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Stupid people


Posted 12:56 pm, 07/04/2015

Cowboy, I agree with that.
I wish everyone would relax bc no one is taking YOUR right to fly the Confederate flag. Murica :)


Posted 11:43 am, 07/04/2015

I was in error when I said state capital. I meant to say that the flag hasn't flown over the dome of the state house since 2000 when it was moved to its current location on the north lawn. I agree with it being removed from the state house but I don't see the harm in its place by a war memorial honoring confederate soldiers. I wish one would fly at the confederate memorial in NC.


Posted 11:06 am, 07/04/2015

Cowboy, have you seen all the news reports about the lady who climbed the flagpole at the SC State Capitol?


Posted 10:58 am, 07/04/2015

Sorry cowboy, you are incorrect on this one. The flag had been flying high over the state capital.



Posted 9:58 am, 07/04/2015

Serendipity, you made a comment that the flag is flying over the SC state Capitol which is not true and has not been true for the past 15 years. The confederate flag now flies next to a confederate war memorial that happens to be on state grounds.


Posted 9:54 am, 07/04/2015

Docter, you made the comment as to why do you never see a picture of the KKK without the confederate flag. I would like for you to look at this.


These are some photos from the 1920's during the heyday of the KKK. They were over 6,000,000 an had a large rally in Washington DC. How many confederate flags do you see?


Posted 9:39 am, 07/04/2015

I have no problem with any flag that is from the U.S. Flags flown here from other countries is what is offensive to me. If their country is so great that they have to fly their flag here give them a one way ticket back home.


Posted 9:07 am, 07/04/2015

Thedocter123 (view profile)

The south lost the war. The people fighting for the south were American tradiors. The confederate flag is a flag of a beaten people. Americans flying the confederate flag is like them flying the british flag or the german flag or the japanesse flag. On top of all that is that the confederate flag is a racist symbol. I don't like it. The world don't like it and the courts don't like it. So wipe your *** with it one last time and toss it.

Thedocter, these are my thoughts, but you say them so eloquently!

You are both tradiors You is like the Japanessey peeoples.


Posted 8:53 am, 07/04/2015

about all i can say is "the world is full of stupid people". especially umerika.


Posted 8:37 am, 07/04/2015

Thedocter123�(view profile)

The south lost the war. The people fighting for the south were American tradiors. The confederate flag is a flag of a beaten people. Americans flying the confederate flag is like them flying the british flag or the german flag or the japanesse flag. On top of all that is that the confederate flag is a racist symbol. I don't like it. The world don't like it and the courts don't like it. So wipe your *** with it one last time and toss it.

Thedocter, these are my thoughts, but you say them so eloquently! I would also like to add, no one is taking an individual's right to fly the confederate flag. People can have it on their home, car, land clothing, and tattoo it on their body, just don't fly the "losing" flag over the SC State Capitol.


Posted 7:53 am, 07/04/2015

come take my flag out of my yard im prepared to keep it at all cost


Posted 7:38 am, 07/04/2015

Flag folks just don't get it! No one flew the flag after the war until Brown V Board of education. Ever since, the flag was only flown by those who opposed equal rights.


Posted 7:12 am, 07/04/2015

So you say it's not racist then why is it you never see a picture of a KKK member without that flag in it?


Posted 1:12 am, 07/04/2015

Hey Doc Check Yourself On The Rebel Flag.Its Not Racist.The Nazi And All The Ar Nation Flags Yes But Not The Rebel.Only Because One Dumb*** Little Coward Flew It In His Pics And Done That To The Church And The Misuse Of Bu The Dumb*** Kkk And Others Isnt Racist.****s Bells.


Posted 1:00 am, 07/04/2015

The Japanessse tradiors is like flag tradiors.


Posted 11:30 pm, 07/03/2015

The south lost the war. The people fighting for the south were American tradiors. The confederate flag is a flag of a beaten people. Americans flying the confederate flag is like them flying the british flag or the german flag or the japanesse flag. On top of all that is that the confederate flag is a racist symbol. I don't like it. The world don't like it and the courts don't like it. So wipe your *** with it one last time and toss it.


Posted 7:56 pm, 07/03/2015

Puerto Ricans do not pay federal taxes, are citizens of the US with full privilege, except they cannot vote for president. Who would find their flag offensive?


Posted 7:35 pm, 07/03/2015

Yeah Backwater I Heard Tha SamethinG For Real.Its Probabaly Honna Take Place Og Th American Flag For The Simple Reason We Have No Leader With Balls Or Guts.He Is All About The Glory.


Posted 7:29 pm, 07/03/2015

CNN reporter made a comment about an ISiL flag being flown in a Gay Pride march in Conneticut. The actual flag was condoms and butthole plugs made to look like an ISIL flag.lol


Posted 6:05 pm, 07/03/2015

I Mean Dont Get Me Wrong I Have Great Respect For The American Flag But Not Our Leaders.The Flag Was Here Before Them.I Flying Both With Great Pride But I Have More Respect For The Rebel Flag.They Shouldnt Take It Down Cause Of One Frigging Coward.He Wasnt No Redneck Nor Rebel.

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