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Thematic element

Thematic element

Posted 4:27 pm, 07/24/2016

Connect the dots, folks.

The moderator says the only way to resolve questions, is via PM or reporting.

Yet at the same time, says "You have to understand that right now, as I'm typing, I have 2,110 unread PMs, and another 1,099 emails in my Inbox."

I guess one way to look at it, is that Jason is the most popular guy in the county. Add another self-congratulatory accolade to his profile, eh?

Or, he's created a bureaucratic mess that is utterly broken.


Posted 4:18 pm, 07/24/2016

Jason, oh Jason PLEASE use your magical anylitics and show how many threads were created in the last, say, six months by conservative posters as opposed to liberal posters. And use their multiple screen names, too!!

Thematic element

Posted 3:51 pm, 07/24/2016

Furthermore, Jason is absolutely lying about the flagged posts. Not the first time, eh? A number of purely cut and paste news articles (on topic) deleted for no earthly reason. that's the REASON for the comments in the first place. If it's not intentional lying on his part, maybe just a reflection of crappy software that makes some posts irretrievably lost. Sounds kinda like the Hillary email fiasco.


Posted 3:44 pm, 07/24/2016

Go Wilkes, the next time you see President Obama while discussing how to keep Ellie's patriotism under wraps, tell him I said "Hi."

I'm a big fan.

Thematic element

Posted 3:42 pm, 07/24/2016

Jason, how, exactly would you characterize the group that often talks about casting spells, occultic fortune telling, and riding brooms around in the sky? Not to mention taking EVERY opportunity to trash Christianity (without any moderator constraints whatsoever), in numerous threads, for years? These are their own words and actions, not mine.


Posted 3:14 pm, 07/24/2016

Thematic element

Well, I see that the deleter in charge has been busy overnight.
Axing my perfectly innocent, and on-topic posts

Here are all of the posts you had removed yesterday:


Three news articles blocked. Why?

(This post was obviously off topic for the thread. If you have a question for me, you should send it by Private Message instead of trying to take the thread off topic.)


Let's take up a collection, send Ja $ on, to programmer school?

(Obviously trolling and off topic)


Meanwhile, perfectly innocuous posts continue to get deleted by Kim Jong Carleton, at a furious pace, for no apparent reason other than to protect his chosen clique.

(Obviously trolling and off topic)


Text of this article blocked. Why?

(Again, if you have a question for me, you should send it by Private Message instead of trying to take the thread off topic.)


Another news link no libturd will ever read...



Sanders Fans Plan...
DNC 'Fart-In' Protest ...

(These were two posts in a row. You had a post to flag, and you were trying to find the word or phrase that caused it.)


Some familiar faces?
[youtube link]

(You're always trying to troll specific people and accuse them of being in a "coven", so there are obviously filters in place to prevent it. Since I don't allow you to do that, you've been trying to get around the filter by following them from thread to thread and linking Youtube videos about witches.


Folks, here we see the kind of mindless gutter trash that Jason has aided and abetted all these years.
Circling the bowl, day after day after day.



As you can see, none of those posts were "innocent", "on topic", or "conservative".


He says that Thematic is the only one who has voiced concerns, and I find that impossible to believe.

I do not recall saying that in this thread. IMO, Thematic element has not actually voiced any concerns to be addressed, he has only made false accusations and tried to insult me.

If there is such a thing as "trolling", there are two dictionary-definition examples that continue in this forum with impunity. If there are written rules against it, those rules are not being applied to these obvious repeat-offenders. So, yes, there does seem to be a double standard at work here.

This is the definition that we use:

5. What is a ''troll''?
The term "troll" is often used to refer to someone that makes a series of posts for no reason but to start an argument. It is often difficult to determine whether a post is a troll, but we generally will remove a post if that's what it appears to be.


We have never moderated with too heavy of a hand; it has always been my belief that changing minds requires a free discussion. We only step in when the trolling distracts from the topic.

For example, a post that says "you're an idiot" may be removed for trolling (assuming it's reported or seen by a moderator). However, a post that says "you're an idiot, gun control is wrong because..." would not be.


If you're a regular patron at a bar and you develop a habit of pissing on the pool table after having a few too many drinks, you're probably going to find that, if you're not altogether banned from the premises, the bartender will start to limit the amount of drinks that you are served. In doing so, they're not really trying to keep you from drinking. They're just trying to keep you from pissing on the pool table. A lot of peeps on this site really like to piss on the pool table.

That may very well be the best analogy I've ever read on this topic. I'm going to save that for future reference


Posted 2:52 pm, 07/24/2016

"The faction that loves to shout down its opposition, works that isolation angle also. Just because Thematic doesn't have a dozen ditto-heads and/or sock-puppets, doesn't mean he's the only one dissatisfied with the quality of discourse."

I think that you'd find that several users that probably stand in contrast to your views have posts flagged from time to time. I know that I do. I know that others do. As for the "quality of discourse," the "quality" is probably one of the reasons for the flags that go up. Throwing insults and derogatory terms around with the purpose of insulting others is defined as "quality discourse" for many users herein.

