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riots in baltimore


Posted 10:48 am, 05/03/2015

Lol...hands on my dash. I will argue with the cops, but comply as well. The courtroom is the place to a dress grievances. Let them prove their case against me there.
Or, In the alternative, I will prove mine.

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 10:29 am, 05/03/2015

the point that goddess is valid and can't be ignored. when any officer is trying to just do their job and has to constantly be concerned about being shot ... it affects that officer and any officer that hears about it. to ignore the fact that all officers can be a target depending on the situation is reckless.

these issues are highly charged. there are true victims of police using excessive force. it is equally valid that law enforcement is being targeted. when those 2 groups come together, things are going to go wrong ... deathly wrong.

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 10:20 am, 05/03/2015

i am not trying to speak for Guitar, but i do believe he was speaking general terms ... not just this particular case


Posted 10:16 am, 05/03/2015

Some people are just dumb when it comes down to the facts of running from the cops...when i was growing up you would hear about people running from the cops a lot...never did you hear that they were shot for running. Also news flash for some...this Freddie Gray guy may have been a drug dealer, but no drugs where found on him or around the vicinity of where the arrest was made.

Good point kenc ...claiming they can't breathe...its pretty hard to breathe when someone is choking you out...we already know that they have been a death by choking...Eric Garner died for selling cigarettes...choked to death.


Posted 10:14 am, 05/03/2015


I see only one person who is responsible for this confrontation.


Posted 10:14 am, 05/03/2015

We as a civilized society choawwse to make rules aka. laws. We also decided to have these laws enforced. The enforcement can get ugly and even escalate to what many consider brutality. No-one and I repeat NO-ONE has been killed for singing out of key in the Churh Choir on Sunday, however we are considering this.


Posted 10:13 am, 05/03/2015

How did Freddie Gray resist arrest, by struggling to be able to breathe ?


Posted 10:06 am, 05/03/2015

I agree with Chendo, that people shouldn't be killed because some cop decides to hand out his view of justice. That's not justice not in the least. Just because he or she's had a bad day or had a fight with someone who they've attempt to arrest. Doesn't matter what the person is guilty of they shouldn't be murdered.

However, everyone is going to have to take some share of responsibility before anything is really resolved. If you're arrested, then don't resist. People of all colors are going to have stop playing the blame game because in my opinion everyone is guilty in some form fashion or way. The Police, the people who are repeat offenders, the people who resist and the racists, bigots. By the way, Whites don't hold all the cards being racists or bigots. Racists and Bigots come in all colors.


Posted 9:51 am, 05/03/2015

I just saw a former cop on TV saying that yes, cops hear people claiming they can't breathe all the time. Wonder how well he could breathe lying face down with a cop's knee pressing into his chest and another cop pushing his head into the pavement.


Posted 10:53 pm, 05/02/2015

Don't you wish it were that easy?

Clean it up

Posted 10:49 pm, 05/02/2015

Obey the law and don't be a drug dealer. That will decrease your chance of being systematically abused by the police.


Posted 10:34 pm, 05/02/2015

People are rallying against systematic abuses by police leveraged against minorities .
No matter what you are accused of, cops shouldn't be able kill you on the way to jail.

That's what they are accused of.

Clean it up

Posted 10:14 pm, 05/02/2015

This country is in bad shape when people start rallying to support a drug dealing peice of crap that hasn't worked a day in his life.


Posted 7:27 pm, 05/02/2015

Why don't the BPD just show the video in the van and that will answer all the questions.


Posted 6:32 pm, 05/02/2015

glitter, the latest chant has been revised to, "No justice, no peace, no racist police" and it has gone from a riot to a rejoice.

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 6:31 pm, 05/02/2015

That should read mugshots of the six officers arrested in Gray's death indicate three of the officers are black. Five are male. One is female. FWIW

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 6:20 pm, 05/02/2015

Mugshots of the officers arrested and charged with Gray's murder are black...

Now what?

Feel Burger

Posted 10:46 pm, 05/01/2015


Feel Burger

Posted 10:42 pm, 05/01/2015

I think Chendo is in that movie.


Posted 10:41 pm, 05/01/2015

I'd like to confirm that I watched Dances With Wolves.

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