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Since last midnight, 1955 unborn babies have been aborted in the US


Posted 2:17 pm, 02/14/2018

For one, with my medical record I cannot adopt.....and as warped in the head as you are, they'd be truly lacking in good judgement to ever put a child in your hands.


Posted 2:12 pm, 02/14/2018

hangsleft (view profile)

Posted 8:41 am, 02/14/2018

I read about a 17 month old little girl was killed by her father. Where's your thread Bob?
That's right, they only matter until they exit the v*gina.

My point exactly! It would have been better if she had been aborted. Now I'm not implying children don't deserve tender love and protection. As I would happily beat the **** out of any monster who does that. But it's not right to force a parenthood and responsibility on adults who were not meant to be parents. What happens when they're and turn into these kinda stories were the child is starved and died from abuse? What I'm asking, what has stopped these pro fetus freaks from reproducing and going down to the adoption agency and taking a child home? Think about it, if pro life folks stopped reproducing and adopted a child today. The population my not only decrease, but poverty also. No child should be so poor that it knows what it's like to go hungry, be cold.


Posted 9:02 am, 02/14/2018

I don't think you really care. I've never seen one post from you concerning abused children.

But then again they have exited a woman's v*gina so you no longer are concerned.


Posted 8:59 am, 02/14/2018

Hangs, it would be narrow-minded to assume that I only care about the aborting of unborn babies. I care about all children, as all civilized people. I address this issue because so few do. My church donates to and concerns itself of the terrible plight of abused children.


Posted 8:41 am, 02/14/2018

I read about a 17 month old little girl was killed by her father. Where's your thread Bob?

That's right, they only matter until they exit the v*gina.


Posted 7:54 am, 02/14/2018

Adams, a lot of comments have been posted after my I posted my last thread on abortion. Here is the original post two, (I believe) days ago"

"Since last Midnight 1955 unborn babies have been aborted in the United States (by a US abortion counter)

These innocent babies have died because they were not wanted. How sad. This year, so far, over 105K have died. We must stop this. It's a shame on our country not to protect its least-able to defend itself."

(I am not trolling (or whatever that is). Adams wanted to know what this is about)


Posted 7:37 am, 02/14/2018

my idea of information isn't skewed by religious leaning video's or for websites that sensationalize the issue and beg for money...to finance their agenda.

There are many ways to educate yourself and learn about your cause...without being brainwashed and robbed!

Listen as far as I'm concerned, if you truly believe that your cause is worthy...I want you to get out and learn and educate yourself so that you can truly represent your endeavor and assist those folks whom you believe are endangered by the choices that women must make!

We're all beyond "civilized conversations"....that is how Roe v Wade was passed, they got past the conversation and got out and did what they had to do to be represented and listened too!


Posted 12:30 am, 02/14/2018

Anyone who can't figure out High gender must not do a lot of thinking. Because it's obvious. I mean her profile says so. *palm in my face.*
But aside from that, it's good that these women changed their mind. But it doesn't mean ever women has the same strength or should be forced into motherhood much less make a child suffer it's entire life.
Again, this a constitutional right I am referring to for a women who has and should retain the legal light of having an abortion.


Posted 12:26 am, 02/14/2018

at you high, i got the impression from a post in the past that you were a guy, but it sounds like you're the one that is thinking about terminating pregnancy.

oooh my gawd....when the **** have I ever represented myself as a guy?.....show me the post, I'm dying to see it....and I have NEVER REPRESENTED myself as thinking about terminating a pregnancy you pathetic POS......get your persona's straight....and further more you can kiss my female pasty arse!


Posted 12:21 am, 02/14/2018

it has REAL information contained in it goddess if you will take the time to look at a video.....these are not props trying to make a buck....they are ppl who have been violently raped but kept their child anyway and ex-abortionist that saw the light of how disgusting it was to do such a horrific thing.....they are credible in my opinion...much more than cartoon skits.


Posted 12:17 am, 02/14/2018

its a continuous thread! it's a thread within a thread for one, and for two, I thought I had read through it, but some other posters kind of confused me and made me second guess whether or not i had read it through. and, at you high, i got the impression from a post in the past that you were a guy, but it sounds like you're the one that is thinking about terminating pregnancy...how does that work? Obviously, after reading and rereading, I'm missing something and more than anything else, I didnt want my comment earlier to be misconstrued as insensitive. You would think if you're making an appeal for people to weigh in on whatever, you would make it easy for them to do so...it's whatevs i guess. But, rule of thumb, if you have a burning question, give it the dignity of having its own thread...


Posted 11:42 pm, 02/13/2018

I shouldn't be a question at all. It's a constitutional right for a person to seek a health care provider who can give a women a safe procedure. But I don't think it should be abused as I said. But it's not my place to judge on the other intentions on what ever it might be. Other then I to might need it one day and it should be my right to decide what is best for weather I need prenatal care or termination.


Posted 11:33 pm, 02/13/2018

well that is if the thread actually has any real information contained within it...


Posted 11:31 pm, 02/13/2018

Rule of thumb, never post on a thread you haven't read thru.


Posted 10:50 pm, 02/13/2018

oh, are we weighing in on whether or not someone should get an abortion? someone catch me up. because i scanned past posts and couldnt find what I was looking for


Posted 9:19 pm, 02/13/2018

Of course I take no personal offence bobs, I do think it is important to correct the record for folks who may not know that your position is not widely held.

I don't think thats the problem.....maybe they think that their GoWilkes reputation is on the line and....bless their hearts they are a skert nobody will like them....well boo hooo.


Posted 9:17 pm, 02/13/2018

I like to call it what it is, and for the record, I see as much emotion vented in political postings, especially those against President Trump. Again, it it offends, don't open it. But I will continue with the abortion counter. For those who do find this abominable, go to Prolife.com to contribute.


Posted 9:16 pm, 02/13/2018

No one is trying to diss your position as a result of your belief, you are entitled to it. You can not impose your belief on others who do not share your notion or understanding regarding what murder is and what murder isn’t. You are just sorta out on your own there.


Posted 9:13 pm, 02/13/2018

Bob, how do you expect it to become civilized when hearts and emotions are on the line? You must know what you are creating when you start this.


Posted 9:12 pm, 02/13/2018

Of course I take no personal offence bobs, I do think it is important to correct the record for folks who may not know that your position is not widely held. Of course, I completely get why you are how you are what with the whole notion that life begins at conception, but that is your choice. You do no service to others with the whole bloody murder thing as most folks do not hold your worldview.

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