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the wall


Posted 11:02 am, 07/29/2021

Reagan was a third rate actor that played in second rate B movies and brought all his skills to DC.


Posted 10:53 am, 07/29/2021

Now Foxy is saying Reagan wasn't a conservative.

Holy $**#. She's insane.


Posted 10:50 am, 07/29/2021

anti, you said "we had no legal right to take their land" when the hull did that syop us?


Posted 11:21 pm, 07/28/2021

The most religious are the least compassionate. Funny how that works


Posted 9:13 pm, 07/28/2021

If I remember correctly both of the were Republicans, maybe not conservatives but yes, Republicans


Posted 6:15 pm, 07/28/2021

Fox, are you saying Reagan and HW were democrats?


Posted 5:47 pm, 07/28/2021

Not to mention all of the reservations along the border... we have no legal right to take their land to build a wall, or to impose our laws on them.

The whole concept was just a very expensive attempt to excite the more ignorant. Everyone could see that it was a bad idea that would never work.

I fully support Reagan's plan at this point, it still makes the most economic sense.


Posted 5:29 pm, 07/28/2021

also what trumpbo never thought about was all the natvie american burial grounds along to boarder.. that in its self is illegal to desecrate a grave. The wall was never really thought out.. it was a thrown together program that would never really work!!


Posted 5:16 pm, 07/28/2021

foxnit you're free to disappear from GW for the rest of your lifetime.


Posted 5:13 pm, 07/28/2021

I think we have seen enough Democrat solutions in the past 6 months to last us a lifetime


Posted 5:02 pm, 07/28/2021

Reagan and HW both pushed for opening the border to workers, give them a work visa, allowing them to travel back and forth at will. That way they don't need to break the law to get work and they're free to keep the family in their home country. I think it would be worth a try.

Let the families come visit if they want but don't let them all move here permanently. Or let a certain amount move here permanently.


Posted 5:01 pm, 07/28/2021

It is what we did with the Chinese and the Irish.


Posted 5:01 pm, 07/28/2021


Literally the only reason I've heard in opposition is racism... they just don't want more brown people here


Posted 4:58 pm, 07/28/2021

There's another upside to your theory anti, so many of these immigrants work hard at the menial jobs and save to send their kids to college, as a nation we have to benefit.


Posted 4:30 pm, 07/28/2021

Thanks, Centurion

My logic comes from the simple fact that, somewhere around 2012, the US hit a milestone where we have more jobs available than we have people to fill them. These jobs are mostly in manual labor, pay minimum wage, and require no education.

We can let a lot of farms relocate to other countries to fill the labor, but then we'll lose their tax revenue and deal with imported food with lower USDA standards. But there's no way that we can relocate our construction and janitorial jobs.

So our option is to either do without, or import.

Right now it costs about $10,000 for an immigrant to come here legally, and only the rich people in Mexico or Central American can come up with that kind of money. But we don't NEED more CEOs... we need ditch diggers. And that's going to be the poor people.

As a nation, we need to set our general racism aside and just look at the numbers. We have jobs available that we don't want, they have people that need jobs. It seems simple to me...


Posted 4:01 pm, 07/28/2021

Not too shabby anti I see a lot of reason in your suggestion, thanks for being constructive makes a refreshing change.


Posted 3:57 pm, 07/28/2021

I merely suggested a better way to prevent and/or return Illegals. If you've any better ideas let's hear 'em.

I think that I do...

Free immigration. No charge at all to come in, and no charge to renew the visa. And a Constitutional amendment to prevent this from being reversed every election, so that immigrants aren't afraid to renew their visa.

This is different from open borders in that we would still vet every single immigrant that comes in. But we divert the billions being spent on a wall to hiring more immigration judges so that they can be processed in a few days, instead of it taking several years.

Then after a reasonable period (probably 4 years), we have a zero-tolerance policy for illegal immigrants and deport them.


Posted 2:08 pm, 07/28/2021

Y'all are putting whatever spin suits your politics with phoney statistics and erroneous information. I merely suggested a better way to prevent and/or return Illegals. If you've any better ideas let's hear 'em. Walls don't work that was just Trump's attempt to build himself a legacy.


Posted 1:49 pm, 07/28/2021

You mean last year?

That was after a downward trend that began in 2005, and was closer to 300,000 from 2009-2018.

So what happened in 2019 and 2020 that caused such an increase?

Obviously the solution isn't a wall, when it was so much lower before. We need to figure out what happened in 2018 to cause the increase, and fix that.

What the GOP is suggesting is a permanent "solution" to an obviously temporary problem... a very expensive solution that will have no impact on the 700,000 annual overstays, and is easily circumvented.


Posted 1:37 pm, 07/28/2021

Somebody needs to tell the border agents then. Somehow they thought over a million have crossed the Rio Grande into the US this year. Boy they sure can't count. (or)

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