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Since last midnight, 1955 unborn babies have been aborted in the US


Posted 3:19 pm, 02/14/2018


Posted 3:16 pm, 02/14/2018

Your *** is ****ed for ****.

I need someone to clarify this particular sentence please.

Best I can figure it says is -

Your "p" is "f"ed for "s".


Posted 3:15 pm, 02/14/2018

The premise that abortion is a constitutional right must assume the fetus is not a person


Posted 3:11 pm, 02/14/2018


Posted 3:09 pm, 02/14/2018

OpenCasket (view profile)

Posted 3:05 pm, 02/14/2018

This could easily be the THREAD FIGHT of the week.

You keep this up casket, and I will have to ground you! And that means chaining your moped up for a week.


Posted 3:08 pm, 02/14/2018

Bestill (view profile)

Posted 3:04 pm, 02/14/2018

Well, I took the time view bob’s link that he suggested for donations and I would recommend some fact checking before you send your money. These folks have been widely discredited and their practices are pretty ugly. Whenever you pick an organization to send donations, I recommend you check them out first and look for some org that has good outcomes regardless of your religious view. Bob’s link contains a lot of discredited videos, a strong call to protest at clinics ( Lord Almighty) and dubious financial practices.

Exactly, organizations don't tell you up front. Cause if they did. People would tell them to go **** themselves.
Locks of love
american red cross
I'm only making examples, these organization sounds pretty. But really it's a pile of horse **** to live off donations in luxury while cherry picking which few candidates they do help, just enough so it makes it on the news.


Posted 3:05 pm, 02/14/2018

This could easily be the THREAD FIGHT of the week.


Posted 3:04 pm, 02/14/2018



Posted 3:04 pm, 02/14/2018

Well, I took the time view bob’s link that he suggested for donations and I would recommend some fact checking before you send your money. These folks have been widely discredited and their practices are pretty ugly. Whenever you pick an organization to send donations, I recommend you check them out first and look for some org that has good outcomes regardless of your religious view. Bob’s link contains a lot of discredited videos, a strong call to protest at clinics ( Lord Almighty) and dubious financial practices.


Posted 3:01 pm, 02/14/2018

Oh and for the record high, I been waiting for you finally open up rather then being polite about this, these past few yrs. I knew you had something you disliked about me. Everyone does, but the difference between me and you. Is that I'm choosing to keep the argument here over look it and retain a friendship. Your simply taking it personal even though abortion is not directed towards you. The problem with you people, is that get you get worked up and act as if it was your business and today society can't seem to get their nose out of peoples affairs.
If she wants abortion, let her have one. Just keep your *** away from the patient go do normal business. Which doesn't include your brown nosing and harassing someone on the outside side of the street holding up signs.
You know, I forgot to mention this little part. But that phrase that he is without sin, cast the first stone is pretty accurate. Know why? Cause you woudn't have no stone what so ever to hit another person with, and if you did. Your *** is ****ed for ****.


Posted 2:54 pm, 02/14/2018

Your right, I can hold my own. But can you?
If you ever change you mind and need to talk. You know where to find me.


Posted 2:53 pm, 02/14/2018

I mean really hangs.....did I get you involved?


Posted 2:52 pm, 02/14/2018

.....I used to watch over you rose but if you can be as disgusting as you've been on this thread then I amagine you can hold your own....and no I don't feel a dang bit sorry for you.....I have overlooked you for years but you have cursed me and said some of the most twisted sh*t about unborn children I've ever seen.....as far as I'm concerned I have no use for you.


Posted 2:45 pm, 02/14/2018

OpenCasket (view profile)

Posted 2:43 pm, 02/14/2018


Shut up Casket! Or else I'm coming for you next!


Posted 2:45 pm, 02/14/2018

Two nuts fighting over the same squirrel.


Posted 2:43 pm, 02/14/2018



Posted 2:40 pm, 02/14/2018

high_on_life (view profile)

Posted 2:17 pm, 02/14/2018

For one, with my medical record I cannot adopt.....and as warped in the head as you are, they'd be truly lacking in good judgement to ever put a child in your hands.

What makes you assume I would ever hurt a child? So because I'm pro choice. I'm a threat to children or is it cause of my disability? My opinion still stands on you even if you have hit me below the belt High. The conversation stays here. But friendship you hasn't changed. If it has for you, I'm sorry you feel that way. But you won't be changing my mind all cause were getting caught up in debate we don't agree about and your taking personal. Me how ever? I'm cheerful as cheer wine and I will have forgotten this whole blown over **** that bob has started on gowilkes. In fact he'll have accomplished nothing because you guys can do nothing about abortion. It is a constitutional right and if you think to use force to make it illegal, what else do you think will happen? Gun rights will be abolished, no more freedom of speech. Your destroying the foundation of the constitution and that means leaving religion out while following the law of the bible. Follow the law of the land and the law of the land is abortion is legal. Now, we don't agree that abortion is always necessary. But it's fundamental right. I never said it was right, nor should it be used carelessly. But I did say that abortion should stay legal because I might need it one day and so might you daughter or someone in your family. And to abolish it would cause someone in your family great distress or possibly death. What ever sin a person commits is between them and god. Just like it's between you and god. It's not your place to play as god and dictate over society and tell them what is wrong with the world. God gave us freewill, not just you or exempted some people. But everyone, and we or they pay the price of something they did through freewill. Then we all know where they're going, but did you forget. Jesus had friends who were once wh*res, thieves, **** maybe even someone who murdered. He didn't just pick the good devoted people who worshiped him. He picked the hardest and ignorant or unfaithful people who forgot about god and challenged himself to show that god hadn't forgot about them. In fact still holds them in his heart enough to set forth his son who died on a cross. Now if you think I would hurt a child, I feel some what disappointed in you. The worst you could see me do is smack him on the butt a couple of times. But as for abuse, no. I don't believe in that **** and you know it.


Posted 2:33 pm, 02/14/2018

Good grief.


Posted 2:30 pm, 02/14/2018

take an educated guess.....lol


Posted 2:28 pm, 02/14/2018

Please clarify as to whom you are referring.

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