)

Posted 9:16 pm, 02/21/2017

Yes. A two year old can comprehend don't touch

You obviously don't have children.

Two year old children learn by trial and error, these guys are just learning where to **** and piss. Telling a two year old not to touch something.....simply guarantee's that they will. The person who needed education about gun safety was the parent.


Posted 1:52 pm, 02/22/2017

A bit more real?


Posted 1:46 pm, 02/22/2017

It's not really an accident when you have a loaded weapon and a toddler in the same space with little to no supervision. It is basically a disaster just waiting to happen.

This happens on a weekly basis in our country. Sibling accidentally shots sibling. Child shots grandma. This is solely the parents fault and should be charged with child endangerment.


Posted 1:28 pm, 02/22/2017

A gun is considered loaded when it has a round in the chamber not when the magazine is inserted. It is possible to be loaded and not even have a magazine. Also no self-defense expert or trainer would suggest that you carry on a empty chamber when your life is in danger seconds count. in the time it takes you to rack a slide you can be shot or stabbed

I have a hard gun to rack.....so in an emergency I'm screwed if it's not ready once that safety comes off. I do not have children in the access area of my weapon....I've thought about a small revolver but you always go back to that instructor....never shoot a large caliber person with a small caliber weapon.

.....accidents happen, but it makes things a bit more real in ones back yard. Thats a mighty small feller to take a bullet like that, is but by the grace of God he didn't die instantly......keep up the fight lil dude.


Posted 12:49 pm, 02/22/2017

bobster123 (view profile)

Posted 11:40 pm, 02/21/2017

As a gun owner and a supporter of the 2nd Amendment, I believe if one has guns in the house with children, besides educating them on the use of guns, curiosity will overcome them at times and the guns should be made completely unavailable to children using a safe or some other means. Children can be expected to reason like an adult......with the exception that liberal adults can't reason.



It's horrible that Liberals don't need to brag about their guns.


Posted 12:47 pm, 02/22/2017

I removed several posts that were off topic and/or trolling.

sparkling water

Posted 7:47 am, 02/22/2017

Westend, you lifted thar comment from another thread.

Context matters.

You are a jerk.


Posted 7:34 am, 02/22/2017

Joseph T.

Posted 10:30 pm, 02/21/2017

By the way a clip and a magazine are not the same.



Posted 7:13 am, 02/22/2017

....judging from this statement, I guess you would say it is the toddlers fault for getting in the way of the bullet.

sparkling water (view profile)

Posted 5:06 pm, 02/19/2017

......"is at fault for interception of the bullet"


Posted 11:40 pm, 02/21/2017

As a gun owner and a supporter of the 2nd Amendment, I believe if one has guns in the house with children, besides educating them on the use of guns, curiosity will overcome them at times and the guns should be made completely unavailable to children using a safe or some other means. Children can be expected to reason like an adult......with the exception that liberal adults can't reason.


Posted 11:33 pm, 02/21/2017

I do carry a gun. I don't keep a round in the chamber. I realize that is placing my life in danger. I do that for you. I risk my life for you. That is probably a mistake. I think my guns are safe. I have owned guns since I was 10 years old. So far, I have never shot anyone that I didn't mean to shoot. Some of you shouldn't have guns. You are careless and dangerous. You don't realize how fast a misused gun can kill.

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