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Pro life/Pro choice


Posted 6:41 pm, 07/11/2019

michaelhjsr (view profile)

Posted 6:36 pm, 07/11/2019

1047 Jesus said I AM the Way Truth and Life.

Well mhjsr, if you want life you better start going his Way, instead of your old religious mixed up way.


Posted 6:36 pm, 07/11/2019

1047 Jesus said I AM the Way Truth and Life. Is more or less what I told her. Its between Her and Jesus. I also told her that as she serves works for Satan now. Jesus also has work for her. But she had to go to him in Faith. Doubting Nothing. Jesus can and will do as he says THROUGH FAITH.


Posted 6:27 pm, 07/11/2019

So you took the opportunity to try to poison this young woman's mind who had make some mistakes. You made sure you drilled into her head how no good the Christians were that she went to in the beginning. You are being a hypocrite, showing Grace to her, and condemning Christians by holding them to the strick Law. Jesus did not condemn by forcing the people who needed help to wait like the Pharisee wanted, He forgave and healed on whatever day it happened to be.

The real reason you allowed the young woman to stay with you is to poison her mind about Christians

That is murder in itself.


Posted 5:12 pm, 07/11/2019

1047. Murder is murder.. You try to spin adultery into murder. Jesus told the woman go sin no more. Why don't you do the same. Let me Say if them so call Christ like RELIGION had taken her in. I wouldn't have seen her. But they didn't do as Jesus taught. Did I talk with her. Yes. Did I force her to do anything. No. She now knows what Christian Religion is about. Greed... Until she want to find Jesus she will continue doing as she pleases. But she now know what Jesus expects and taught. She is at a place that can help her better that me. So its all good. She is being taken care of. No thanks to Christian Religion. Thank you Father for the people that follows the teaching of your Son.


Posted 4:10 pm, 07/11/2019

michaelhjsr (view profile)

Posted 1:54 pm, 07/11/2019

Talking responsibility for one own Action is a way to start. Murder is not a option..
According to your post, you are pointing your finger at the woman more than the man, by the way exactly what the Pharisees did in John 8 when they brought the woman taken in adultery and didn't bring the man, of course we know that they were really after Jesus trying to condemn him along with the woman, and she was guilty, Jesus told her that he was not going to condemn her , but for her to go and sin no more.

Now here is my point, This young woman that you took in saying you want to help her, are you forcing her to admit she broke the law, by as you say by spreading her legs for the man, you know the law you say you keep, and tell everyone that you must keep it to have life. So would you be forcing this young woman to try to live like you say, or are you showing her love and mercy like Jesus would do. It is hard for me to see love and mercy coming from you based on all your post, you know all the condemnation you have for all those Jesus has given God's Grace to in these past two thousand years. Maybe you could clarify for everyone.

What do you tell the young woman you took in?


Posted 4:07 pm, 07/11/2019

Sparky, what kind of sites do you visit to find images like that?



Posted 4:06 pm, 07/11/2019

1047 Its about abortion. Woman claiming she has the right to murder a unborn child. Adultery has nothing to do with it. Woman says my body my choice. But NO. It took two to make a child it should take two to murder it. Woman murder as a contraceptive.


Posted 4:02 pm, 07/11/2019

Rose....once you've had sex, get back to us with your advice.


Posted 3:59 pm, 07/11/2019

michaelhjsr (view profile)

Posted 1:54 pm, 07/11/2019

Talking responsibility for one own Action is a way to start. Murder is not a option..

According to your post, you are pointing your finger at the woman more than the man, by the way exactly what the Pharisees did in John 8 when they brought the woman taken in adultery and didn't bring the man, of course we know that they were really after Jesus trying to condemn him along with the woman, and she was guilty, Jesus told her that he was not going to condemn her , but for her to go and sin no more.

Now here is my point, This young woman that you took in saying you want to help her, are you forcing her to admit she broke the law, by as you say by spreading her legs for the man, you know the law you say you keep, and tell everyone that you must keep it to have life. So would you be forcing this young woman to try to live like you say, or are you showing her love and mercy like Jesus would do. It is hard for me to see love and mercy coming from you based on all your post, you know all the condemnation you have for all those Jesus has given God's Grace to in these past two thousand years. Maybe you could clarify for everyone.


Posted 1:54 pm, 07/11/2019

Blackrose. Talking responsibility for one own Action is a way to start. Murder is not a option..


