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The Dems are really confused now


Posted 9:40 am, 02/15/2019

There are parts of the Green New Deal that would work. Why doesn't this country invest more in the rail system? Why do we feel the need to drive an hour to the airport to take a flight that last an hour and a half, when we could get on a train. People don't use the train system because we suck.

We use our size as a reason not to do so much.


Posted 9:35 am, 02/15/2019

Jimbojolly (view profile)

Posted 7:16 am, 02/15/2019

So you say it's the Green New Deal. Even though you don't have a problem with it destroying the country, explain in detail what it is, how it works, how it will destroy America.
There is no one who can explain this , not even the people who are pushing it. One thing is clear everything that you are for is destructive for our country. You are really not very intelligent, I have noticed you have to have a front to follow, and most of what you seem to be for are far left liberal socialist ideas. That in itself will put you and me on different sides.Your ideas will not really affect me as much as it will you, it being like cutting your nose off to spite your own face, a little crazy to me , and I really wonder why some people do things like that, probably need some guidance they have miss out on along the way. It is your life to live so do the best you can with it.


Posted 9:01 am, 02/15/2019

She's been in office 6 weeks and the Republicans can't stop talking about her. Fox is giving her so much air time she'll get to sue them soon for sexual harassment in the work place.

Mighty Moose

Posted 8:13 am, 02/15/2019

AOC is a wrecking ball within the Democratic Party


Posted 7:16 am, 02/15/2019

1047pm (view profile)

Posted 11:02 pm, 02/14/2019

Jimbojolly (view profile)

Posted 10:15 pm, 02/14/2019

OK genius, tell us in detail what she "laid on the table." No babbling, no changing the subject, no fake preaching.
You mean you still don't know?? I will give you a hint , it was green.
So you say it's the Green New Deal. Even though you don't have a problem with it destroying the country, explain in detail what it is, how it works, how it will destroy America.


Posted 11:29 pm, 02/14/2019

I don't have a problem with you destroying the country, I have lived through hard times and I know how to survive, But you and others like you are too soft and would be crying for help, so go ahead shoot yourself in the foot and then you can hobble around moaning and crying.


Posted 11:18 pm, 02/14/2019

The reason dems are so confused is that the extreme far left socialist want to destroy this country and drive it back to the stone ages, and we have some nuts like you that agree with that.


Posted 11:13 pm, 02/14/2019

antithesis (view profile)

Posted 10:18 pm, 02/14/2019

But again, that really has nothing to do with Amazon pulling the HQ2 from New York, so let's please stay on topic.
Low unemployment rates had nothing to do with Amazon deciding to pull out of NY. It was socialist politicians that fought off a company that would have brought high paying jobs and billions in tax revenue for NY.
just ask the Governor of NY.


Posted 11:02 pm, 02/14/2019

Jimbojolly (view profile)

Posted 10:15 pm, 02/14/2019

OK genius, tell us in detail what she "laid on the table." No babbling, no changing the subject, no fake preaching.

You mean you still don't know?? I will give you a hint , it was green.


Posted 10:18 pm, 02/14/2019

1047, the unemployment rate has been going down steadily since October 2009, it has nothing to do with the current administration (except to say that he hasn't broken it yet):

But again, that really has nothing to do with Amazon pulling the HQ2 from New York, so let's please stay on topic.


Posted 10:15 pm, 02/14/2019

OK genius, tell us in detail what she "laid on the table." No babbling, no changing the subject, no fake preaching.


Posted 10:13 pm, 02/14/2019

antithesis (view profile)

Posted 10:05 pm, 02/14/2019

Hey, I would love to have one of those Amazon jobs paying AT LEAST $115,000, with $150,00 being the average.
Where did you see the "at least $115,000" statement? I had read that the average was to be $150,000, but with the CEO making $1.68 million, that really throws off the averages.

Other notable points:

1. With a jobless rate of 3%, Long Island doesn't have 25,000 unemployed people that would qualify for those jobs. So it wouldn't have been 25,000 new jobs, it would have just been taking employees from other existing companies that can't compete with a company that's paying salaries with tax money.
Trumps policies for the economy are working just fine, look at that jobless rate


Posted 10:05 pm, 02/14/2019

Hey, I would love to have one of those Amazon jobs paying AT LEAST $115,000, with $150,00 being the average.

Where did you see the "at least $115,000" statement? I had read that the average was to be $150,000, but with the CEO making $1.68 million, that really throws off the averages.

Other notable points:

1. With a jobless rate of 3%, Long Island doesn't have 25,000 unemployed people that would qualify for those jobs. So it wouldn't have been 25,000 new jobs, it would have just been taking employees from other existing companies that can't compete with a company that's paying salaries with tax money.

2. Amazon wasn't planning to "trickle" the jobs in over 12 years, so it would have been the government literally paying 100% of the salaries for those jobs.

3. The economic impact would have just made it more expensive for the other people that lived there, causing a surge in the cost of living for the lower and middle class while the businesses competing for employees would have to leave or die.


Posted 8:57 pm, 02/14/2019

Jimbojolly (view profile)

Posted 8:53 pm, 02/14/2019

If anyone knows what Cortez wants, it would be you. LOL!

Well jimbo , she can lay it right on the table in front of you, and you still wouldn't know.


Posted 8:53 pm, 02/14/2019

The good old USA is not found in the last day prophesy of the nations. That could be because this country has come and gone by that time. If that happens it will be because of economic collapse of this countries strong economy and military might. China saw the hand writing on the wall years ago and began to turn away from socialism, and now have maybe one of the strongest economies in the world along with one of the strongest militaries in the world.


Posted 8:53 pm, 02/14/2019

If anyone knows what Cortez wants, it would be you. LOL!


Posted 8:31 pm, 02/14/2019

China is a socialist country with a capitalist economy led by, of all things, a communist party. Just what is China really?

Certainly not what Cortez and her followers want.


Posted 8:29 pm, 02/14/2019

Hey, I would love to have one of those Amazon jobs paying AT LEAST $115,000, with $150,00 being the average.

Of course people like AOC making $174K probably think that's low wages.


Posted 8:26 pm, 02/14/2019

$3 billion incentives

$63.3 million a year in state income tax

And statistically, when Amazon comes to town everyone else's salaries go down

The theory that them not coming somehow "cost" the state money is what one would call "fuzzy math."

Shouldn't the citizens of New York have a say as to if they want Amazon......after all it's their tax money, right?

Yes and no. We're in a Republic, which means that the people believe that their elected officials know more than they do about what's going on. So we rely on those officials to be better stewards of our money than we may be ourselves.

Further, a poll can only say XX% of the people polled. Unless they asked literally every person?

Where would we be if all these big corporations decided to leave the U.S.?

Would they leave, though? And in cases like this one, where they get $3 billion in incentives in exchange for a relatively small number of jobs, would it really matter?


Posted 8:18 pm, 02/14/2019

Cortez and Warren are cheering because they and other socialist just cost the people of NYC billions in income and taxes. They will take care of them when the time comes. Now other normal people in other parts of the country can have those jobs.

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