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Thematic element


Posted 2:27 pm, 07/28/2016

Heh. That was a good line.


Posted 2:26 pm, 07/28/2016

shouldawouldacoulda (view profile)

Posted 1:51 pm, 07/28/2016

Why does KKKonrad need another new screen name?

Here's a thought: what if posts and threads are deleted because you're attacking somebody, and it's not based on politics at all? Ooohh, aaahh, shocking!

On a bogus thread about money for meth this appeared and was duly reported, yet your lack of action continues to allow this abusive behavior.


Posted 1:59 pm, 07/28/2016

I'm not weighing in to defend Thematic Element, as I suspect he's pushed the limits with Jason to an extent. Perhaps he's earned his "hundreds of banishments", I dunno. A few of the examples of his "trolling" in this thread seem fairly specious to me, especially compared to some others.

The examples of recent posts were removed have never caused him to be suspended. They only caused the posts to be either removed by a moderator, or flagged by the automatic filters.

Suspending someone is pretty rare for me, and only occurs once I'm 100% positive that their only intent is to hurt the website. Which he has proven, over and over, using previous usernames.

But I'm also positive that no one should be punished forever. From my experience, people eventually grow up and stop trying to attack people, so I regularly lift these suspensions and give those users another chance. Which is why you're seeing him post today.

Twitter also unfairly applies their rules to skew the conversation to their political leanings.

That's an interesting opinion, albeit false. Less than a week ago, someone was accusing me of skewing conversations the other direction:

Here's a thought: what if posts and threads are deleted because you're attacking somebody, and it's not based on politics at all? Ooohh, aaahh, shocking!


Posted 12:42 pm, 07/28/2016

Twitter isn't operated by the government, precious. Neither is Go Wilkes. So they set specific rules you must follow. On Twitter, for instance, if you're a disgusting, filthy racist, you may get banned. Hello, Milo!

You are so dumb.


Posted 11:27 am, 07/28/2016

Great analogy there, swcy. Twitter also unfairly applies their rules to skew the conversation to their political leanings.


Posted 8:56 am, 07/28/2016

Twitter and Go Wilkes have rules. If you don't follow the rules, you get banned.

Why is this difficult to understand?


Posted 8:00 am, 07/28/2016

Found a few minutes to play the interwebz thing, and just saw this video. It reminded me of the circumstance here in the GoWilkes community voice forum.

I'm not weighing in to defend Thematic Element, as I suspect he's pushed the limits with Jason to an extent. Perhaps he's earned his "hundreds of banishments", I dunno. A few of the examples of his "trolling" in this thread seem fairly specious to me, especially compared to some others.

However, if he's been banned even once, there are a couple of characters who exhibit zero redeeming value, but continue with impunity. One is what I've heard called a "concern troll": posting benign-sounding rhetorical questions such as "why are the people who aren't like me so evil?" just to start a flame war. And the other I call the crop duster, who enjoys following a few others around and spraying everything they have to say with his stink. Like a kid who knows he's beyond discipline, and goes around sneezing on the buffet. Just to poison that buffet for everyone else.

I like the pool table in bar analogy, too. I just don't think the bartender minds the urine of some, as much as others.

The video... I don't agree with Milo's, um, lifestyle. And so, I'm not a fan. I am a fan of David Wood. I think this video's subject (Milo's banishment from Twitter) parallels this very discussion very closely. I hope the moderator agrees. Thankee.


Posted 3:13 pm, 07/27/2016

It appears that the purpose of this thread is completed. It's not intended to be an all-purpose "attack Jason" thread, nor is it intended to be a thread where Thematic can post whatever gets filtered in other threads. So I'm now replacing Thematic's general filters on this thread.


Posted 1:54 pm, 07/27/2016

Thematic, you seem like a reasonably intelligent person, so I'm sure you understand this. Jason told you before that you have a lot of filters in place because of trolling and attacking people. So you really can't be surprised when you have posts to flag.

Why don't you just stop trying to attack people? I mean, if nobody else has a problem but you, then the problem is you. That should be obvious, right?


Posted 5:41 pm, 07/25/2016

Has there ever been anything on this site funnier than Ellie's Go Wilkes/White House conspiracy theory?


Posted 4:14 pm, 07/25/2016

Thematic has a pretty funny way of looking at things.

He asks Jason a question. If Jason doesn't answer then he's dodging the question. If he does then he's "spinning his defenses." So basically, no matter what he does you're going to whine about it.

Thematic element

Posted 3:28 pm, 07/25/2016

We'uns otter be lucky Jason only beheads us in cyber space, eh?

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 3:28 pm, 07/25/2016

for a guy that made this about jason being a white house operative, my thoughts are not out of line at all

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 3:27 pm, 07/25/2016

i have no idea what you mean. are you accusing me of whining?????? has anyone ever seen that?

do you really think i care if someone agrees with me or not?

Thematic element

Posted 3:27 pm, 07/25/2016

emo's conclusion: complaining about gowilkes is racist? Wow.

That's a knee-slapper, even for you.


Posted 3:26 pm, 07/25/2016

Elmo has her own little whinefest with Jason everytime someone offends her on a thread. Now ain't that right, Elmo?

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 3:21 pm, 07/25/2016

brown/black people are told that if they just obey the rules, they wouldn't get shot. white people naturally assume when they are shot they are a criminal or thug

white people (GW posters) are told that if they just obey the rules, they wouldn't get banned or flagged. when banned or flagged, white people whine on for days and days screaming about how the system is biased. they are oppressed and not allowed to voice their opinions. they carry on day in and day out .... but continue to disobey the rules and blame it on some conspiracy theory.

get over it .... at least you lived another day to carry on your whinefest


Posted 2:32 pm, 07/25/2016

Jason, give yourself a raise.


Posted 2:29 pm, 07/25/2016

Most legit forums have special subsections where folks experiencing problems with the site or policies, can get their questions resolved. Openly.

You'll recall what I told you on 7/18/16 at 6:16pm, in this thread:

As I told you by PM, you haven't asked me any questions. But, as I said by PM, you're welcome to create a new thread and ask whatever you like.

No one has ever requested a whole new section just for site questions. I could create one if it were necessary, but I really don't know what the point would be when you could just ask here.

Further, I daresay that if I did have such a section, you would complain when I moved your questions over there, claiming that I'm doing it so no one would see them.

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