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School Lunch


Posted 3:19 pm, 10/09/2019

I remember brown bag lunch days, those would awesome because we got to eat outside.


Posted 3:16 pm, 10/09/2019

Speaking of school food memories ... does anyone remember the awesome vegetable soup they used to serve with peanut butter sandwiches?

I wish I had the recipe for it


Posted 3:13 pm, 10/09/2019

Js, I still think you should talk to someone at the school about letting your child pack his own lunch, they may be willing to make an exception?

As far as what the school serves, there's really nothing you can do about that (except complain) unless you just happen to know some high-powered lobbyist or politician in Washington DC that owes you a favor!

The only issue I have with the school lunches is that I wish they were more healthy. My kid would eat a salad everyday if it were an option.

But my kids aren't picky eaters. I hope it works out for you Js!


Posted 3:12 pm, 10/09/2019

If your kid comes home starving it's their fault. If they ride the bus pack them a snack.


Posted 2:19 pm, 10/09/2019

I think maybe just maybe the only meal some parents remember as kids was the school pizza or taco days because you didn't get those at home as often as you do now.

Pizza was a treat for me so to get it at school was awesome.

I looked at the menu and unless your child is a vegetarian, I'm not sure where the issue comes in. It was basically a turkey sandwich and fruit, the horror.


Posted 2:17 pm, 10/09/2019

Pollack....We send snacks and the classroom has plenty. The issue is the food they serve for lunch. If you have seen a lunch tray in the last several years you would understand. The schools lunches are nothing like they used to be. They are terrible. I have friends with school age children as well and they all say the same thing....the kids throw most of it away because its terrible.


Posted 2:06 pm, 10/09/2019


Posted 1:49 pm, 10/09/2019

Js, I haven't ever had a kid in public Pre-K but I do know that Pre-K program is structured differently than rest of grade school.

You should really Dojo the teacher about your concerns or call the principal! I swear, sometimes schools like to treat students like they are adults, but really they're still babies at that age!

Does the classroom have a snack pantry? If so and you feel comfortable enough private messaging me the name of the school, I'd be more than happy to donate lots of snacks for the pantry.


Posted 12:36 pm, 10/09/2019

Jsmom, YOU are the parent, not the school. Pack your child a lunch & TELL the teacher that is what your child is going to eat. They can't stop you from doing this.


Posted 12:16 pm, 10/09/2019

Yes.....we got a list of rules for the school year and one was no packing lunch. Granted ours is in prek thru the school system and that should not be any different from other grades. But in the packet of papers they sent home they said no packing lunches.


Posted 11:00 am, 10/09/2019

What school doesn't want you to pack lunch for your kid?


Posted 10:48 am, 10/09/2019

Simple, pack them a lunch. Easy fix, if the school doesn't like it. Tough. I ate it, and it seemed just fine with me. But then again. Maybe it was cause the food wasn't as a strict in diet and more tasty.How ever, any school who prohibits you from sending them a lunch is in violation.


Posted 10:48 am, 10/09/2019

My niece packs her lunch most days and always has. No problems. She only eats school meals when she likes the menu. Children learn from their parents.


Posted 10:40 am, 10/09/2019

I have been in classrooms @ elementary schools and the children are encouraged to bring the breakfast foods to classrooms.Any time a child wants a snack from these foods they are encouraged to snack all day long in these classrooms.


Posted 10:31 am, 10/09/2019

Kids are always hungry, that doesn't necessarily mean they aren't eating the school lunch. My kids constantly eat and are "starving" if they go 3 hours without a snack!

But if you think about it, kids always run around and physically play A LOT more than adults, so it makes sense they burn a lot of calories and need more replenishing.

Send some fresh fruit in the kid's backpack each day and have a healthy snack ready for them after school.

Also, I'm not aware of any policy that discourages children from packing their own lunches! I know several students who take their own lunch when they don't like what's on the school menu that day.

Plus, if a kid is actually hungry, he can eat what's on his plate!


Posted 9:42 am, 10/09/2019

We pack one of our kids lunch everyday, the other kid is like Mikey....


Posted 9:39 am, 10/09/2019

They do not want them packing lunch from home.

Interesting, I pack my daughters lunch everyday, so is it something new they started saying?


Posted 9:25 am, 10/09/2019

No they need to serve nutritious food and not pizza and mac/cheese everyday.

Teach your kids to eat something besides chicken nuggets.


Posted 8:57 am, 10/09/2019

The lunches they serve at school most of the time are not worth eating. My kid comes home every day starving. They do not want them packing lunch from home. They need to serve food the kids can and will eat! Most sit there all day long and go hungry.

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