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Serious discussion about democrats of today


Posted 10:39 pm, 10/25/2014

Moving I agree with some of what your saying. How can a bunch of millionaires represent what they don't understand. They can't possibly know what it's like to live like us.


Posted 11:41 am, 10/25/2014

Skeptic (view profile)

Posted 3:53 am, 10/24/2014

President Obama is not a democrat. At least not a democrat like your family has traditionally voted for. The new liberal Democratic Party is not the one of your daddy's, daddy's, daddy's generation. I know your family has voted the same way for 100 years. Mine was the same way. When I first registered to vote it was as a democrat. When I changed to independent I was told my grandpa would rollover in his grave but I could see the difference in the old and New Democratic party. They are not democrats they are liberals. Ask yourself this if Obama had been around in the late 1800's or up to the 1950's would he be elected? Do you think the same people that elected JFK would have elected Obama? Do you think the think the "ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country" crowd would have voted for the new liberal party. No they would not. They would not vote for the party higher electric bills, higher insurance, taking $700 billion out of Medicare and reducing federal money for states Medicaid, putting pastors in jail for not prefixing same sex marriage, senators who put party first over its constituents and won't stand up to a president , saving the smelt fish over farmers growing crops, seizing personal property, Muslim extremist apologizers and the list goes on. You know this is not the working persons party anymore. It's the political and union favors party. You know as well as I do that is true. Now there will be people who come on this thread and spin away at what I've listed but all you have to do is research for yourself what I've said. You don't have to vote for a liberal just because they have a D beside their name especially when it should be a L in its place.

Here's the thing about comparing Dems from days gone by to those of today. Times have changed. The very oldest days of the Democrat Party included people that are more in line with the thinking of today's Repubs. Dems from the JFK era were far more inclined to be bigoted than those of today. The economy is a much stranger animal today than it was a century, or even a decade ago. People used to travel, communicate, work, and shop within 20 miles of home...now we are national and global. Even the Repub Party is different in many respects than it used to be.

When we are dead and gone, the younger generations will move further away from the beliefs and values we consider relevant. Just as we can look back and see where SOME of the things our older relatives did/thought were kinda crazy.

I still think the Dem platform is aimed at, and speaks for the middle and lower classes. But I'm not convinced the modern politicians are truly dedicated to the cause, as they are equally as bad as the Repubs to be looking after their own best interests as million/billionaires. There just many rich people in DC...on both sides of the aisle, to be able to properly represent us average joes. JMO


Posted 8:55 am, 10/25/2014

I always get hacked off when the Liberals and Unions preach hate against the people that have worked hard and made something of themselves. They always tell the minoritys that the rich white Republicans are the booger man. All that money spent on this election for Socialists like Hagan and Obama didn't come from the poor and middleclass. They've spent more money than the Republicans. All they do is blow smoke up their butts to get their vote. They're no better off now than before they took over. Obama's never lived a hard life. Harvard educated. I bet his mother never had to worry about paying her heating bill or getting help from a doctor. I can see why they walked out on him last week. More will do it before it's over.


Posted 8:40 am, 10/25/2014

Repubs have to accuse Liberals of living on the dole, they have nothing else. I want them to go ahead and vote for the party of the rich. The repubs will continue to work against fairness for everyone.


Posted 8:08 am, 10/25/2014

I make my own money Alonzo... I've never received government assistance ever. I've even had philanthropic moments throughout my life. Get your facts straight.

alonzo harris

Posted 6:27 am, 10/25/2014

muse, pretty strong words for someone who lives off the dole...


Posted 9:47 pm, 10/24/2014

Unions are not as strong as they used to be, but they've helped workers get a living wage and decent working conditions.. Big companies want cheap labor so they can keep the money for themselves, and live high on the hog. Their workers barely scrape by, but they have all the luxuries that money can by.

Idiots of the south and other places, keep fighting against the unions and a decent wage.


Posted 9:42 pm, 10/24/2014

the problem isn't envy for the rich man. It's the money from their pockets that pull the strings connected to our government leaders that's the problem. It's also about giving the rich tax breaks and other incentives while we regular Joe's are constantly raped of our money, all the while the rich owners of large corporations strip us of what money is left.


Posted 9:30 pm, 10/24/2014

(why not check out the starting pay at Freightliner over in Cleveland?)


Posted 9:27 pm, 10/24/2014

Amax We can't help but pay for Union made Cars and trucks. Why do you think alot of the automakers are wanting to come south. The same reason a lot of the firearms manufacturers want to come down here. They are tired of the Liberal politics and the Union Bull.


Posted 9:17 pm, 10/24/2014

And if it don't rain again soon enough, everything will die?? IF IF

glad you brought that up? If I don't pay my power bill, whack......Big word IF

Nobody will still touch how MUCH better wages and benefits of workers in Wilkes are that are represented??But if we choose we can find negative about most anything can't we?? I strive to hope the glass is half full


Posted 9:11 pm, 10/24/2014

Tell ya another good one? Ever notice people seem to disappear when you talk about Wilkes Co. workers that are represented?? That's real intelligent? So vehement a group that speaks for workers in masse to bargain for better wages and benefits?? Don't you or at least most that will read this like the services of UPS, the telephone companies, Duke energy, the post office? (and I bet if there was'nt so much stupidity and greed involved many more workers could have better jobs?)

(oh I even had one send me a pm "we don't need no unions in Wilkes" yeah right)


Posted 9:05 pm, 10/24/2014

Gandy- Don't you see the rhetoric that the Union Organizers use is just like the talk that the Socialist Democrats use. Lets get even with the rich man, He's your problem. Look at him living in luxury while you work hard to just break even. He's the problem. He doesn't care about you and your condition. Lets make him pay anyway we can. They tell the poor that the rich have too much and if you vote for me I will direct the monies so you will get your fair share. What they really do is direct the money to their pockets. If you are in a Union go on strike and see who still gets a pay check every week. It won't be the Union Members it will be the Union Organizers. You'll be lucky to get enough money from them to buy some grocerys every week.


Posted 9:03 pm, 10/24/2014

It kills me that people here are so against unions but we all struggle to buy cars and trucks made by union labor. While earning wilkes county wages.


Posted 8:41 pm, 10/24/2014

Osmo, not doubting a word of your post..How about naming anything and I mean anything that the almighty dollar is involved that sadly there's not been fraud, embezzlement, whatever name you want to give it?? My gosh when my daughter was young a supposed Brownie leader embezzled part of those children's fund raising money,,good grief....Ask any of the people in Wilkes County represented by a Union just how good their pay and benefits are??Dare ye???


Posted 8:25 pm, 10/24/2014

Cassidy one of the first jobs I had I was forced to join a union or not work. Later I paid dues to a Union that said they were going to help the people in NC when they only sent our money to a national Liberal Organization. I hate the goons and their tactics. Unions get people to join by talking just like Democrats and Socialists. The rich man factory owner is suppressing you. Give us your money and we will help you get it over on him. They won't help you. They only want your money.


Posted 8:12 pm, 10/24/2014

Cassidy1951 Read what Wiki says about GeorgeWallace's history.


Posted 10:52 am, 10/24/2014

I kept my doctor.

alonzo harris

Posted 10:45 am, 10/24/2014

Quite a lot of the narratives repeated by the gowilkes libs are factually incorrect.

That makes no difference to them. For that matter, knowingly repeating lies, somehow increases the thrill for them. Part of the liberal pathology. They think that conning people is wonderful; they emulate their leaders in that regard.

"You can keep your doctor...Benghazi caused by a video...increasing the debt ceiling doesn't increase debt...most transparent administration...borders are secure"..etc., etc.

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