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Pro life/Pro choice


Posted 8:08 am, 07/11/2019

Blackrose.. You know that having sex has got a chance of producing a Living Human Being. The choice is made when a woman allows the man to insert their penis. Back in the day girls were called wh*res that screwed at a drop of a hat. After you made the choice to lay down. If by chance you become pregnant. The womb becomes home to the unborn human being that is growing in the womb. I ask a question. Is a org*sm worth murdering a child.


Posted 12:36 am, 07/11/2019

I don't know you ask her yourself that Michael. I mean you're the one who decides whether you want your sperm to be terminated. All you have to do is keep your d*** in your pants. That and if you don't want to pay child support don't have sex. The thing is Mike Will you don't have to carry a child we do. Nor are you rejected by society and carrying the burden. You're just someone who shot some sperm and that's it. If anything you're nothing but a sperm dumpster. Maybe you should think about where you shoot it before complaining. as far as I'm concerned I have no obligation to you. so what you're saying is that you should be exempt from paying child support and you should also be exempt of consequences after having sex but a woman should pay all the price be shamed? Abortion is not just used for birth control. I admit there are few people who do that. But hasn't never crossed your mind that married men and women do have sex and they should not be denied in the spiritual and physical relations that God had created for them. Because without sex that leaves temptation by the devil he says. Sex is not just for procreation it is also for bonding. Unfortunately you just don't understand that. And I'm not going to be the one who will listen to one side who has no optimism in his heart. I think the fact of the matter is if men were held more highly responsible just as much as women then they wouldn't be having a sex frequently. You can't always put it on the woman now can you. How many men have we known that have went to a wh*rehouse is? But yet women they have all these expectations. Another thing I would like to remind you is that 1 and 100 women will get pregnant from a female contraceptive. And it's not a 100% or else you would know that. Especially since the reason for abortion is because of a failed contraceptive. And that woman tried everything in her power to keep from getting pregnant. So where is your excuse then that they should be obligated still give birth? I guess that means I'm retrospec people should be obligated to keep a person on life support even though it's a not likely they will wake up.so I believe your answer would be to take the person off life support. So if you can take a person a full grown man or child off life support that is already here then why should a fetus be given an exempt to life. it has no brain activity meaning the only thing that is allowing it to live is the mother. Considering the placenta is what supplies the oxygen the nutrients including the heartbeat. But if you were to disconnect that then the fetus will no longer live. point blank in a way the fetus can be considered either a parasite and you are the host in order for survival. But I am not saying children are not a beautiful creation. They are they truly are. But I am saying that a person should have a choice in the matter. And then let God sort it out with them. Or do you not believe in God's true miracle Injustice? or do you just believe in that you have the power and that you should have only the judgment on that person here? And that you should be exempt of judgment for putting judgment on others? for all you know you might be in **** when the very people that you judged. Or you might be in heaven with a very people that had abortions. You do not know who will reside in heaven or ****. But I do know this they have the chance for salvation and well I do not recommend a woman to get an abortion. I do understand her reasons and I hope that whatever choice she does make is a good one that does not affect her in the lease negative.


Posted 7:18 pm, 07/10/2019

For you Pro Abortion advocates please watch this.. Even Donkeys have a heart.. Donkey Mom Is SO Excited To See Her Baby Again - The Dodo Reunited - YouTube


Posted 6:32 pm, 07/10/2019

Blackrose.. Sound like you don't care for what I said. A question.
Is a org*sm worth the death of a child?


Posted 6:25 pm, 07/10/2019

Hep.. Women are using murder as a contraceptive. That is what I oppose. Responsibilities..
Murder is murder..


Posted 5:42 pm, 07/10/2019

hangsleft (view profile)

Posted 8:03 am, 07/10/2019

You all come on here and say the woman has no rights and that the child is a person, yet you are OK with locking little kids and babies up in what is essentially cages and tear them apart from their mothers.
Don't come on here preaches fetus rights, because you don't give a **** about kids just you superior complex and wanna be gods that believe they have a right and know what's best for every fn person, but lord forbid you recycle.

First off, kids are separated all the time from their parents, its call prison, 2nd, human trafficking is so bad right now, they don't know who the parents of the child actually is. If it was actually yours, well bring some proof and if you do, it's a short length of time to where it will not be nearly as long as it has for families here in america. You're the one who dug that grave, pulled the child through **** and high waters, risking it's life. That's more like child abuse. If anything, for the kids sake, make the living area more kid friendly while leaving the **** adults to rot in the cell while the kids play and have fun while waiting on **** number 1 and number 2 to be released back into mexico and learn what not to do.


Posted 5:36 pm, 07/10/2019

michaelhjsr (view profile)

Posted 6:06 pm, 07/09/2019

Woman made the choice to lay down with man to procreate . she made the decision. Two people it took not one. Now for sex she is now home for a child. When man and woman lay down to sex that's it. They decided to produce life. No longer a choice. It belongs to the baby for 9 mths.. By the way ladies. You can screw like a man all you want. But for you ladies. There is a consequence. Keep your legs closed and show respect for yourself.

