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Republicans pay the price for Trump's wall crusade


Posted 8:48 am, 02/16/2019

trump loves the military..

Under the terms of the declaration, the administration would have access to $3.5 billion from the Pentagon's military construction budget, along with $2.5 billion from the Pentagon's drug interdiction program and $600 million from the Treasury Department's drug forfeiture fund.

The $3.5 billion in military construction funds could be taken from a wide range of projects, including landing pads and maintenance facilities for the new F-35 fighter jet in California; waste management facilities at Guantanamo Bay; a high school for military children in Japan; and special operations forces training facilities in North Carolina, according to a list of projects provided to ABC News by a congressional aide.

When asked whether the decision could harm morale in the military and among military families, Trump claimed Friday that military officials told him they felt the border wall was more important than the projects that could be canceled or delayed.

And experts also warn about the potential consequences of reallocating $2.5 billion from the Pentagon's drug interdiction program.

Those funds are usually used to fund federal, state, and local law enforcement investigations into drug traffickers and violent gangs, according to ABC News Contributor John Cohen, a former Department of Homeland Security Under Secretary.

"The Department of Defense interdiction monies are used to pay for intelligence-gathering, are used to fly airplanes and to support ships that are in the ocean that are actually interdicting loads of drugs en route United States," Cohen told ABC News' Devin Dwyer.

Does this not defeat the purpose?


Posted 8:43 am, 02/16/2019

Just a few more lies...

Where Trump gets his numbers

Trump: "I get my numbers from a lot of sources like Homeland Security primarily, and the numbers that I have from Homeland Security are a disaster."

The numbers that come out of his own Department of Homeland Security, instead of supporting his claim of an "invasion," show that illegal border crossings are at historic lows.

According to Customs and Border Protection data, illegal migration is down dramatically over the last two decades.

For example, in 2001 there were 1,643,679 apprehensions at the border, compared with 396,579 in 2018 -- a more than 75 percent drop.

How drugs get into the country along the southern border

Trump: “The big drug loads don't go through ports of entry, they can't go through ports of entry, you can't take big loads cause you have people we have some very capable people, the border patrol, law enforcement, looking.”

The biggest fentanyl bust in history was made just a few weeks before trump made this claim. According to an announcement from the federal government, 254 pounds of the lethal drug heroin were seized by Customs and Border Protection. But the smugglers weren't trying to sneak across the border with the drugs in backpacks, or through an underground tunnel. The drugs were loaded into a trailer filled with cucumbers and shuttled to a U.S. port of entry in Nogales, Arizona.

According to the Drug Enforcement Administration's 2018 Drug Threat assessment, the majority of drugs enter the U.S. through ports of entry at the southwest border.


Posted 8:00 pm, 02/15/2019

I agree that Trump completely let us down. That is the dumbest thing he could have done. This is not even a deal.


Posted 7:33 pm, 02/15/2019

We finally know what's going on. "The FBI is hiding a chart"!!!! OMG what are we going to do? I don't think I'll sleep tonight.


Posted 7:33 pm, 02/15/2019

Ann Coulter again today...

“Thank god he’s relieved me any responsibility for what he’s been doing,” Coulter told the radio hosts. “That was the biggest favor anyone could do for me today.” Declaring that “the country is over” now, she said she didn’t need a Tarot card reader to know that Trump would “totally f-over his base.”

The president's “mandate,” Coulter said, was to build the wall. And even though that’s what he plans to do by declaring a national emergency, she’s not happy about it. “The only national emergency is that our president is an ” she said.

Coulter predicted that the courts will use the bill Trump just signed to block him from building the wall, once again calling him a “lazy” and “incompetent” president who is surrounded by “absolute s” like Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump.


Posted 7:30 pm, 02/15/2019

Skeptic is this what you are going to argue over?

Come on Man

Where are you stats coming from??

All I am doing is giving you and everyone else the stats as we have them!

Do you think this is worth declaring a national emergency for?


Posted 7:15 pm, 02/15/2019

Smonk. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that you are talking about the drugs that are seized. There is a whole open border that is used for trafficking. Your stats are correct for drugs that are seized. It has nothing to do with drugs that are moved through the open border. Those drugs are not seized or detected. It’s like you are saying if it’s not detected it doesn’t count.


