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Support growing for Officer Darren Wilson


Posted 7:51 am, 08/22/2014

Just about bet that ol� Al will there to help the victims of looting and violence, by helping them clean up and rebuild. Lol


Posted 6:09 am, 08/22/2014

lazerone (view profile)

Posted 3:04 pm, 08/21/2014

Support continues to grow for Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson. Thousands have installed blue porch lights and thousands more are wearing blue T-Shirts and sending monies to the support Officer Wilson Fund.

All you need to do to give your support is click on this link. IT IS THE AMERICAN WAY. Support our Law Enforcement. The leftist democrat anarchist are on the attack. Osama Sharpton is organizing an anti-police rally in NY today.
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Posted 11:57 pm, 08/21/2014



Posted 11:56 pm, 08/21/2014

What exactly where his supporters and buddies supposed to do? Were they supposed to cross a secured area and administer life saving assistance to someone who is treated worse than an injured dog?

Note from GoNC: a portion of this post was removed that was in response to the earlier for trolling.


Posted 11:46 pm, 08/21/2014

Lol!! You don't get it. Your vision is subjected to blame, rather than truth. If you want to blame, then tell us why this tragedy happened? What started the sequence of events that took place? And again, where is there evidence of racism from the cop?

Note from GoNC: a portion of this post was removed that was in response to the earlier for trolling.


Posted 11:39 pm, 08/21/2014

Where were all of his supporters and buddies while his body was there? What exactly where his supporters and buddies supposed to do? Were they supposed to cross a secured area and administer life saving assistance to someone who is treated worse than an injured dog?


Posted 11:27 pm, 08/21/2014

And you never addressed my problem with your issue. Where were all of his supporters and buddies while his body was there?

Note from GoNC: a portion of this post was removed that was in response to the earlier for trolling.


Posted 11:24 pm, 08/21/2014

I accept the fact that the cop was defending himself but I have a problem with the way the cop and the responders had no regard for a human being after he was shot. I have seen injured and dead dogs treated with more respect.

Note from GoNC: a portion of this post was removed for trolling.


Posted 11:01 pm, 08/21/2014

Who said that? And please quote it.


Posted 10:59 pm, 08/21/2014

Let's see, some are jumping to all kinds of conclusions like....this 18 year old needed to be shot.


Posted 10:54 pm, 08/21/2014

The only fools are the one's who jump to conclusions. Especially when it comes to racism! The only fools I see are the one's who deny that reverse racism and presuming someone guilty until proving otherwise. What I do see is a liberal agenda with no facts to back it up. Why is this an issue of racism? What makes this a case based on racial profiling? Go ahead. Give me your facts to back that up!


Posted 10:46 pm, 08/21/2014

You are making a fool of yourself with your garble.


Posted 10:40 pm, 08/21/2014

For those wanting to believe the criminals nothing is going to change their minds. Even after ALL the evidence is in and the can plainly see. The still will not admit it. It is a democrat thing


Posted 10:38 pm, 08/21/2014

With whom? The authorities? Or all of those supportive friends and concerned citizens?

old man down the road

Posted 10:35 pm, 08/21/2014

Wilson might have been defending himself by putting 6 bullets into a person but the way this person's body was left laying in a pool of blood on the street tells volumes about what is really going on there.


Posted 10:23 pm, 08/21/2014

Of course not, for those who accuse and assume. No excuse in a man using his size and strength to strong arm rob a store, and to strong arm a cop. Where is the outrage from the community, some who witnessed the robbery and subsequent abuse levied at the store clerk?


Posted 10:19 pm, 08/21/2014

No excuse for not filing an incident report.


Posted 10:13 pm, 08/21/2014

And again, gramps, do you know the entire story behind the events that led to the tragedy, and those that followed? Could it be that the officer was in no physical nor mental condition to make a report? Are you assuming?

wrestlers Grandpa

Posted 10:10 pm, 08/21/2014

of course the incident report shows nothing written on the Shooting of M Brown...really?....as an inspector who was retired and ran a Department...says just submitting a blank report both the officer and his supervisor should have been suspended without pay if not out right fired....smacks of a cover up......yes I wrote Cover Up....if not why was a blank report submitted?..


Posted 10:08 pm, 08/21/2014

The truth wreaks of reality sometimes. Agitators hope to find any opportunity to cause more chaos in a situation already defined by assumptions and accusations, all falsely based, and all nothing more than smoke. I put the bottle down years ago, and came to understand truth and reality based on facts, not assumptions. I think it would do all agitators good to do the same.

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