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Repeal the secret ballet.


Posted 12:45 pm, 01/14/2020

As I said before, though:

Your vote doesn't REALLY matter, and never has. It's nothing more than a guideline to tell the electors how we think they should vote, but they're under no obligation to obey it.

You should read this article:

There is no Constitutional provision or Federal law that requires electors to vote according to the results of the popular vote in their States.



Posted 12:42 pm, 01/14/2020

I want to be able to go see how my vote was counted and if it was counted. Now, there is no way to tell if your vote was counted or how. We don't even know who counts our votes. I just don't trust this system.


Posted 12:36 pm, 01/14/2020

It really doesn't matter if it's true or false, 1048. It's all about intimidating and scaring people. And removing the anonymity from their vote does exactly that.

I'll give you another example. When I was a kid, my dad used to go in the voter booth with my mom to tell her how to vote. His argument was that she didn't know any better, but looking back... he was also able to make sure she voted the way he wanted.

What problem are you trying to correct, 1048?


Posted 12:11 pm, 01/14/2020

Ballot not a dance (ballet)


Posted 11:05 am, 01/14/2020

WOW, can ya just imagine a bunch of gun nuts storming a storage shed full of supporters of a DNC candidate for any office??...


Posted 8:38 pm, 01/13/2020

And I hate to point this out to you snowflakes but some of these people who you refer to as GUN NUTS are democrats. I know of several who have decided to leave the party.


Posted 8:21 pm, 01/13/2020

Not being over run by any body that I can tell They could hold their rallies in a storage shed with the turnout they have here


Posted 8:04 pm, 01/13/2020

There is a democrat headquarters. you know. It is not being over run with gun nuts.


Posted 6:38 pm, 01/13/2020

Maybe... but all it takes is one self righteous zealot that thinks God wants him to kill all Democrats and that Trump will pardon him.

Isn't that what this n that once posted?


Posted 6:37 pm, 01/13/2020

You miss understand the so called gun nuts. Most of them are more concerned with you having freedom then you are.


Posted 4:53 pm, 01/13/2020

No, but I don't know any of your real names, either.

Do you think my elderly mother would feel safe openly voting against Eddie Settle right now, knowing that he has the gun nut support?


Posted 4:45 pm, 01/13/2020

I wonder, do you have any doubt about how I vote or how Comrad votes or signer?


Posted 4:41 pm, 01/13/2020

1048, that's actually how the electoral system works. Your vote doesn't REALLY matter, and never has. It's nothing more than a guideline to tell the electors how we think they should vote, but they're under no obligation to obey it.

If ballots weren't secret, though, don't you think there are just enough psychos out there that would hunt down anyone that voted in a way they didn't like? Just the threat of that would be enough to prevent a lot of people from voting.


Posted 2:42 pm, 01/13/2020

Do you know how Wayne voted?


Posted 2:35 pm, 01/13/2020

Ballet should never be secret!


Posted 2:22 pm, 01/13/2020

How do you know how your vote was counted? You can't even tell us who counted your vote. It could be that a bunch of unknown people just made up numbers.

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