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TedNugent and Ferguson Thugs..

alonzo harris

Posted 6:06 am, 11/10/2014

Posted in: News Posted: November 9, 2014
Michael Brown's Family: Officer Darren Wilson �Always Knew' He'd Get Away With Murder

According to the family of Michael Brown, the Ferguson teenager who was shot dead at close range by officer Darren Wilson back in August, their son's killer "always knew" he would get away with the killing and displayed "brazen confidence."

Brown's parents, Michael Brown Sr. and Leslie McSpadden, who are due to appear before the United Nations Committee Against Torture in Geneva, regarding the shooting of their son, also claimed that Brown, who was unarmed at the time he was shot, was treated as "less than human."

The bereaved parents also called on Ferguson police chief Thomas Jackson to step down as, according to them, his department has targeted black people in a "predatory and degrading manner."

Currently, a grand jury is deciding whether or not to indict Darren Wilson, although the New York Times, as well as other publications, have reported that the officer will not be prosecuted which will likely lead to more violence and rioting in Ferguson.

Mail Online, who saw a copy of the report that Michael Brown's parents plan to present in Geneva on Monday, reported an excerpt from it.

"Given the history of racial tensions in the city of Ferguson, this particularly disrespectful treatment of Brown's body and callous disregard for the trauma it could cause Ferguson residents repeated and reinforced the longstanding degrading treatment of black racial minorities by an overwhelmingly white police force. Not only did the abandonment of the body convey to residents that the police officer regarded the black youth as less than human, but it also illustrated the officer's brazen confidence that he would not be punished for such unwarranted violence."

Obviously, in the report, Brown's family are calling for the arrest of Darren Wilson, who is reportedly hiding at an unknown location, pending the forthcoming grand jury decision.

Brown's parents' trip to Geneva is being sponsored by the U.S. Human Rights Network, a nonprofit organization. Accordingly, the "goal of this trip is not only to achieve justice in Ferguson, but is intended to unite governments around the world against the human rights violations that result from racial profiling and police violence."

alonzo harris

Posted 9:00 am, 11/09/2014


Posted 10:29 pm, 11/08/2014

As I sit here watching all these shows filmed in Alaska that have popped up since Sarah Palin did makes me really appreciate what she's done for her state and for us that would have otherwise never have gotten to see how rough they have it up there or how beautiful it is.


Posted 8:27 pm, 11/08/2014

Gental Giant my ***

alonzo harris

Posted 8:13 pm, 11/08/2014

The internet hacker group LocalLeaks leaked a security document that obtained from ADM Global Security.
The document gives the date and time of the Ferguson Grand Jury decision on Michael Brown's shooting death.
Monday at or after 2:00 PM CST.

From the document:

"The anticipated release date of the Grand Jury finding in the Michael Brown case is likely to occur on 10 November after 1400 local time. The National Guard, Army Reserve, FEMA and other federal agencies are deploying additional personnel to the St. Louis metro area in the days prior to 10 November as unrest and rioting is anticipated."


Posted 8:18 pm, 11/07/2014

Alonzo- This shows how stupid these young liberals are. What did he expect would happen to his white butt when he went out there among all those enraged black people. He's like Obama. He thought they were going to welcome him with open arms. He deserves to have his butt beat. He has about as much sense as a stinkbug. He's lucky they didn't boil him in oil. Stupid white dummy. You wouldn't find this white boy within 5 miles of Ferguson when they announce the verdict.

alonzo harris

Posted 8:07 pm, 11/07/2014

Unconfirmed reports from Ferguson say that the decision on Darren Wilson will come Sunday or Monday.

Everyone is battening down for expected riots from gumpy's good friends...

Here's another incident that happened yesterday...

Man beaten at Ferguson protest strategy meeting
ST. LOUIS COUNTY � Some Ferguson protest strategists turned on one of their own Thursday night, allegedly beating a man they accused of sending out unauthorized video of a meeting at Greater St. Mark Missionary Church in unincorporated north St. Louis County....


Posted 6:02 am, 11/07/2014

No, I don't think so Alonzo, I believe it will just dry up and go away now that the election is over. It was just fanned to stir up a "certain" base and get them out to vote. Democrats do this over and over, use the blacks then discard them. Right out of their playbook.

alonzo harris

Posted 5:55 am, 11/07/2014

Ferguson thugs demanding the right to throw water bottles at police; without them responding!!??

This isn't going to end well...

alonzo harris

Posted 6:28 pm, 11/06/2014

Objective observers might ask how Michael Brown came to such a tragic end. This may be part of the answer:

Michael Brown's mother may face felony armed robbery charges: report

The mother of Michael Brown could be charged with felony armed robbery for allegedly attacking people in a Ferguson, Mo., parking lot because they were selling T-shirts honoring the late teenager.

The Ferguson Police Department is currently investigating claims that Lesley McSpadden brought a group of people � including her own mother � to beat vendors and rob them of their "Justice for Mike Brown" merchandise Oct. 18, The Smoking Gun has learned.

One person was hospitalized in the reported attack and another unidentified alleged victim was reportedly beaten with a pipe.

McSpadden's former mother-in-law, Pearlie Gordon, was among those beaten by "a large group of about 20-30 subjects" who had "jumped out of vehicles and rushed" the group of sellers, according to the police report.

Gordon, 54, was allegedly knocked to the ground and repeatedly struck in the head. She detailed the brief exchange she had with McSpadden at the time of the attack.

"You can't sell this ******," McSpadden allegedly said, according to the report.

Gordon responded that "unless McSpadden could produce documentation stating that she had a patent on her son's name (Gordon) was going to continue to sell her merchandise," according to the report.

More than $1500 in merchandise and $400 in cash was allegedly stolen by the attackers.

Once the investigation is finished, Ferguson police will decide whether to charge McSpadden and the others with felony armed robbery.

The news comes as a grand jury is expected to announce whether to bring criminal charges against the Ferguson police officer who fatally shot Brown during a confrontation.

alonzo harris

Posted 8:57 am, 11/02/2014

alonzo harris

Posted 7:28 pm, 10/28/2014

The policeman who shot teenager Michael Brown dead in Ferguson, Missouri, won't be charged over the death, hacker group Anonymous claim, citing government sources.

If true, the decision will almost certainly inflame racial tensions in the United States. The killing of the unarmed black teenager by the white police officer Darren Wilson sparked weeks of angry protests in Ferguson and has become a flashpoint across America.

alonzo harris

Posted 9:18 am, 10/28/2014

They had a segment on CNN this morning, criticizing Charles Barkley's commentary.

Obama socialist Van Jones trying to make excuses for the regime's and Sharpton glorifying the thug lifestyle, they are doing great harm to their own people...


Posted 9:09 am, 10/27/2014


alonzo harris

Posted 9:04 am, 10/27/2014

I never said it was. Dumpy's usual trolling...focus on an irrelevant detail, ignore the issue. Quit cyberstalking!


Posted 8:50 am, 10/27/2014


alonzo harris

Posted 5:33 am, 10/27/2014

dumpy quit stalking me, I'll report you to homeland security for cyberstalking.

If anyone clicked the links, they are from chicago tribune, and headline news.


Posted 10:42 pm, 10/26/2014


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