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The Polls Show Trump Cannot Win in 20.

uncle jesse

Posted 2:43 pm, 06/16/2019

Hey look the polls showed he wasn't going to win in 2016 either


Posted 9:35 pm, 06/15/2019

TSinNgerT, what "history" will Trump make? Biggest BS'r in US history?


Posted 6:02 pm, 06/15/2019

Hey! We need a live corespondent to report back to GoWilkes! What do you say, this n...I mean, singer? Want to head to Florida?


Posted 5:58 pm, 06/15/2019

Ticket request top 100,000. All Day Trump Fest kicking off Trump's reelection.

And the dems and media are already telling people the same thing they told before., 'size of crowds don't matter".' They've seen Trump's crowds, and they've seen that the dems can't draw any more than Hillary could.
It's Da Ja Vu all over again.

The campaign is promising food trucks, live music and giant screen TVs to watch Trump’s speech. 45 Fest will start at 10 a.m. EDT, with the President not set to take the stage indoors until 8 p.m.

Text of the campaign press release:

New York, NY �" Today, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. announced the inaugural “45 Fest” at the site of the Make America Great Again rally at the Amway Center in Orlando, Florida on Tuesday, June 18, where President Trump will announce his second term presidential run along with First Lady Melania Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, and Second Lady Karen Pence.

The campaign’s 45 Fest will take place beginning at 10:00 am EDT and will feature food trucks, live music courtesy of “The Guzzlers”, big screens to see President Trump’s speech, and more.

“The President’s historic announcement of his second term presidential run has already generated tens of thousands of ticketing requests and will draw an enormous crowd,” said Michael Glassner, Chief Operating Officer of Donald J, Trump for President, Inc. “That’s why we’ve organized our first 45 Fest outside the Amway Center. We’ll have delicious food, live music, big screens, and a great time for all of our guests. Inside and out, the excitement at this Trump rally will be something to remember as President Trump makes history.”

The Amway Center has posted a special page for the Trump rally with answers to key FAQs. Please read carefully if you plan to attend.


Posted 9:25 am, 06/15/2019

Honey, Sparkling is being sarcastic.



Posted 9:09 am, 06/15/2019

LMAO I almost thought it was 2016 again with the "He has no chance!". and the "No way he will possibly win!" rubbish of those times. The so called experts continue to do nothing but prove that the word "expert" is a synonym for . But keep on with your "He can't win!" again and the "He doesn't stand a chance". I love it when the liberals practice Einstein's definition of insanity: continuing to do the same thing expecting a different result. Keep it up s lol.


Posted 8:49 am, 06/15/2019

Emp’s faith in the Russians never wavers.

Kinda sweet.


Posted 8:48 am, 06/15/2019

Most of the American people are smarter than given credit for. I am even pleasantly surprized! So glad to be living in the USA!


Posted 8:44 am, 06/15/2019

Beware of those who try to convince you it's hopeless with fake poles, etc. I know Trump will win the next presidential election no matter what is implied.


Posted 10:10 pm, 06/13/2019

TNT, nice of you to show up and pour out your heartfelt gibberish.


Posted 7:40 pm, 06/13/2019

Trump gave the dems and the media some temporary fodder today with his comments to G. Stepho.

They still have no idea what he has done to them. He has set them up, and they joyfully walked right into it.

Some writers get it, and are writing about how he duped the dems and the media again.

I wonder how long it will take GW libs to figure out what the 'Extremely Stable genius' has done to them.

He knew the media would go crazy, and of course they reacted just like Trump wrote in the script. They've been at it all day from every corner. They're all OUTRAGED.

Seems they've overlooked the 'investigation of the investigators' going on that will prove that not only did Clinton and Obama collude with Russia.. They paid millions for lies about Trump, and spied on, and unmasked hundreds of Americans.

So what they are so outraged about today,, they will suddenly go silent about when they facts hit Hillary and Obama. But they're already trapped and on record, OUTRAGED that Trump 'just might listen'.

Have you heard? The investigation involves more than what we've heard for a year. Not just the DOJ, and FBI, the investigation is already on the trail of the criminals in Obama's STATE DEPT.

I can hear the sound of millions of American's voices, who are sick of the lies and the hoaxes, growing louder and louder, .. demanding... What did Obama know, and when did he know it".. And of course we all know he was the very POTUS Page was speaking of in her tweet to Strozk>> "POTUS wants to know everything we're doing".

But today they're outraged.. This is gonna be delicious for all Trump supporters.

PS... Do you think Trump didn't know that G. Step is a Obama and Hillary puppet?

Tomorrow he will be on Fox and Friends by phone taking it to the next act in a very long saga that will be performed for the next two years, and more, as we watch the dems and the media making excuses for their part in just one more "Obama scandal" of which there are many.

However, this Obama scandal is being called, 'the greatest political scandal in American History". And Barr has already moved to investigating the STATE DEPARTMENT.

That's Obama's legacy.

sparkling water

Posted 2:38 pm, 06/12/2019

Even now, we are deciding who we will collude with to win the Lectric Collage.
At the moment, leading contenders are Iceland and India.
You leftists are so screwed.


Posted 2:29 pm, 06/12/2019

I hope he isn't re elected


Posted 1:44 pm, 06/12/2019

And Hillary is President. lol


Posted 12:56 pm, 06/12/2019

Do you think that Uncle Joe is Biden his time or wasting his time??


Posted 12:28 pm, 06/12/2019

that is the samething the "polls" said last time.....

sparkling water

Posted 12:23 pm, 06/12/2019

Maniacal Laughter

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