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Serious discussion about democrats of today


Posted 6:05 am, 10/24/2014

Bestill, I am glad you asked. No I have not been in a union. However I have had some experience dealing with them. I had a display to be shipped to a convention center in Las Vegas. Iwas told if I didn't ship it on a union truck it would not be unloaded. Instead of paying $3400 to a local driver to ship it, had to pay $7300 to a union company. When it arrived, I was charged more than it was worth to unload it and locate it in the center, union handlers had to unload it. It was a non-active display but had electrical switches displayed. Never built to be attached to electricity. One of the switches was 1" closer to the door than house codes called for. They made me get it moved. The person who built the display could not move it. It had to be a union electrician at 4 times the price. When it was moved the wall had to have a 1" piece of sheetrock replaced. Had to pay the plaster union to come in and nail it in place. Yes it had to be painted but could only be painted by a union painter. When the show was over we had to give them the displays because moving them would cost more that they were worth. Yes you might say I have had some experience with unions.


Posted 6:04 am, 10/24/2014

Great news. Hagan lost two votes yesterday after I talked to a couple of my friends about this subject.


Posted 5:49 am, 10/24/2014

Democrats of today are the republicans of yesteryear and vice verse.


Posted 5:45 am, 10/24/2014

Repub-we-can (view profile)
Posted 5:21 am, 10/24/2014
Who does not side with working people? Only the non-working people don't side with working people.

As a non working person, retired from having to work, I still support work!

I have not had good experiences when dealing with unions.

Have you never been in a Union?

Politics aside, they do nothing but drive up the cost of goods. People say well if everyone was unionized it would solve the problem. If you gave everybody $25 dollars an hour to do everything can you not see how it would affect prices?

Still, you are living in an age old past. The middle class is dead and no longer requires unionized employment.

If a person is not performing their job they should not be protected to remain in that job just because they belong to a union. No the union has had its day. It is over, because their objective changed.

Of course, we are smarter now!


Posted 5:40 am, 10/24/2014

skeptic (view profile)
Posted 5:20 am, 10/24/2014
My dad is so disgusted with the democratic party he's not even voting this year.

Well, dad can do what dad wants to do.

Just don't let people say they had to vote for someone because they are a democrat.

Who does that? No one I know. Most folks I know vote for a platform or person regardless of party.

They are not democrats at all. They are liberals.

In all my years of voting, one thing I know for sure. Folks always make up their own minds. Give the people some credit! I also know for sure that the days of voting for Eisenhower because Lincoln won the war are long gone. Ever since.


Posted 5:21 am, 10/24/2014

Who does not side with working people? Only the non-working people don't side with working people. I have not had good experiences when dealing with unions. Politics aside, they do nothing but drive up the cost of goods. People say well if everyone was unionized it would solve the problem. If you gave everybody $25 dollars an hour to do everything can you not see how it would affect prices? If a person is not performing their job they should not be protected to remain in that job just because they belong to a union. No the union has had its day. It is over, because their objective changed.


Posted 5:20 am, 10/24/2014

My dad is so disgusted with the democratic party he's not even voting this year. Just don't let people say they had to vote for someone because they are a democrat. They are not democrats at all. They are liberals.


Posted 5:17 am, 10/24/2014

I guess I come from a family of "Union Thugs" Growing up in the fifties, lots of my family made their fortunes there.


Posted 5:13 am, 10/24/2014

That being said, that was then and this is now, and still, I kinda side with working people.


Posted 5:12 am, 10/24/2014

I remain sentimental regarding Unions. I have paid Union Dues and have benefited in the participation.


Posted 5:08 am, 10/24/2014

The labor union has turn into nothing but a political machine used to elect democrats. Nothing about the workers there. As the failing unions are vacated people realize they are one of the biggest reasons for the problems we have in American. City after city is collapsing in union debts. Just about all the liberal union operated large cities are over their head in pensions and debts created by nothing but union thugs. That is one good reason to vote for a Republican, stop the heavy handed, jackboot thugs from ramrodding and running roughshod over working people


Posted 4:58 am, 10/24/2014

Posted 3:53 am, 10/24/2014
President Obama is not a democrat. At least not a democrat like your family has traditionally voted for. The new liberal Democratic Party is not the one of your daddy's, daddy's, daddy's generation. I know your family has voted the same way for 100 years. Mine was the same way.