Posted 6:46 pm, 02/15/2019

MSNBC agrees with me. AOC the mush brained current leader, and darling of the new democrat party, is according to deutsch-extremely-dangerous-ocasio-cortez-handing-presidency-back-to Trump.


MSNBC agrees with you but you post a link from breitbart.

I would also like to add WTF does this have to do with the thread NUT BAG?????

this n that

Posted 6:23 pm, 02/15/2019

MSNBC agrees with me. AOC the mush brained current leader, and darling of the new democrat party, is according to deutsch-extremely-dangerous-ocasio-cortez-handing-presidency-back-to Trump.


Posted 6:15 pm, 02/15/2019

The ignorant SOB even said I didn't need to do this!

Well WTF:

Why the **** then is there a need for the national emergency?????

Oh yea there ain't one!

Just more bull**** lies!

this n that

Posted 6:13 pm, 02/15/2019

“Judicial Watch caught the FBI in another cover-up to protect Hillary Clinton. These records show that the FBI is hiding a chart detailing possible violations of law by Hillary Clinton and the supposed reasons she was not prosecuted.”

WATCH: More from Tom Fitton on this breaking story, “This is an outrageous cover up” says Fitton in a video posted Friday:


Posted 6:03 pm, 02/15/2019

The majority of hard narcotics seized by Customs and Border Protection come through ports of entry either in packages, cargo or with people who attempt to enter the US legally. The only drug that is smuggled in higher numbers between legal entry points is marijuana, according to CBP and the Drug Enforcement Administration.

For example, the majority of the heroin on the southern border flows into the US through privately owned vehicles at legal ports of entry, followed by tractor-trailers, where the heroin is co-mingled with legal goods, according to the DEA's 2018 annual drug threat assessment. Ninety percent of heroin seized at the border in fiscal year 2018 was apprehended at ports of entry.

this n that

Posted 6:01 pm, 02/15/2019

Liberals are inferior. The natural 'patriotism' that once was widely taught in our schools, has now been 'brainwashed" out of these inferior mutants though our schools. They are what our institutions of 'higher learning' are turning out by the 10's of thousands every year. We used to be taught about our founding fathers, and G,. Washington,, all about American History. That's gone. It's now replaced with Marxism, and socialism, and every deadly ism known to man. Ism's that produced the likes of Stalin, and Hitler, and current dictators like the one in Venezuela.

They are constantly told by their brainwashing professors that they are more intelligent than any conservative.
The brainwashing going on in our schools from K thru college is finally being seen for what it's done to the minds of young people for years.

There's not a single poster that post on GW that is not superior to every liberal here. They may be more traveled, more well read, know a lot about a lot of subjects. When it comes to common sense and logic, they come up empty.

These people are YOUR nations enemy. Treat them with the same disrespect they show to you, just because you voted for pres. Trump.

They are a waste. A generation or two or three of mush brains. Brought to you thru our broken educational system.

Stop sending you precious, impressionable children to these universities that destroy their brains, Turning them into the same kind of sheep you see from these GW mush brains every day.

this n that

Posted 5:39 pm, 02/15/2019

Wasting you time mush brain.

We all here know the truth, and we know exactly what you are.

Did you notice today when Trump was speaking to the Angel People.. he used the term.. "our real country,, the people in our real country love you".?

That's what I've been telling you mush brains. You'll never be thought of again as "our fellow Americans".

You're not part of the America that is "our real country". You're the enemy within. You have no country. And your leaders can't stop what's happening. They are turning the country so against the dem. party, and they can't help themselves. They honestly don't know how badly they are looking to the people of "our real country'.
You only have a very small part of this country that will vote dem. no matter what. The other dems, with children in danger all the time because of illegal criminals, will walk away from the democrat party in a heart beat. You're losing black people, you're losing Hispanics, you've lost the majority of independents already, and you'll lose more with you constant attacks on a President that is doing great things for this country. And since the SOTU.. people are engaged. There's high drama going on. And Americans love a good drama, filled with suspense, and seeing the good guys WINNING.
POTUS Donald J,. Trump is MAGA-nificent!!

I also noticed today how easily it is for pres. Trump to speak for a long time, off the cuff. He never hems and haws, stammering and stuttering trying to find some words to finish a sentence.
He OWNED all those that are not part of "our real country" today. The outsiders, the traitors, the dems, the media, and all the mush brains everywhere.

obama should watch how it's really done without a teleprompter.

