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Then Satan is Chief king christian .


Posted 6:40 am, 02/18/2016

Is Jesus true to his word? Yes that makes christianity a Lie. Jesus said by Faith you are Saved. Satan is shining bright in the lives of his christian children. Repentance leads to forgiveness. Forgive to be forgiven. Learn from Jesus. It starts with acceptance in Faith in Jesus. Jesus is The Way.


Posted 7:32 am, 02/17/2016

John 18:35-37
The conditions for restoration and Blessing from the Lord
Deuteronomy 30
Jesus has the power to combat evil and win.
Join Jesus
John 8:31-32; 51
When you are weak he is strong.
Learn from Jesus.


Posted 9:32 am, 02/16/2016

? No Sin . Doing Wrong doesn't exist. Why do man have laws? Courts? What you are saying is , that only mans laws are what matters. Gods laws mean nothing. Well there is a God. And his Laws Are what matters. They offer LIFE . Yes I will obey mans laws until they go against the Teaching of Christ. Then I will choose Jesus and His Commandments over mans. LEARN FROM JESUS .what will a man give to save his soul?

ps. To be book smart y'all are. But y'all folks are ignorant when it comes to The Holy Book. But your jew brother can't see either. As you know they too rejected Jesus.


Posted 3:06 am, 02/16/2016

Sin doesn't exist. It is a subjective human concept. Religion as the mindless know it today is slowly fading out of existence as true knowledge exponentially spreads to the masses at accelerated rates never witnessed by mankind.


Posted 1:50 am, 02/16/2016

Does TRUTH not matter? Believing is the begin. Have Faith in Jesus. Be an Overvcomer. Jesus said, Why do you hold on to your religion when you have power to walk in Faith with Jesus. Receive the Holy Spirit and Live. You christian repentance leads to Salvation. Have Faith. Jesus said. Love me keep my Laws. Hear Jesus. John 8:51


Posted 12:15 pm, 02/14/2016

What sin are you trying to convict me of? Have I sinned against God yes I Have. But to sin after Finding Truth. I pray the Lord will in time of temptation deliver me from temptation. Jesus has the Power and I carry The Power with me. In my Heart are His words. Jesus is Lord.. Find Truth. Can I sin. I could but why should I. I dont need fleshly lust to make my day when I have Jesus.


Posted 12:07 pm, 02/14/2016

Are you sinless? Of you say Jesus allows you to follow him then he will allow other sinners to follow him.


Posted 11:32 am, 02/14/2016

Same words Jesus told the self righteous jews( who are not Hebrew read Ezra Nehemiah Isaiah Jeremiah ) you do whatever man tells you but to hear the Word of God you don't hear but keep your Self righteous Laws and Traditions doing away with The Ten Commandments. In The Is Life. Luke 18:18-20 Jesus said if you can't stop stealing cut your hand off If you can't stop yourself from earthly lust do what Jesus said to do. Satan get behind me. You got control in The Name of Jesus.Have Faith in His Words which will deliver you from the jaws of death. You christian blaspheme The Holy Spirit by saying Christ allows Sin . Jesus destroys Evil. Mark 10:29-31 . Stand up for Truth or die the second death. Have Faith Luke 8:48 Jesus is Lord. Ruler of His People.


Posted 9:32 am, 02/14/2016

Jesus is the way. Every knee will bow. Now the thing for you to do is accept the gift he has for you and quit trying to earn it by your febble effort of keeping laws and rules and so-called holy days.


Posted 8:58 am, 02/14/2016

What did Jesus say? Matthew 12:46-50 Who are is Kin? Verse 50 Those that does what? If you have been reading scripture John 6:28-29 if you care to read on continue with the chapter and if you have the heart to hear. You will begin to understand. Jesus is The Only Way.As I said before your self made grace can't save you. You knee will bow. If you continue in sin you are a servant of sin. Jesus died that you may live. His Words will Save you. But if you dont have Faith you recirve no Grace to keep you Free. Again Please read John 12:44-50 John 14 Jesus is The Savior John 8:51


Posted 8:28 am, 02/14/2016

The Saviour was sent to repair the relationship between his people and God the Father. He took our sins out of the way thereby allowing us to have that close relationship that he wanted with us from the beginning. We are not servants trying to earn something from him. We are sons and daughters. Hebrews 3 and 4 talks about us entering into the rest that God has for us. You can enter that rest through Christ whereby we can call him Father.


Posted 8:19 am, 02/14/2016

I'm not the one that put TRUST in traditions of man. Jesus said. I am the Way. Why can't you just accept Jesus at his Words. Your knee will bow before him. His Words that he taught is Salvation. Open your heart. Jeremiah 31:31-35


Posted 7:20 am, 02/14/2016

You might want to do a little studying about self righteousness cause you sure seem like you have a good dose of it.


Posted 6:59 am, 02/14/2016

Scripture Luke 11:14-28 Mark 7: 18-23 Matthew 18. Paul Peter Paul James all were teaching The Good News A Way of Life. Matthew 19:16-19 Matthew 15:16-20 Jesus came for the lost and Sinner not the self righteous.


Posted 6:34 am, 02/14/2016

What have the works the Acts the deeds of the Apostles the ones sent.. They show how they started spreading The Good News about Jesus. And how Satan entered. John tell you that if they were part of Christ they would still be in The Way and not christian. Have any of you christians every make a Promise with someone? How about making a contract between 2 Parties? Jesus came into the World to tell of Eternal Life that man can recirve IF THEY Return to the teaching of The Father. You were instilled embedded with Gods Laws at birth. Contrary to being born in sin. You were born into a sinful world but the child is not sin.Now a house that has 2 teachers can't Stand. You can't have Faith in Jesus and His Good News listening to man.Again Jesus died giving you Life . Hear him.


Posted 11:28 pm, 02/13/2016

Okay Mikey read Acts chapter 11 and what does it say in verse 26. And read Acts chapter 26 and what does it say in verse 28. Disciples was called Christians. Paul had no issue with the word Christian why do you. Like I keep telling you what some have done in the name of Christianity is not what real Christianity is about. You are making blanket statements you're being what year complaining about.

believer in god

Posted 11:07 pm, 02/13/2016

My Jesus can beat up all of you all's fake Jesus-es. He is the true Jesus and all others except mine are not the real one. When the real Jesus speaks to me I will deliver his message to everyone.

Shintaro Katsu's Walking Stick

Posted 10:03 pm, 02/13/2016

You got the part about it starting in Antioch right. The rest of your statement is wrong. What kind of church do you affiliate with?


Posted 8:55 pm, 02/13/2016

Sorry sparkey My ticket is marked the kingdom of Heaven bought and paid for by the Lord Jesus.


Posted 8:53 pm, 02/13/2016

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