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Seven dogs caged in one house

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Posted 8:00 am, 07/31/2014

She has something burning around an oxygen tank?


Posted 7:52 am, 07/31/2014

Cowboy, I wouldn't care if she has twenty dogs if she was capable of caring for them properly AND if she were paying for it on her own dime and not the taxpayers. You may have missed the parts where she all but said her Husband broke the poodles leg weeks ago and has made the dog wait this whole time to get surgery, not to mention the previous dog that didn't receive medical care for a tumor for 6 months, while she poured salt in its wound. These are the kind of things that are disturbing.


Posted 1:41 am, 07/31/2014

For a moment, let's put these dogs in the place of the immigrant children at the border. If someone didn't take them in, care for them, feed and water them, an even love them, where would they be? Dead more than likely. I don't want 7 dogs myself but from her Facebook, the dogs look fed and happy so why such a big deal? The dogs are prisoners? Go ahead and take them from her and then they go to death row. It's not my business what winds or anyone else does with their life but if it fills a void I feel she has in her life and these pets finally find a place to call their own, can there be that much harm in it?


Posted 1:03 am, 07/31/2014

I couldn't imagine having to clean up after dogs every day. A husband and kids is enough for me. To each their own I suppose.


Posted 10:26 pm, 07/30/2014

Burning incense is also hard on a person with breathing problems especially some incense fragrance. You shore do have it in for that old lady don't you. Dog Poo, incense, and bleach. Winds please use a little common sense and give the family a break and get rid of some of those dogs and try to be just a little more responsible to you mother in law and pets.


Posted 10:24 pm, 07/30/2014



Posted 10:24 pm, 07/30/2014

winds, for your own benefit, realize that the more you say, only makes it worse for yourself.

In reality, you don't own anyone an explanation as to how you live your life, but when you broadcast it on here...well, you usually end up getting your feelings hurt. Is it really worth it?


Posted 10:21 pm, 07/30/2014

In for it for the fight then. Got it.

See ya.


Posted 10:13 pm, 07/30/2014

Easy. People talk, I defend or explain myself.


Posted 10:10 pm, 07/30/2014

I am starting to think winds you like the abuse you get on here otherwise what is your point of posting on here?


Posted 10:05 pm, 07/30/2014

windsofchange (view profile)

Posted 9:55 pm, 07/30/2014

Yes.... They go out at least 2x a day under supervision. They still have accidents, especially at night. I getuup every morning and, using gloves, pick up dog poo and dispose of it, then I fill a bucket with hot water, add a little bleach and mop. Then using an antibacterial cleaner, I'll clean the kitchen and bathroom if needed. Wash dishes before bed at night. Do laundry when needed. I even burn incense.

Using antibacterial cleaner like that is going to end up making you sick. There are cleaners that are just as effective at cleaning. The bleach should wipe out all bacteria anyway.


Posted 9:55 pm, 07/30/2014

Yes.... They go out at least 2x a day under supervision. They still have accidents, especially at night. I getuup every morning and, using gloves, pick up dog poo and dispose of it, then I fill a bucket with hot water, add a little bleach and mop. Then using an antibacterial cleaner, I'll clean the kitchen and bathroom if needed. Wash dishes before bed at night. Do laundry when needed. I even burn incense.


Posted 9:44 pm, 07/30/2014

Again WHO said it was you?

Bleach will play nasty games with asthma / breathing problems.

Stupid question winds - don't you take your dogs for walks outside? If you did then the bleach would not be necessary. A collar and a leash is all that is needed.


Posted 9:40 pm, 07/30/2014

No wonder your mother in law is on oxygen, smelling bleach and dog poo is enough to kill a healthy human being much less someone who has health problems.


Posted 9:40 pm, 07/30/2014

I have 7 dogs. I use the bleach to get the floor clean as possible. They don't walk on it until dry.


Posted 9:37 pm, 07/30/2014

Who said it was you?

BTW bleach is not good for the animals.


Posted 9:34 pm, 07/30/2014

My house DOES NOT STINK!! I keep it cleaned every day with BLEACH!!


Posted 9:34 pm, 07/30/2014

Depends on the dog really. I've met some humans far nastier than any mut.


Posted 9:28 pm, 07/30/2014



Posted 9:27 pm, 07/30/2014

I got 5 dogs and if their lot isn't cleaned regular it stinks to high heaven. I would hate to smell a house thathhas 7 dogs insides

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