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To Go Wilkes

sparkling water

Posted 3:40 pm, 04/16/2018

I’m sure gonna miss that Old Bag.

Old lady

Posted 3:39 pm, 04/16/2018

Wrong again. Strong republican. i am through with all the people on this site trying to shut up people that do not share their views. My only regret is that I even opened the classifieds because I would never buy or sell on here anyway. But at least I will share my concerns with law enforcement and elected officials.

Ammunition, I can assure you that I have done more for Wilkes County than anyone you would know. Just remember , you never know who you are talking to on here......

I must say when you meet up with such hateful individuals as are most on this site, it makes you want to stop all charitable giving and supporting of all organizations. No wonder the number of supporters on this site has dropped.

Good bye Go Wilkes!!

sparkling water

Posted 3:35 pm, 04/16/2018

Whose old lady can 268 be?


Posted 3:30 pm, 04/16/2018

......old lady spells comeing and makeing the same way nc268 does. Not saying it's the same person, just suspicious.


Posted 3:28 pm, 04/16/2018

Just find it funny he/she is playing jury and judge based on "attitudes"

Joseph T.

Posted 3:23 pm, 04/16/2018

She is just another ignorant brain dead liberal who doesn't know what she is talking about and every time she posts she proves it.

sparkling water

Posted 3:17 pm, 04/16/2018



Posted 3:16 pm, 04/16/2018

Seems to me old lady just has a grudge against Wilkes county... this based on your last few statements


Posted 3:09 pm, 04/16/2018

First off guns dont kill people at all they can set for years. People kill people and miss use guns and you talk about 2nd amendment rights and the 1st amendment rights? If they take a way both of them how would you feel about it? Hitler when he was alive you could not own a gun if he was your leader. It is a sad day when it has come to this and you all aee how much more they will take from you


Posted 3:09 pm, 04/16/2018

" I know they are not following laws because of their attitudes "

Of course! She has solved the crimes! All through an analysis of someone's attitude! Brilliant!

old lady

Posted 3:06 pm, 04/16/2018

Just read the whole thread.

old lady

Posted 3:06 pm, 04/16/2018

I know they are not following laws because of their attitudes they are forcing down people throats. The sheriffs department should do some undercover work and just see who follows the laws.

And to the idiot stating if someone stole my guns and then I would be liable for crimes committed . I do not have a business that is promoting the sale of guns. That is the difference dumbie. With people like this, no wonder Wilkes County has no chances for new companies to locate here.


Posted 3:03 pm, 04/16/2018

how is your 1st ammendment right being infringed upon?

Can you even quote the Fisrt Ammendment? Even if it is a copy and paste...please post it and explain how your Freedom of Speech is being infringed upon?

Joseph T.

Posted 2:58 pm, 04/16/2018

Old lady (view profile)

Posted 2:50 pm, 04/16/2018

Go Wilkes stated that "he assumes" that the sellers on here will follow the laws. As I stated before, you can certainly tell that users and buyers and sellers on here are not following any laws.
Anyone comes into my house will certainly get what they deserve. Isn't it funny that users on here believe in the 2nd amendment, however, no respect for the 1st amendment . No freedom of speech on here.

How do you know that sellers aren't following the law have you tried to by a firearm from any of them? After seeing your post on here I doubt you even know what a seller is supposed to do according to the law. I have all kinds of respect for people using their first amendment rights until they try a use them to restrict peoples other rights or making false accusations. Please take you liberal leftist lies somewhere else unless you can prove that a law is being broken.

Old lady

Posted 2:50 pm, 04/16/2018

Go Wilkes stated that "he assumes" that the sellers on here will follow the laws. As I stated before, you can certainly tell that users and buyers and sellers on here are not following any laws.

Anyone comes into my house will certainly get what they deserve. Isn't it funny that users on here believe in the 2nd amendment, however, no respect for the 1st amendment . No freedom of speech on here.

sparkling water

Posted 1:36 pm, 04/16/2018

I think Old Lady is a Soros funded agent intending to wreak havok on our sacred Second Amendment rights.


Posted 12:29 pm, 04/16/2018

If someone breaks into Old Lady's home and steals her guns.The the thief goes out and robs a nearby dollar general with Old Lady's gun.She will be charged as an Accomplice in the robbery in her world.jmo.

Joseph T.

Posted 12:10 pm, 04/16/2018

I don't think there is a hard limit it depends on the mood of the ATF as to whether or not you are selling to make a profit

Gay Democrats Unite

Posted 11:03 am, 04/16/2018

isn't their a limit on the amount of guns a private seller can sell without a ffl?

sparkling water

Posted 10:42 am, 04/16/2018

Should the Justice Department appoint a Special Counsel to look into possible collusion between GW and second hand gun sellers to sell firearms at inflated prices?

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