I'm certainly not innocent of wrongdoing in this arena, but I know that there are far worse offenders than I that would complain freely about being flagged for engaging in such activity. If you're a regular patron at a bar and you develop a habit of pissing on the pool table after having a few too many drinks, you're probably going to find that, if you're not altogether banned from the premises, the bartender will start to limit the amount of drinks that you are served. In doing so, they're not really trying to keep you from drinking. They're just trying to keep you from pissing on the pool table. A lot of peeps on this site really like to piss on the pool table.

Jesse Holmes

Posted 2:46 pm, 07/24/2016

Who cares what you and django think major? I know I don't. When you two are done crying to your mommies you can hit the road. Take your sense of entitlement with you.


Posted 2:44 pm, 07/24/2016

Between springy and thematic you both keep saying the same bs about how Jason is so unfair and some B's about its a witches coven. Why don't both of you put your heads together start a website and be Jason's competition I mean it's pretty dang simple you both can have whatever rules you want so until then stop belly aching and either play by the rules or go play someplace else.


Posted 2:35 pm, 07/24/2016

I've been very busy and away from my desk, but have to agree with Thematic. The last thing I did, or one of the last things before my hiatus, was to directly make note to the forum's owner (Jason) more evidence of consistently bad behavior. We've exchanged several messages on the topic. The most-recent efforts on my part have not earned a response.

He says that Thematic is the only one who has voiced concerns, and I find that impossible to believe.

Antithesis- "If no one else is having a problem, then the problem is you."

The faction that loves to shout down its opposition, works that isolation angle also. Just because Thematic doesn't have a dozen ditto-heads and/or sock-puppets, doesn't mean he's the only one dissatisfied with the quality of discourse.

Thematic- "Meanwhile, napalm boy and his cohorts have been roaming freely for years. Despite reporting of his activities, which proved to be an utter waste of effort. Anyone gonna characterize his contributions as honest discussion? You must be kidding."

If there is such a thing as "trolling", there are two dictionary-definition examples that continue in this forum with impunity. If there are written rules against it, those rules are not being applied to these obvious repeat-offenders. So, yes, there does seem to be a double standard at work here.

And that's too bad.


Posted 2:32 pm, 07/24/2016

Let's pretend that all of your accusations and perceived slights are true. Let's assume that Jason is just carving out your posts for his unadulterated amusement. Let's pretend that there is a massive conspiracy that Jason is a part of. Let's pretend that all of your whining and complaining is completely justified and validated. Let's pretend...

With all of these things being true, what does it say about you that you continue to post? I mean, if I go to McDonald's, order and pay for a cheeseburger and they give me a cup of hot mud from a Floridian swamp, I'm going to be upset. I'm going to voice my concerns. I'm going to make my problem known. However, if I keep going back to the same McDonald's and repeating the same process over and over again, maybe it's prudent to conclude that I'm a grumpy person that seeks out something to complain about. At a certain point, you're no longer going to McDonald's to get a cheeseburger. You're going to get the swamp mud so that you can complain about it. At a certain point, it should be clear that you are unhappy with your experience because you actually chose the unhappy experience from your personal experience menu.

You say that Jason continually breaks your stones- that he has "banished" you "hundreds of times." If this is true, what does it say about you that you keep coming back? I can honestly say that it wouldn't take too many banishments for me to tell Jason to just stay banished by my own choosing. I mean, you complain once to voice your concern. Twice to show that there is a pattern. But as the number start piling up, sooner or later you're the one putting yourself in the position to be offended. Why? Because if your weren't offended, you wouldn't have enough to *****, whine and complain about.

Thematic element

Posted 2:25 pm, 07/24/2016

This was the innocuous, and on topic post, that Jason just flagged on the anti-police thread. Anyone care to state why? Aside from an underlying bias?

Philadelphia's police union issued a scathing rebuke of Hillary Clinton for including relatives of victims of police shootings at the Democratic National Convention but no relatives of slain police officers.

Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 5 said in a statement that it was "insulted by the exclusion of police widows and family members" as speakers at the convention, from Monday to next Thursday.

"It is sad that to win an election Mrs. Clinton must pander to the interests of people who do not know all the facts, while the men and women they seek to destroy are outside protecting the political institutions of this country," the statement read. "Mrs. Clinton you should be ashamed of yourself if that is possible."


Posted 2:20 pm, 07/24/2016


Posted 2:17 pm, 07/24/2016

No, no, Ellie. I think you're onto something. You'll really hate yourself if you don't follow through with a thorough investigation into the Go Wilkes/White House link.

Tell us what you find, Patriot!!

Thematic element

Posted 2:14 pm, 07/24/2016

Like most of the drones on here like yourself, they are self-appointed water carriers.


Posted 2:04 pm, 07/24/2016

Go Wilkes is an arm of the White House?

Oh, my.

Thematic element

Posted 1:19 pm, 07/24/2016

Interestingly, one of the links talked about fakebook silencing conservatives...

Why do liberals hate freedom?

Thematic element

Posted 1:17 pm, 07/24/2016

I'd like to discuss, but you-know-who just took his virtual machete to three innocuous news links.


Posted 11:39 am, 07/24/2016

I knew it!

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 11:26 am, 07/24/2016

for cryin' out loud ...Jason is now a White House operative


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