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Some People....


Posted 12:59 am, 05/28/2015

"quit feeling superior in intelligence to some of us"

Don't fear intelligence.

You'll be better off in the long run.


Posted 12:54 am, 05/28/2015

Boy you sure have it all wrong sgtkracka but if it makes you feel better to believe that well more power to ya, here's the thing I am not shedding one dam tear over words on a screen nor am I concerned what you or feelburger think and yes its true fins did put feelburger in his place many times so I'm my assessment I would say feelburger is a little jealous because he can't be as good as fins.


Posted 12:49 am, 05/28/2015

You and FB would be okay if you weren't so full of yourselves. Just quit trying to analyze every thing everyone says and quit feeling superior in intelligence to some of us. Enough said.


Posted 12:46 am, 05/28/2015

You caught me....I actually thought i was posting as feel burger since I do refer to myself..... I mean feel burger refers to himself in the third person....I just got my passwords mixed up....I mean...feel burger got feel burgers passwords mixed up...


Posted 12:41 am, 05/28/2015

We were all riffing and now you're taking it all personally....for the record you all were ganging up on fb but when someone finally hits it back your way, you get all mad and take your ball and go home....y'all seem too thick to realize that fb's seemingly arrogant statements are so tongue-in-cheek, that they're almost self deprecating with sarcasm.... Also for the record I don't really dislike anyone on this thread..... Not saying I particularly like anyone either.....except for chendo....I do like his sense of humor....so lets all just pop a Quaalude, sing Kumbaya and resume insulting the $*** out of each other


Posted 12:38 am, 05/28/2015

sgtkracka (view profile)
Posted 12:05 am, 05/28/2015
Its no wonder you all think you've defeated feel burger because you're all so used to beating meat

Poor feelburger now your making another screen name just to make it look like you have friends, I knew fins kicked your arse bad but it must have been worse than I thought, poor sad feelburger !


Posted 12:15 am, 05/28/2015

Oh, I forgot. You took a psychology class where you think you have everyone figured out? And for the record, I don't care if anyone likes me or not, because I don't like nobody!


Posted 12:14 am, 05/28/2015

Lemme see.....your best was "hey nobody likes you"


Posted 12:13 am, 05/28/2015

Is that the best you can come up with? ROFLMAO


Posted 12:12 am, 05/28/2015

No I had to drop the class you offered ....I don't like the classes where the teacher writes their own textbook..
Thanks for signing the form though


Posted 12:09 am, 05/28/2015

Krackhead you are in the same category as FB. No one likes you either. Did you take a semester of stupid in college?


Posted 12:08 am, 05/28/2015

Theyll get it tomorrow when they're not thinking about it

Feel Burger

Posted 12:07 am, 05/28/2015

High protein dreams.

On such a winters day.


Posted 12:05 am, 05/28/2015

Its no wonder you all think you've defeated feel burger because you're all so used to beating meat

Feel Burger

Posted 12:00 am, 05/28/2015

Feel Burger

Posted 11:58 pm, 05/27/2015

Feel Burger

Posted 11:57 pm, 05/27/2015



Posted 11:56 pm, 05/27/2015

Try again, I'm not fins. I'm just a dedicated disciple. Maybe one day he will be resurected.


Posted 11:56 pm, 05/27/2015

Rosie palm and her 5 sisters moron, I knew I should spell it out for you.

Feel Burger

Posted 11:54 pm, 05/27/2015

Rose and her how many sisters?

What are you drinking..????

Feel Burger is confused.

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