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Support growing for Officer Darren Wilson


Posted 10:03 pm, 08/21/2014

Veritas said: "where were is supporters and friends?" and I say put the bottle down and go to bed.


Posted 9:55 pm, 08/21/2014


Which begs the question, "where were is supporters and friends?"


Posted 9:48 pm, 08/21/2014

It's hard to give credibility to the cops in Ferguson when this happens.


Posted 9:30 pm, 08/21/2014

Will he be charged for filing a false police report on this one and pay damages done because of his actions

alonzo harris

Posted 9:21 pm, 08/21/2014

Dorian Johnson, the primary witness to the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, has an outstanding warrant for a 2011 theft in Jefferson City and pleaded guilty for filing a false police report related to that theft.

St. Louis ABC affiliate ABC 17 cross referenced Johnson's name against several records and discovered the warrant.

Johnson will be the star witness for any potential prosecution proceedings against Officer Darren Wilson for the shooting of Brown. Johnson was walking with Brown when the shooting occurred.

He has already done multiple media appearances where he falsely claimed Brown was shot by Wilson in the back. He also has claimed that Brown never reached for Wilson's gun, was "shot like an animal" and that Brown had his hands up and told Wilson he was unarmed.

Johnson's claims helped inspire the protests and riots in Ferguson over the past 10 days, as well as the "Hands up, don't shoot" rallying cry of the protesters and their supporters.


Posted 8:47 pm, 08/21/2014

Punishment? What punishment?, and for what crime?

wrestlers Grandpa

Posted 8:34 pm, 08/21/2014

it grow for Officer Wilson but its the courts that will decide along with a jury what the charges will be....and the punishment....


Posted 8:23 pm, 08/21/2014

Okay, friends.....the only thing I really care about knowing is the TRUTH.....that might be weeks or months away.....the worst case scenerio is NEVER.


Posted 8:19 pm, 08/21/2014

The cop might have been justified but they let his body lay in the street uncovered for hours like it was a trophy. People are heard screaming, "Where is the ambulance? Where is the ambulance?" After Brown was shot six times by Officer Darren Wilson on Aug. 9, but Brown's body lay in the street for hours. He was not covered up for some time. His body was not taken to a hospital or morgue. Brown's body just lay there, surrounded by yellow tape. I've seen more respect for a dead animal and yet some wonder why blacks are upset.


Posted 8:16 pm, 08/21/2014

If the cop would have just put a gun in Brown's hand this would be over. I guess Wilson didn't think about it.


Posted 8:08 pm, 08/21/2014

The DOJ is still investigating the Trayvon case 2 years later.

Forever Cynic

Posted 6:54 pm, 08/21/2014

I agree entirely with Veritas on this one. Why is race the reason that everyone jumped to? Why isn't the Youth Coalition outraged at how young people are treated by police? Or the National Association for the Advancement of Fat People (NAAFP, look it up!) outraged that an obese guy was killed?

Or more seriously, why isn't the lower socioeconomic class outraged about the unfair treatment of poor people?

It's always amazed me at how racists always jump at race being a key issue. That's only one of thousands of traits that the guy had.


Posted 6:46 pm, 08/21/2014

The run ins with white police officers and black citizens were inevitable. The police can't even "police" without being accused of being racist, simply due to demographics.


Posted 6:43 pm, 08/21/2014

Here's my point. Those who wish to make it an issue of race are going to do just that, whether it actually is a race issue or not. Those who are making it a race issue will continue to deny that the kid had put himself in a position for a tragic ending to occur. The fact of the matter is, if he'd have acted in a humble and ethical manner, none of this would have mattered. He chose to put himself in a bad position. Race had nothing to do with it.


Posted 6:39 pm, 08/21/2014

If you give to him you might want to do it anonymously so you don't get targeted by the IRS

Top Soil

Posted 5:13 pm, 08/21/2014

Veritas (view profile)

Posted 4:55 pm, 08/21/2014

This has nothing to do with the kid...himself. This is 100% about racism...which can..In NO WAY...be proven...and was likely never the issue with the confrontation. If this kid would have murdered the store clerk...and then was shot and killed...the real racists would still make this a race issue. This is definitely about racism...just not the kind the minority is hoping for!

i have to disagree with the underlined. i think Ferguson was a powder keg and the police killing an unarmed person, along with gross misrepresentation of facts by the community is what set it off. the FPD (site) was known to have its run ins with the population.


Posted 4:55 pm, 08/21/2014

This has nothing to do with the kid...himself. This is 100% about racism...which can..In NO WAY...be proven...and was likely never the issue with the confrontation. If this kid would have murdered the store clerk...and then was shot and killed...the real racists would still make this a race issue. This is definitely about racism...just not the kind the minority is hoping for!

Top Soil

Posted 4:53 pm, 08/21/2014

metal (view profile)

Posted 4:30 pm, 08/21/2014

i shouldnt have shot that unarmed kid. tased him first! do they not have tasers out there?

in all honesty, if he was tased where would he be now? in jail for a few month, maybe a year for robbery and attacking a police officer. hes a huge guy would have been alright in prison might have learned a thing or two about strong arming people. I highly doubt we would be a contributing member to society considering how at the age of 17 he would bully a shop owner for 80$ worth of cigars and lacks respect for authority figures enough to attack police officers.

the kid was not "unarmed" he had over 100 pounds and about 12 inches on that officer. hes known to use this to his advantage.i.e. pushing around shop owners.

im against police using excessive force, but, he attacked a police officer, cracked his skull (i think) then tried to run away thinking he was done with the attack, but after getting shot at turned around to "finish the job"?

its a sad story and there is a huge list of things that when wrong on both sides that weekend in missouri. between a police dept that used excessive force, to a group of people that exploited the situation for personal gain.


Posted 4:51 pm, 08/21/2014

This guy was nothing but a thug shame the gas station clerk didn't do it when he was being robbed and pushed around.


Posted 4:30 pm, 08/21/2014

i shouldnt have shot that unarmed kid. tased him first! do they not have tasers out there?

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