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Target removes some LGBT products amidst consumer backlash


Posted 1:44 pm, 05/12/2024

Others need to follow . Keep it to yourself


Posted 8:29 pm, 05/11/2024

Ur real close, boony, accept for I got me a new Tesla right before valentines which is charging in the driveway as we speak, for the record also the tv which is on the kitchen table come from the non gay section of the Tarjey when theys running a good sale. U can decide for ur own self my political leaning as such.


Posted 6:38 pm, 05/11/2024

bacon, you must live in a beautiful neighborhood, are you sure you're a repub? That's the kind of place where you find those welfare cheating Dem's. D'ye have a late model car parked outside your broken down double wide, and a 48" flat screen TV on your kitchen table? C'mon now fess up you're really a Dem!


Posted 5:16 pm, 05/11/2024

All I know is the portly red headed punk which lives down the road spends his momma's fourth baby daddy's child support and beer and vape money also at the thrift stores cause they can not afford no fancy gay s*** like Stoney's cowboy hat from the Tarjey and them younguns r for sure dems cause they barely making it on they mommas's only fans income.


Posted 4:55 pm, 05/11/2024

Pointing the finger at those that don't agree with their rancid viewpoints and saying they're on welfare or guvmint assistance seems to be one of the MAGATS favorite put downs. I guess it just goes to show how stupid you can be, when all else fails make something up.


Posted 2:55 pm, 05/11/2024

Our sources said most of them dems are on goverment assistance and cannot afford fancy stores such as the Tarjey anyways.


Posted 2:40 pm, 05/11/2024

Don't blame a political party.....blame the parents.


Posted 1:28 pm, 05/11/2024

We need to get serious about this LBGTQ situation! Our schools are crawling with 'em all grooming our kids to become deviants. The sky is falling, all because those godless Dem's are hoping these young prospective deviants will vote for 'em when they reach 18.


Posted 1:15 pm, 05/11/2024

It kinda seems like you do care.


Posted 1:04 pm, 05/11/2024

Until there were Democrats there was just handful of deviants. The Democrats took them and cloned millions of LBGTQ"s to get their votes. I'm surprised that singer or f*xxy haven't made everyone aware of this already.

Right now, the Dem's are busy churning out millions of naturalization certificates so that the illegals and the LBGTQ' s between them can steal the election for 'em.

The American People

Posted 12:30 pm, 05/11/2024

The American People don't want this pervert stuff the Democrats are giviing

Little boys don't need clothes sold by Target to hide their wee wee


Posted 12:10 pm, 05/11/2024

I don't care what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own home. But when pedos and groomers get added to the mix you are going to hear from me. Leave the kids alone and I'll keep my yap shut!


Posted 12:01 pm, 05/11/2024

The most vociferous anti- LBGTQ's are really those that are suppressing their own deviant personalities. Genuine heterosexuals don't have the need to criticize and condemn others for self assurance.

"Methinks he doth protest too much."


Posted 11:58 am, 05/11/2024

Thread of the week. LOL


Posted 11:53 am, 05/11/2024

Wow congratulations! You were so offended last year that you got target to cater to your special hurt feelings. Does any of this contradict my statement that dbs article is from 2023 or that pride month hasn't happened yet?


Posted 11:41 am, 05/11/2024


Posted 11:39 am, 05/11/2024


Posted 8:19 am, 05/11/2024

Ah yes reading the date on an article is spin. Lol


Posted 7:13 am, 05/11/2024

They were talking about target shunning the alphabet soup crowd on abc news YESTERDAY. But you keep the spinstractions going, if it makes you happy.


Posted 7:09 am, 05/11/2024

That's because pride month hasn't happened yet Fred. And this article is a year old DB.

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