In our family we have only three generations of voters and they have always been diverse.

When I first registered to vote it was as a democrat.

Me Too! Of course, we had Vietnam and Watergate growing up so folks were sorta paralyzed, but my first vote was for Jimmy Carter. Of course growing up, everybody liked Ike but being Catholic, my parents swooned over JFK.

Then I changed to independent!

Somewhere during those hippie days I became a card carrying member of the communist party and got all radical.

I was told my grandpa would rollover in his grave ....

Tell me about it!

Ask yourself this if Obama had been around in the late 1800's or up to the 1950's would he be elected?

Of course not, silly! He would not even been allowed to vote.

Do you think the same people that elected JFK would have elected Obama?

Uh, They kinda did.

Do you think the think the "ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country" crowd would have voted for the new liberal party.

They did.

No they would not. They would not vote for the party higher electric bills, higher insurance, taking $700 billion out of Medicare and reducing federal money for states Medicaid, putting pastors in jail for not prefixing same sex marriage, senators who put party first over its constituents and won't stand up to a president , saving the smelt fish over farmers growing crops, seizing personal property, Muslim extremist apologizers and the list goes on.

And you did.

You know this is not the working persons party anymore. It's the political and union favors party. You know as well as I do that is true.

Lord loves a Union!

Now there will be people who come on this thread and spin away at what I've listed but all you have to do is research for yourself what I've said. You don't have to vote for a liberal just because they have a D beside their name especially when it should be a L in its place.

Guilty, but the whole D and L thing is just childish and speaks from an uninformed POV.


Posted 4:48 am, 10/24/2014

No, the Republican party is not what it was several years ago either. All politicians are after power and money, none of them are concerned with what's best for this country. I made a choice years ago to vote for the person and not the party. It worked out pretty good for several years, then I realized that the far left liberals had taken over the ideology of the democrat party. I did not support what they stood for then and it has gotten worse. I now look at it like this. Anyone that supports their ideology must be adding to the problem and not helping prevent it. When I talk to family members and friends and politics are not involved I find they believe almost entirely like I do. They oppose most of the very things they vote to support. When you ask how they can do that they usually say. " people have been doing that as long as I remember and you cant change it: So they join the group of victims and march to the poll and vote for them. They oppose most of the entitlements, about all or the immorality, and despise what they see our country turning into. But, when time comes to vote, they sneak down to the poll and pull the hammer for the big D. I cant figure it out but that is the mentality.


Posted 4:32 am, 10/24/2014

i agree completely. now what about the republican party? is today's republican party the same as your daddy's republican party?


Posted 4:25 am, 10/24/2014

Very well stated. And you are right it will not be accepted by those who even agree with you because they cannot admit the truth. Yes, by the democrat in name only people on here you will be attacked. I have relatives that have seen the very same thing and stated almost word for word what you just said. Problem is, they have staked out a position and will defend it to the end regardless how much it damages this country or their families. Thanks for sharing it


Posted 4:11 am, 10/24/2014

You said it all.. I could not say it any better then that..


Posted 3:53 am, 10/24/2014

President Obama is not a democrat. At least not a democrat like your family has traditionally voted for. The new liberal Democratic Party is not the one of your daddy's, daddy's, daddy's generation. I know your family has voted the same way for 100 years. Mine was the same way. When I first registered to vote it was as a democrat. When I changed to independent I was told my grandpa would rollover in his grave but I could see the difference in the old and New Democratic party. They are not democrats they are liberals. Ask yourself this if Obama had been around in the late 1800's or up to the 1950's would he be elected? Do you think the same people that elected JFK would have elected Obama? Do you think the think the "ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country" crowd would have voted for the new liberal party. No they would not. They would not vote for the party higher electric bills, higher insurance, taking $700 billion out of Medicare and reducing federal money for states Medicaid, putting pastors in jail for not prefixing same sex marriage, senators who put party first over its constituents and won't stand up to a president , saving the smelt fish over farmers growing crops, seizing personal property, Muslim extremist apologizers and the list goes on. You know this is not the working persons party anymore. It's the political and union favors party. You know as well as I do that is true. Now there will be people who come on this thread and spin away at what I've listed but all you have to do is research for yourself what I've said. You don't have to vote for a liberal just because they have a D beside their name especially when it should be a L in its place.

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