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Superstitious goat herders that lived over 2000 years ago wrote about themselves


Posted 3:06 pm, 09/14/2018

My apologies hangs. That was Agnostic that originally posted. I got confused as to whom I was speaking with.


Posted 2:08 pm, 09/14/2018

Let, you are confused. I never called anyone goat herders. Also, I pointed to only one religion, there are hundreds of others with the same stories.


Posted 1:56 pm, 09/14/2018

hangsleft (view profile)

Posted 12:47 pm, 09/14/2018

1047, so the end of the world will occur when everyone has heard about Jesus?

Jesus was not referring to the of the world. He was speaking about the end of the Grace period that we are under at this time. The time that all believers will be taken to be with the Lord, and all unbelievers will be left here to deal with the tribulation that will come to the world. Go back and read the account of Noah's day, and what happened to all who refused the salvation that the Ark offered them


Posted 1:33 pm, 09/14/2018

Other races survived the Flood. Read Genesis 6:1-8 ... Who created 6 days Creations? God did by his Words. The Lord formed Adam who he was going to destroy All that he The Lord had made. So Corruption was destroyed. But the Lord who formed Adam Saved Noah .. God Made provision for His Children. Why can't Christian read truth?


Posted 1:21 pm, 09/14/2018

I was focused on Gilgamesh because that's what you provided in the link. The original point you made was that the authors of the Bible were "superstitious sheep herders." I just mentioned that they actually ran a wide gamut of different vocations.


Posted 1:17 pm, 09/14/2018

Churches spend millions on missionary's, but many don't want the poor Mexicans in "their" country !!


Posted 1:11 pm, 09/14/2018

You are super focused on Gilgamesh but if you do more research the same stories predates Gilgamesh.



Posted 1:07 pm, 09/14/2018

1goddess (view profile)

Posted 12:51 pm, 09/14/2018

"Personally, I think the church missions just want to got to Mexico for a good time."

that too blows my mind hangsleft. I've several folks that I know that actually pay up to $3500 to go on these types of missions. Now mind you, I fully understand these trips aren't free, I'm well aware of that...but good gosh, some of those facilities are like staying it at least a 3 star hotel/resort.

then they take day trips out to wherever their "mission" actually takes place....hmmm.

I don't know, I'm just a firm believer that "mission" work is as close as your front door most of the time.
Churches raises thousands to send people to Mexico during the winter, where do I sign up?


Posted 1:07 pm, 09/14/2018

That wasn't my intent. Moses dates to 1200-1500 BC roughly. Gilgamesh's Epic to possibly 2800 BC approximately. So Moses's writing of the flood account couldn't possibly predate the Sumerian writings. My point was that these cultures were oral. So that fact alone does not conclude that Gilgamesh is definitely the older story.

My apologies.


Posted 1:04 pm, 09/14/2018

So you are saying that Moses wrote down the stories that his ancestors passed down to him.


Posted 12:58 pm, 09/14/2018

actually your original post clearly insinuated that Moses predated Gilgamesh...sorry, it just does.


Posted 12:55 pm, 09/14/2018

I think you both missed my point. The fact that most ancient cultures have a flood myth is attributed to by scholars, both Christian and non-Christian. The fact that your link reference Gilgamesh is proof of that. My point is that the underlying presupposition that the author of the link you provided (hangsleft) is that Gilgamesh has written sources that are older than extent Old Testament sources therefore it had to be first. I stated that that assumption ignores the oral tradition of any ancient culture. The fact Moses wrote it down at whatever point does not mean that he did not write down a true story passed down orally that predated Gilgamesh. The fact that cultures in ancient America, Asia, the Middle East, etc. all have a common flood myth points to the reasonable belief that there was a common history there.
My "reputable Christian author" comment was in relation to how the author did not correctly state Christian doctrine. I was being charitable in assuming he just wasn't broadly read on the subject. He also could just be committing straw man fallacies and setting up easy to knock down targets.


Posted 12:51 pm, 09/14/2018

"Personally, I think the church missions just want to got to Mexico for a good time."

that too blows my mind hangsleft. I've several folks that I know that actually pay up to $3500 to go on these types of missions. Now mind you, I fully understand these trips aren't free, I'm well aware of that...but good gosh, some of those facilities are like staying it at least a 3 star hotel/resort.

then they take day trips out to wherever their "mission" actually takes place....hmmm.

I don't know, I'm just a firm believer that "mission" work is as close as your front door most of the time.


Posted 12:48 pm, 09/14/2018

*sidenote: Yes I'm aware of Honduras and Guatemala's location.


Posted 12:47 pm, 09/14/2018

1047, so the end of the world will occur when everyone has heard about Jesus?

Good grief. With all the "missions" at churches you'd think they'd start to pinpoint those who haven't heard and go visit them instead of Guatemala and Honduras all the time. Personally, I think the church missions just want to got to Mexico for a good time.


Posted 12:38 pm, 09/14/2018

Let, so you are saying the "Christians" just wrote it down first so they count?


Posted 12:22 pm, 09/14/2018

"The link presumes Gilgamesh predates the Noahic flood. However, most cultures around the world held to some form of a similar flood myth. As likely a scenario is that the biblical account is older and was passed down orall"

did you get this info from those "reputable Christian authors"? or from reputable ancient history authors?

The author seems to have read zero from any reputable Christian authors or have little to no working knowledge of actual Christian belief

so are you saying that if a "reputable Christian authors" didn't write it or hand it down orally that is of no consequence???


Posted 12:13 pm, 09/14/2018

hangsleft (view profile)

Posted 11:32 am, 09/14/2018

Does that same thing count when let's say a person in an Amazon tribe dies? Do they get the same treatment?

Yes, they get the same treatment from God the Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Matthew 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

Every nation will have heard the gospel message, that Christ Jesus came into the world to seek and save the lost. What you do with it is your own choice.


Posted 12:12 pm, 09/14/2018

The underlying assumption is that any of these other stories predate the biblical account. That negates the oral tradition of these cultures. The link presumes Gilgamesh predates the Noahic flood. However, most cultures around the world held to some form of a similar flood myth. As likely a scenario is that the biblical account is older and was passed down orally. Along the way, as man scattered and adopted polytheism, the story survived with variations.
The Jesus "evidence" in the link is a rehash of the ones we had already discussed. The rest of it is pretty elementary level stuff. The author seems to have read zero from any reputable Christian authors or have little to no working knowledge of actual Christian belief. Example, he completely fails to understand the doctrine of salvation when he assumes you have to accept Christ's sacrifice and remain sinless to be saved. That's some MichaelHJSR level stuff. I think he would have a lot in common with the author of the article you referenced.


Posted 11:53 am, 09/14/2018

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