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Remember when


Posted 12:11 pm, 05/21/2024

Rah, Rah. Rah mouse, see that severed artery slap a band aid on it.


Posted 11:56 am, 05/21/2024

Bill Clinton fixed all that for you so good that Hillary tried to distance herself from his overseas policy. Nixon gave you multiple raises to your SS.


Posted 11:48 am, 05/21/2024

Remember when our heroes came home from WWII determined that they would not live through another depression, and the unions became strong enough to enable production workers to earn a decent wage under better conditions? Remember when the effects of higher wages for production workers forced employers to increase the salaries of middle class management? Remember when Nixon and his cronies devised a means of enabling the big corporations to make their profits (already more than adequate) obscene, by moving their operations offshore? Remember how Nixon allowed the corporation's tax exemptions to offset the cost of shipping our jobs overseas? Remember when Nixon after causing a recession through job losses took away the tax exemptions for group insurance and car payment interests? Remember how Nixon attempted to reduce the effects of his recession by freezing wages but not prices? Remember when Reagan busted the Air Traffic Controllers Association and removed many of the safety regulations? Remember when Bush II got us into another Mid East war by lying about Saddam Hussien having WMD's? Remember when Trump borrowed $8.7 trillion thereby putting the USA in deeper debt than we had ever been and reducing our international credit standing?

Remember when a Republican president and administration did anything to benefit the working and middle classes??????


Posted 11:39 am, 05/21/2024

housing prices were insane WAY before Biden. They have been crawling up for a pretty good while.

Anonymoose (view profile)

Posted 10:26 am, 05/21/2024

You can't afford to live in Charlotte now , thanks to Joe


Posted 11:29 am, 05/21/2024

dog butler not butt, sorry


Posted 11:28 am, 05/21/2024

It's awesome now, I can afford to eat anything I want, cable tv, netflix, movies, internet, one car/ one pickup. Getting 4.5% on my savings, SS, and Medicare. If only I could had that at sixteen. Have savings, cars paid for, houses paid for and sitll according to butt I'm still not middle class, sad.

the dog's butler

Posted 10:55 am, 05/21/2024

This web site shows NC has a range of $44,983 and $134,962 to be considersd as middle class.



Posted 10:26 am, 05/21/2024

You can't afford to live in Charlotte now , thanks to Joe


Posted 9:54 am, 05/21/2024

People are still in the middle class. I made a lot of money when under Carter off high interest. I got a house in Charlotte for $22K and sold it for $48 just a few years later.


Posted 9:38 am, 05/21/2024

Now it takes $120 k to be middle class Interest rates were 17 % under Carter


Posted 9:18 am, 05/21/2024

Went to work at 16 after school. Summers I had full time jobs. I saved to buy my own car. Parents didn't help me with anything. The only thing I got until age 16 was enough food to keep me alive. Was it my parents fault, NO. They did the best they could, times were hard on some. Was I happy, yes. I was loved and protected which means alot. My mom would fought till her death for me/ family.


Posted 9:04 am, 05/21/2024

No I don't remember that. College was out of the question. Savings LMAO, our saving was digging for pennies in the couch or chair. So tell me Anonymoose where did the one parent work? We were lucky to get food for everyday. Is times better, YES.

the dog's butler

Posted 8:49 am, 05/21/2024

Dad had a pention.


Posted 8:44 am, 05/21/2024

Back then little Johnny and Suzie weren't playing every sport under the sun and neither were they all carrying the latest iPhones while sitting in line in their Lexus at Starbucks on their way to their private school or after school sports meet.
And mom wasn't at yoga class then heading to lunch with her girlfriends then heading out to an afternoon of shopping and picking up dinner to go at any restaurant she knew would offer something for each of her picky eaters.
And dad was at the office playing yes man to the CEO hoping he could keep his job and ever-growing stock portfolio until he either drops dead from stress or the company is bought out by a conglomerate and jobs shipped overseas.

the dog's butler

Posted 8:10 am, 05/21/2024

Yes, one car.
One black and white tv.
No cable.
No internet.
One land line phone.
Mc Donald's once a month.
Grocery shopping once a week.
1 case of pop once a week.
Mutt from the pound.

We consume more now.


Posted 8:02 am, 05/21/2024

I think you misspelled Ronald Raegan


Posted 7:54 am, 05/21/2024

Was that when worker unions were strong?


Posted 7:37 am, 05/21/2024

I remember that world , Jimmy Carter almost ruined it just like Biden


Posted 7:15 am, 05/21/2024

Nope....Both my parents worked in factories and had a garden.


Posted 12:33 am, 05/21/2024

No, I don't remember that. I remember one parent working but everyone was poor. I remember no indoor bathroom, no running water, no school lunch. If you want those days back, you are insane,

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