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Public Education is Failing


Posted 6:09 pm, 05/27/2023

You are losing, we are not.


Posted 5:42 pm, 05/27/2023

Straight on track, Public Education is Failing! how much more on track can you get.



Posted 4:08 pm, 05/27/2023

She's taking us off track again, poor old f*xxy is having to duck and weave. Maybe that's what she learned in private school, "when all else fails fake it."


Posted 4:04 pm, 05/27/2023

Oh, I have no doubt that you liked it better.


Posted 3:17 pm, 05/27/2023

It is posted on CNN, CBS and even NPR, and all other fake news, can you accept that?


Posted 2:32 pm, 05/27/2023

God help us; Fauxy still believes Fox is a credible news source when they themselves admitted to broadcasting FAKE NEWS!


Posted 2:26 pm, 05/27/2023

Absolutely Hillbilly. we liked it better and so did they. I never owned slaves, never mistreated my neighbors no matter what color or size they were. Got treated good myself


Posted 1:59 pm, 05/27/2023

Southern Democrats were responsible for Jim Crow, they became Republicans when ERA and voting rights became law.


Posted 1:13 pm, 05/27/2023

HB , Democrats did all that and they need to take down some more of their statues


Posted 1:09 pm, 05/27/2023

You think they were less divided when black people weren't allowed to go to the same schools or sit at the same table or use the same water fountains as white people? You think relationships between races were less divided when interracial marriage was illegal?


Posted 12:59 pm, 05/27/2023

Ah, but I know people and relationships between the races were much less divided then as now


Posted 12:47 pm, 05/27/2023

How about telling us what the top marginal tax rate was in the 40s and 50s? Or maybe you could compare the unemployment rate to then and now? What do you think you'll find.

Let me just say again you have basically no grasp on history, economics or anything. You're a walkng black hole of information.


Posted 12:44 pm, 05/27/2023

I guess I enabled f*xxy when she took this thread off track, sorry. She and a few others like CONRAD will do that when they have no adequate response. Although you'd think with that superior private school education a pithy riposte would have been forthcoming. Instead, we got an evasive irrelevant not so subtle sidetrack lauding the good old days of Jim Crow.

Maybe a pithy riposte is a little too much to expect from a pissy beech, even one with a private school education.


Posted 11:46 am, 05/27/2023

Maybe in your neighborhood. Just ask some of the blacks that lived then they will tell you which was better


Posted 11:20 am, 05/27/2023

Yes, race relations were much better in the 40's and 50's that's when those "people" knew their place. When the "boy" that carried your groceries smiled servilely and said "thank you Miz" for the dime you tipped him.


Posted 11:02 am, 05/27/2023

I know you are lacking Bestup but, let's try a little honesty here. Were race relations better in the 40s ,50s or now ? Come on, you can do it.


Posted 10:16 am, 05/27/2023

If you are a supporter of the public school system, you have to love f*xxy. Every time she posts I feel so fortunate that my parents allowed me to attend a public school. And that my kids and grandkids were public school students. The very thought of three generations of prejudiced bigoted, ignoramuses clinging to a history dripping with myth and legend makes me shudder.

Keep it up f*xxy you're the best poster boy/girl the public school system could hope for, People can refer to you as a "shining" example of what their kids will turn out to be if they attend private school.


Posted 9:42 am, 05/27/2023

Her ilk wants to go even further to bring back child labor. That is the whole make America great again agenda.


Posted 9:39 am, 05/27/2023

Hmm! The 40's and 50's, pre civil rights. This is what the dunce thinks will make America great again.


Posted 7:44 am, 05/27/2023


Posted 7:08 am, 05/27/2023

40s and 50s hmmm. People worked, earned a living, built houses, raised children, slept at night. What was so bad about that?

You have faults members, or you never lived them.

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