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The brats want others to fix what they caused


Posted 6:11 pm, 02/17/2018

So folks are not allowed to report bullies, high? Maybe just stop the bullying.


Posted 6:10 pm, 02/17/2018

If your reply is towards me Bestill, what is the "Whole" meaning??


Posted 5:56 pm, 02/17/2018

The kids I worked with were kids that were associated with my businesses.


Posted 5:53 pm, 02/17/2018

what group did you work with time?


Posted 5:52 pm, 02/17/2018

I do agree that most gun nuts were bullied and probably still are.


Posted 5:48 pm, 02/17/2018

They may have saw something and said something but they never did anything. The teachers should have done something to get Cruz into the group. Instead they did things that pushed him out of the group. Over the years I have worked with your people and when I saw a kid that was an outsider, I did what I could to make that kid a part of the group. I know a young person here in Wilkes who I think is possibly dangerous. He was bullied by others and reacted badly to the bullying. I did what I could to get him accepted by the group and so far he hasn't killed anyone I know of.


Posted 5:38 pm, 02/17/2018

Well, the whole ‘see something say something’ clearly failed.


Posted 5:37 pm, 02/17/2018

May be off topic, yet i took a friend to the DR Monday. There were only 6-7 in waiting room as they called my friend back. But one seat down were 2 adults one male & one female & a good sized girl maybe 12yrs old. I'm sure the elder woman was the kids mom they favored so much. They called the guy back & all the while the mom & daughter kept waving at me. I ask if they knew me & they said no. I could tell the girl was some what mentally disabled. So the elder guy came out before my friend & the other got up to leave. He was going out but the mom stopped & grabbed my hand & said glad to meet you. The girl stopped & grabbed my hand & hugging my neck & said i love you & was squalling as she exited the waiting room. I still wonder today what was going on, prbly never know...

george h w b

Posted 5:34 pm, 02/17/2018

Note from GoNC: this post was removed for threats of violence.


Posted 5:32 pm, 02/17/2018

We can't change human nature. We can change how easy it is for nuts to kill innocent people.


Posted 5:28 pm, 02/17/2018

What circumstances, glit?

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 5:26 pm, 02/17/2018

Here is the next question, Bestill....How many other kids in the school are still being bullied? How do we know another isn't going to be the next shooter? We can't ignore the circumstances of what led to the shooting just because we are afraid of defending the shooter.

The shooter can't be defended. Nothing justifies what he did but human nature is just that...human nature. We have all been to the point where we thought we would crash and naturally we find other ways to push through. But most people aren't abnormal. Why wouldn't you want to consider every single angle possible to keep this from happening again?


Posted 5:25 pm, 02/17/2018

Just reading about his actions, Time. Here is hoping that he will reform.


Posted 5:22 pm, 02/17/2018

But will we ever hear what he says? Even if we do, you will still be calling him a bully.


Posted 5:18 pm, 02/17/2018

He has the opportunity to speak for himself.


Posted 5:17 pm, 02/17/2018

You are hearing only one side. Now, everyone want to blame Cruz and his gun. No one is telling his side of this story.


Posted 5:15 pm, 02/17/2018

Well, maybe you just haven’t kept up, Time. Not only did he physically bully but all those threats of racial and religious violence. One student, well several, reported the bullying.


Posted 5:12 pm, 02/17/2018

Your assumption is that Cruz was doing the bullying and not just reacting to being bullied.


Posted 5:10 pm, 02/17/2018

Well, we are talking the bullying here glit, and here is a question, how come none of the kids that the shooter bullied shot up the school?

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 4:52 pm, 02/17/2018

If all you self-riteous, bleeding hearts sincerely and truly want to find solutions and answers to these horrific shootings, absolutely every angle has to be looked at....everything.

Did the kids who were victims of this shooting deserve this? Absolutely not...the shooter was in no way justified in his actions.

But for every action there is an equal an opposite reaction. This warrants a conversation.

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