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Russia's Credit Rating Cut To 'Junk' By S&P - Ruble crashes against the dollar


Posted 11:06 am, 01/27/2015

These countries had better band together. Ukraine has an army twice the size of Belarus. The sad thing is Russia has a bigger military than all of its neighbors(that it would be interested in) combined.


Posted 8:58 am, 01/27/2015

NATO is preparing for war.

NATO is preparing for what many are calling one of the alliance's most important summits in many years. When member leaders meet later this week in Wales, they are expected to take strong actions to form a new force that can act swiftly to handle what many see as Russian aggression.



Posted 8:58 am, 01/27/2015

It's ok, the repubs will send their hero Hitler to eliminate him. See the video below.


Posted 8:56 am, 01/27/2015

Why This Matters: The deteriorating Russian economy might be viewed as a local, or perhaps regional, problem, except for the increasingly militaristic behavior of the Russian government. The fact that on the same day that the central bank announced a radical interest rate hike the Russian foreign minister raised the specter of nuclear proliferation in Europe suggests a disturbing return to Cold War defense postures.



Posted 8:53 am, 01/27/2015

Apparently it's not just me that thinks this way.

"Russia's collapsing economy and currency make Vladimir Putin even more dangerous and unpredictable, Obama administration officials believe."



Posted 4:19 pm, 01/26/2015

Eat At Moes

Posted 4:18 pm, 01/26/2015

Seriously. The US and EU would actually sanction the entirety of the RU, no more of this targeted sanctions. They'd be on the level of NK before they knew it

Eat At Moes

Posted 4:17 pm, 01/26/2015

His economy would fall apart if he tried to invade anything more than he's doing now.

He wouldn't be able to afford to pay his soldiers


Posted 4:16 pm, 01/26/2015

I don't think Putin will be asking permission to invade countries.

Eat At Moes

Posted 4:14 pm, 01/26/2015

The oligarchs will be strung up like the French Aristocrats were before it comes to a resurgence of the CCCP.

The Eurasian Union was Putins attempt to form another soviet like block, but even Belarus and Kazakhstan are very wary of Putin's expansionist attitude.


Posted 4:12 pm, 01/26/2015

You do know there are very powerful people in Russia that want are Soviet Union back right. It's not going to end well.

Eat At Moes

Posted 4:11 pm, 01/26/2015

skeptic (view profile)

Crashing Russia's economy will end badly. Hey didn't they do that to Germany in the 1920's.

Russia has a habit of killing their leaders they don't like. Germany didn't. But Russia won't fall into chaos like Germany did post WWI. China will prop up their economy long enough to ravage any part of the URE they want. Maybe a land grab? Maybe just completely take over their infrastructure or markets.


Posted 4:05 pm, 01/26/2015

Thanks Honky Tonk.

Honky Tonk Hero

Posted 4:04 pm, 01/26/2015

heeeeeerrrreee's Georgie


Posted 4:01 pm, 01/26/2015

Crashing Russia's economy will end badly. Hey didn't they do that to Germany in the 1920's.


Posted 3:57 pm, 01/26/2015

But , but, W could look deep into Putin's eyes and see his wonderful soul, heart, or something like that .

Honky Tonk Hero

Posted 3:54 pm, 01/26/2015

remember when our local dumba $ ****, I mean, republicans were swooning over Putin and talking about how much smarter he was than our president and wishing he was prez of the USA?

how do you like him, now>


Posted 3:48 pm, 01/26/2015

But..but...he rode a horse shirtless!

Eat At Moes

Posted 3:47 pm, 01/26/2015


That's the Ruble to US Dollar index

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