So is there for you. You see you get to watch and have no power too decide about our health care choice in abortion, and if they do decide to keep the child. You're going to pay that child support or their will be consequences. I don't care if I have to come to your house, cut off your nuts and sell your sperm on the black market. My baby is getting his milk money and you can choose weather to man up or shut up. Because this is the age were men will face consequences as well. Some might walk away, but he won't walk away from me without consequences. And it should be a law if you avoid child support and come back 18 yrs later. You should be placed in prison and have your wanker cut off.That way you can sit there and think about how hard it was being that child growing up with a 1 struggling parent. This bull**** that it's the womens obligation is for the birds. If you want a baby so bad, how about we stick one in you and force you into a natural labor and give you no pain medicine while show no money support much less ditch you high and dry without any involvement for the child's well being.


Posted 5:30 pm, 07/10/2019

I'm gonna put it in a way that most folks will understand.An abortion is the same thing has taking a person of life support who has NO brain activity. If men were so concerned and cared about where their sperm went. They would wrap it or get sterilized. But......today men and then are like "It don't feel good, why don't you just use your own birth control. Quit being big baby while I go do what I want and exempt of all consequences because I don't have to carry a little ball of flesh and you do. So deal with it." Attitude.A fetus or what ever you wanna call it, CANNOT survive outside the womb, abortion or not. If you wanted too, you could scrap and cut the placenta which doesn't harm the fetus. But it cuts of the oxygen, the food and nutrients and needs to survive while forcing a women into labor or would require her to induce a labor in order to remove the dead host.How many children and adults that are already here have been pulled off life support? You don't see anyone getting arrested for that now do you? Yes at a living breathing child or adult. Their bodies can function and survive outside without living off the womb. It can chew its own food, breath on it's own unless it's health is bad. But the point is, they're viable while the fetus has no brain activity. Just a heart beat at a period of time, just like that person on life support. Not the brain activity doesn't have happen until some time in the womb. But I choose to not put my nose is another affair and agree we need improvement about both abortion and sterilization. But will I vote against it, much less implement laws that will challenge it further and also risk other laws to be tampered? That's a big fat no. I decide, let god judge these women as you will be judged. And for all we know, some are residing in **** or heaven. But won't it be a ***** to know a lot of them will be on the same platform as you?


Posted 5:25 pm, 07/10/2019

Republicans are all about the babies.....until they are born, then they throw 'em in cages, like dogs....and wait on them to grow into teenagers, so they can rape them.


Posted 4:54 pm, 07/10/2019

Michael, you sir are an .


Posted 4:48 pm, 07/10/2019

What about women and girls who are raped? Please don't even pretend that it doesn't happen.


Posted 4:46 pm, 07/10/2019

Hang.. Women can't screw like men. Eventually it will catch up . pregnant. Men can't get pregnant. Women need to start taking responsibility for themselves. You make a choice org*sm or Murder. Murder is murder.


Posted 4:28 pm, 07/10/2019

Ah so pregnancy is 100% on the woman. Got it.


Posted 4:19 pm, 07/10/2019

Pro-life. Keep your legs closed and no bending over. RESPONSIBILITY!!!..

Pro-choice to be a murder or not be a murder..


Posted 3:46 pm, 07/10/2019

HereToOffend (view profile)

Posted 9:06 am, 07/10/2019

Pro-choice women don't want a man's opinion when she wants to kill her baby. But she sure does want him around for his money when she decides to keep it.

So now the man doesn't have to pay? Geez make up your mind.


Posted 3:45 pm, 07/10/2019

I'm utterly amazed at how extremely liberal people can be.

This has never been about right or wrong, it's about the rights of the government. And so many are arguing that the government has the right to make medical decisions for the citizens!

That's an extremist liberal belief system.

Personally, I am very opposed to abortion except in cases where it's medically necessary, or possibly in cases of incest or rape. Which studies have shown account for about half of the abortions in the US:

But the question is, who gets to decide how to define "medically necessary?" One Congress might say that it's only medically necessary if there's a 99% chance that the mother will die, the next might say that it's medically necessary if there's a 1% chance that the mother will die.

And we all know that someone wanting an abortion would just shop around until she finds a doctor that will give the percentage she needs.

Which means that the whole argument of letting the government make these decisions is ridiculous.


Posted 9:43 am, 07/10/2019

I think everyone knows the truth about all this, everyone involved wants their rights to do whatever they want to do without consequences. The baby because it can not defend itself gets the punishment for all the wickedness of the others, for now.


Posted 9:08 am, 07/10/2019

Here.. this time I agree with you. Baby daddy is a nasitity only afterward.


Posted 9:06 am, 07/10/2019

Pro-choice women don't want a man's opinion when she wants to kill her baby. But she sure does want him around for his money when she decides to keep it.

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