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Sheriff David Clarke: Barack Obama Started This War On Police


Posted 10:44 pm, 08/31/2015


Posted 10:43 pm, 08/31/2015

Hep-c lies again!

"Nobody in leadership has supported violence in any way....and certainly not toward police."

Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't the police told by their "leadership" to stand down in Ferguson and Baltimore so the community coulda express themselves?

Great post there, Guitar! In answer to your abiding question why woulda anybody base their movement on a pack of lies maybe you shoulda ask HILLARY. I hear she has experience in lying and coulda speak truth to weakness.

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 10:41 pm, 08/31/2015

Didn't the mayor of Baltimore say the people needed the freedom to express themselves?


Posted 10:37 pm, 08/31/2015

Well, okay. Just go ahead and think it's a big old race war. Perhaps you can even promote it.

Then your dreams can come true.


Posted 9:47 pm, 08/31/2015

Very well said guitar ......clark just spoke the truth even its his opinion it's a very truthful opinion that needs to be said more and more in this country, all lives matter not just black lives.


Posted 9:30 pm, 08/31/2015

It's not just Clarke's opinion go Check out YT it's hundreds of people all around the world. Of course they're wrong too even the Blacks who're speaking out against this crap.


Posted 9:26 pm, 08/31/2015

Look out Heps, it's not good to post the truth.


Posted 9:22 pm, 08/31/2015

Oh pleeeze...this is Clarke's opinion and nothing else.

President Obama, mayors, governors, chiefs of police have ALL encouraged PEACEFUL demonstrations.

Nobody in leadership has supported violence in any way....and certainly not toward police.

Good luck with what you come up with next.....I'm sure there will be more.


Posted 8:19 pm, 08/31/2015

Just because something is aired on Fox News doesn't make it fake. In this mans case, he touches on some very important topics he also seems extremely upset with his race for their actions. He told the truth about the so called "Black Lives Matter Movement" being spawned from "Hands up don't shoot" which was proven in court was an out right lie. Why in **** would you base any movement you're looking to make a legit statement by on an out right lie? A pack of lies for that matter!

Even that scum bag Eric Holder had to back off that because the evidence in that case proved that cop acted in Self Defense. This man being interviewed spoke the truth regardless of how badly it pisses people off. He just said what a lot of people are afraid to say. They want to say it but they'll be called every name in the book for speaking out. They'll automatically be called racists or bigot just for speaking their minds on this subject.
Something to note, the Bull Crap "Black Lives Matter" is racists as about anything said and goes right along with the N word for being racist and bigoted.It goes right along with "Cracker" " Saltine" and other derogatory terms used by racists of all skin colors. Even Blacks are saying it's racists for Gosh Sake!

That Statement excludes other races and by that is as racist and bigoted as it can possibly be. If you want a legit movement why Not say ALL lives Matter. That excludes No one and includes everyone. It's truth and it means something! Blacks have fought for equal rights they have fought against segregation but at every turn some of them seem to want to separate themselves even more from other races. "Black Lives Matter" is just another venue to do that!

When other blacks start speaking out against things of this nature as they are doing now. Why can't people see it's wrong especially the white people calling people racists and bigoted? Why start screaming oh it's fake or its not what people think because it was on some news agency. You can go on YT and see hundreds of blacks speaking out. Look at the comments under their videos, they're called every derogatory name under the sun. Called Uncle Toms, everything you could imagine to insult someone. They're telling the freaking truth and why can't people see how wrong this Bull **** is?

Martin Luther King would roll over in his grave seeing and hearing this bull crap going on today. He was a great man and these people are disrespecting him with their Bull crap movements based upon lies!

Martin Luther King was one of the greatest men to walk this earth in the past 100 years and these people basing their little movements on fabricated bull crap are dishonoring the mans memory and what he stood for and died for. He didn't just die for blacks he died for Everybody.

I agree Obama hasn't handled this the best he could have. He should be absolutely condemning violence and destruction. At every opportunity he should take the subject head on and stop blaming everything and anything but the real problem. Everything under the sun has been blamed for this crap but the real problem. Flags, Guns, Education, being poor, being singled out, drugs, being born in a ghetto, profiling! **** you name it and they've thrown out excuses. Not once have they actually addressed the root of the problem!

If all the cops in the USA went on Strike tomorrow, you'd see within 24 hours just How much lives mattered!

Maybe that is exactly what needs to happen to let everyone see how bad things would be, how much property would be destroyed. How many people would be murdered in their homes, on the streets, every where. Maybe then people would get the fact we have laws for reasons. Maybe they'd get the fact that ALL LIVES MATTER!


Posted 8:15 pm, 08/31/2015

Even before this shooting anyone who wasn't biased could see Obama's disdain for cops !


Posted 7:57 pm, 08/31/2015

Kanye, the dem's new poster boy!


Posted 7:52 pm, 08/31/2015

Kanye West for President . Let's put him on the ticket for 2016.


Posted 7:49 pm, 08/31/2015

And don't worry about Trump when YOU have Kanye West! Clown car gets bigger every day.


Posted 7:39 pm, 08/31/2015

Don't fall for their oldest trick there, Archer. Shooting the messenger is the first deflection the perpetrate when they know they're going to lose again.


Posted 7:15 pm, 08/31/2015

Donald Trump will fix everything. Obama is history and Donald Trump is the future! Why worry about Obama when we have Mr. Trump?


Posted 7:10 pm, 08/31/2015

So any made-up, absolute crap one person thinks is real is a real story, and should be treated as such.

Wow. That's setting the bar low.

But the news IS going to get a lot more interesting.

By the way, I really think Chumpie has sexual congress with his pillow. I'm alerting the media.


Posted 6:57 pm, 08/31/2015

Thats nothing more than a sound bite created by FAUX News to make Barack O Look Bad.


Posted 6:52 pm, 08/31/2015



Posted 6:48 pm, 08/31/2015

It's not fake, you moron. This sheriff made the statement and really believes it. Whether he is incorrect or is right doesn't change that the story is real. Fox didn't make it up. You are just a liar.


Posted 6:43 pm, 08/31/2015

Obama invites the racist Al Sharpton into the White House like he's a member of his cabinet.

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