Speaking of mush brains.. That AOC is a prize mush brain. What a dunce. She's got a lot of people mad at her. That NY thing was a big mistake, and she's so dumb, she's bragging about it. Even CNN was saying how she has no sense about economics. What did you expect from the mushy brain that wants to get rid of cars, and airplanes, and build train tracks across oceans?

You mush brains should try to get rid of her, or at least stop her mouth from moving. She's helping Trump get reelected.


Posted 5:15 pm, 02/15/2019

According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection statistics, 90 percent of heroin seized along the border, 88 percent of cocaine, 87 percent of methamphetamine, and 80 percent of fentanyl in the first 11 months of the 2018 fiscal year was caught trying to be smuggled in at legal crossing points.

Come on man. You are smarter then that. Those statistics only deal with what is seized at legal crossings. Crossings that make up maybe 5% of the entire border. It has nothing to do with what walks across the open border.


Posted 4:22 pm, 02/15/2019

Open your eyes and ears

1. A border wall is necessary to curb illegal drug trade (TRUMP)

But it's unlikely a border wall would have much effect on the illegal drug trade. Drugs primarily come into the U.S. through ports of entry and through the mail, not through unsecured portions of the southern border, according to the government's own data.

According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection statistics, 90 percent of heroin seized along the border, 88 percent of cocaine, 87 percent of methamphetamine, and 80 percent of fentanyl in the first 11 months of the 2018 fiscal year was caught trying to be smuggled in at legal crossing points.

2. It is a "lie" to say drugs come through ports of entry (Trump)

It's Trump who has his facts wrong. Government reports have repeatedly shown that illegal drugs primarily enter the country through ports of entry. And it's not just Democrats who have publicly acknowledged this information.

Trump's then-Department of Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly �" who went on to become White House chief of staff, until December 2018 �" said in April 2017 that illegal drug traffic “mostly comes through the ports of entry.”

3. "Walls work 100 percent," Trump said
Border barriers between the U.S. and Mexico do not have 100 percent success rate. These fences have been cut through, dug under and climbed over in the past.

4. Violence in El Paso was "100 percent better" after a wall went up

Speaking about crime and violence, Trump said "it was not only better, it was 100 percent better" when a border barrier was constructed in El Paso, Texas.

Crime data published by the FBI shows otherwise, as NBC News reported in a fact check earlier this month.

Violent crime has been dropping in El Paso since its modern-day peak in 1993 and was at historic lows before a fence was authorized by Congress in 2006. Violent crime actually ticked up during the border fence's construction and after its completion in 2009, law enforcement data shows.

5. The U.S. is being invaded (Trump)

But there's little evidence the southern border is experiencing a new state of emergency. Violence isn’t spilling over the border, and terrorists aren’t being caught in droves trying to cross it. Illegal drugs largely come through legal ports of entry, not unguarded parts of the border, according to border authorities.

Illegal border crossings have been dropping for years, and while border apprehensions have risen in recent months, they are still markedly lower than they were 20 years ago, Customs and Border Protection data shows.

6. China is paying the U.S. billions, thanks to tariffs (Trump)
Trump misstates how tariffs work. Foreign nations do not pay tariffs directly to the U.S., and often, American consumers ending up footing the bill.
7. Thousands of MS-13 'gang monsters' have been deported

While the U.S. does deport people with suspected gang ties each year, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement has stepped up its efforts, Trump is inflating the number of MS-13 gang members who are included in that number.
In fiscal year 2017, the U.S. arrested 4,818 people with gang ties. That number included fewer than 800 MS-13 members.
Many MS-13 members are U.S. citizens �" the gang was first formed in Los Angeles �" and cannot be deported.
8. We changed how China classifies fentanyl (Trump)
Fentanyl and many similar substances have been a controlled substance in China for years, The Associated Press reported recently, and Trump is misstating what the Chinese government agreed to do as part of ongoing trade negotiations with the U.S.

The question here is WHAT DOES HE NOT LIE ABOUT???


Posted 4:13 pm, 02/15/2019

Holy Shirts I agree with Ann on something.


Posted 3:54 pm, 02/15/2019

And this from a Fox affilate:


Posted 3:44 pm, 02/15/2019

Well, well, well, it seems that even Mrs. Cryptkeeper has turned against Comrade Bonespurs:

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