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Sheriff David Clarke: Barack Obama Started This War On Police


Posted 11:06 pm, 09/03/2015

This mother and daughter tag team speak eloquently to the topic:

What roll model mom is. Check out her eyes; can you say crackhead? Maybe they can get the family rate at the graybar motel.


Posted 5:19 pm, 09/03/2015

AND another, this one is a little further out than your ordinary #blm thug:

Some folks are just never satisfied, no matter how much gimmedat dey gets.


Posted 4:50 pm, 09/03/2015

Cops don't shoot compliant individuals.

Feel Burger

Posted 4:48 pm, 09/03/2015

Why can't people simply agree that no one should shoot a cop.

And that cops shouldn't shoot compliant individuals.



Posted 1:44 pm, 09/03/2015

ANA another example of #blacklivesmatter intentions:

At least this one got arrested and awaits punishment.


Posted 9:16 am, 09/03/2015

All lives matter except those of career criminals. These thugs should be permanently removed from society and I don't mean by incarcerating them at $50k a year cost to taxpayers.

Clean it up

Posted 9:40 pm, 09/02/2015

What's up with all of these black lives matter peeps marching around with bandanas covering their face


Posted 12:15 am, 09/02/2015

She never met a conspiracy theory she didn't like.


Posted 10:15 pm, 09/01/2015

You think President Obama is trying to get a third term?

Oh. My. God.


Posted 10:09 pm, 09/01/2015

I see its working just as they predicted it would. So the instigators and manipulators have been successful in turning us against each other. They look at it like a dog fight and the sponsors are the only winners. People we are not dogs and need to turn around and tell the instigators...OH **** NO!

All this has been cooked up in hopes that cops will want to leave the force...it was dangerous enough as it was. This is headed toward martial law and will be the reason that Obama remains in office as the rules say that when there is martial law no sitting president will leave office. How clever!

You see guys, all this was planned out long ago. Don't go along with it.
We are not dogs.


Posted 9:59 pm, 09/01/2015

Nope. Already commented. You're too stupid to find it.

Maybe it's the President's fault you're so stupid?


Posted 9:56 pm, 09/01/2015

Once again swcyboy snarks his inability to comprehend the depth of depravity manifested by the LDLP approved #blacklivesmatter turds.


Posted 9:52 pm, 09/01/2015

More from Texas.


But let Konrad tell you it's all the President's fault.


Posted 9:52 pm, 09/01/2015

Anybody from the LDLP care to defend this POS:


Posted 9:42 pm, 09/01/2015

AND now this:

And another sheriff speaks out on this atrocity!


Posted 8:37 pm, 09/01/2015

WOW! Somebody actually said something intelligent.

Try saying white lives matter, as has been done, look at the backlash there.


Posted 8:02 pm, 09/01/2015

FYI I don't watch Fox news. Everything I said came from YT where everyday People with Real Names, Faces post their views.

Black Lives Matter is racist. the people in the movement maybe innocent of any criminal activity but their Statement is racists in nature.


Posted 7:57 pm, 09/01/2015

Armed Black Panthers to Texas Cops: �We Will Start Creeping Up on You in the Darkness'




Posted 7:54 pm, 09/01/2015

Try looking at facts instead of what you feel or have been told by Fox News.



Posted 7:51 pm, 09/01/2015

"Hands Up Don't Shoot" Based on lies. "Black Lives Matter" spawned from "hands up don't shoot" it's based on lies the courts proved that. The Statement "Black Lives Matter" is Racist in it's very nature. That statement is a divider it excludes everyone who isn't black that's racists. Who said that? A Black Man and it's being echoed by many other blacks.

If Blacks themselves see that and they're speaking out against it as they are. It does tend to make one wonder about Pot calling kettle black.

The Better "ALL LIVES MATTER" would be by far a much better Message to send.

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