Posted 12:43 pm, 07/11/2019

I don't care if men cannot get pregnant, you're still adulterer and you're also guilty. You're the one who was enough to push them pants down and expects to much of her to be mother material. Jesus was born of flesh, the flesh of his mother who gave her very obedience to god. And in case you don't remember, god asked and gave her a choice, a choice to be the carrier of gods seed. Hosea wife was convicited in the eyes of the people, and so was mary. Justed like you are passing judgement and convicting women because you believe you have a right too. You believe because you're a man you should be allowed into my uterus after a night of sex that you had the power to stop. Sure she can close them legs, but you can zip that pants up and choose more wisely of who you sleep with. You see pregnancy as a way to punish a women but yet where is is punishment for adultery? huh? When do we start punishing men also physically to the point they would think twice before laying down. All it takes is 1 times for a man to keep his nose out of the uterus. If men could be strapped down, stuck with those electrical pads that mimick even 50% of labor pain, they would take a loaded gun and shoot themselves, and those things won't even remotely come close to us being in pain. Then you also have also yelling at you to push including walking into the general public being shamed like a harlot while the child has nothing but you for stability which would require both parents for finances. So, is your org*sm worth a life or are you gonna be man and tuck that **** in and think more carefully about who you sleep with. Or are you going to be a conniving **** who uses god as a crunch to justify your hatred? God dislikes sin, but he doesn't not condemn or hate the sinner.


Posted 11:41 am, 07/11/2019

Blackrose.. Jesus was born of SPIRIT. The woman adulterer that was illegally charged by the Selfrightous Jews. Was not proved guilty. And was told what? You are right about most men being wh*re hoppers. One thing about it. Man can have sex with millions of wh*res but they CAN'T get pregnant. Duh.. Murder is murder.


Posted 11:17 am, 07/11/2019

michaelhjsr (view profile)

Posted 10:22 am, 07/11/2019

Blackrose.. One thing I do know . The children that are murdered and not have the chance at life are with Jesus and the murderers will have to bow before Jesus.

hahaha is that supposed to scare me? We know he is coming, but that c*ckness makes you to prideful of yourself which is a sin also. Satan was full of pride just like you, and you think just because you have done less then her, me? That you're exempt? My neighbor, god only sees one thing, and that's forgiveness, all sin no matter what humanity has considered it, is equal in his eye. God knows yours, mine and everyones heart that it is why he gave us a son to wash away the sins of which we commit either through ignorance and blindness, or selfishness.


Posted 11:12 am, 07/11/2019

michaelhjsr (view profile)

Posted 8:26 am, 07/11/2019

Hang... are you crazy. Sperm and egg equals a child. Woman can't get pregnant without sperm. Man can't make a child by their self.Old saying goes. Can't make a wh*re into a house wife.. Do you know why ? A wh*res heart. No commitment.No heart enough to care or love for someone other than themselves selfish ways. Is a org*sm worth a child's death? To you I suppose it is. Sad..

Then I suppose the bible is a lie? Mary got pregnant without a man, and you can infact make a wh*re a housewife, because apparently Hosea. His amazing love for god and his wife made her change. Or maybe we should bring up the time in which Jesus stood before the men who were stoning and tormenting a women for adultery even though they themselves guilty that he said "He who is without sin, cast the first stone." And that women today was and may have very well been his wife. We do not know this but some have theorized it. So there is something for you to think about.


Posted 11:05 am, 07/11/2019

michaelhjsr (view profile)

Posted 8:08 am, 07/11/2019

Blackrose.. You know that having sex has got a chance of producing a Living Human Being. The choice is made when a woman allows the man to insert their penis. Back in the day girls were called wh*res that screwed at a drop of a hat. After you made the choice to lay down. If by chance you become pregnant. The womb becomes home to the unborn human being that is growing in the womb. I ask a question. Is a org*sm worth murdering a child.

As I said, that's up to. I think you should be asking that question. Men are just as much wh*res in the bed as a women since he had all the power to stop it. If you're so concerned about your dna, then choose who you shoot it up with next time. Because it sounds like me, you believe you should be exempt of consequences because your org*sm is just as important as mine. No my womb is not a incubator. And it violates my 14th I believe amendment right. Bodily integrity. And that gives me the power and authority to make family choices because I take up about 90% of the maxium effort. All you did was shoot couple of loads and zip your pants as though you were going to the toilet. So my org*sm is just important as yours and it shouldn't concern you what goes between me and my partner. Even if they made a law were man have power, that doesn't even remotely give you a chance in **** of abortions stopping and then you'll seek further laws that restrict it because of a man approving the abortion procedure. Sounds like more to me, this is a form of control through religious beliefs. And not moral rights. As much as I dislike abortions, I'm not going to vote against it. And if you do, then prepare for your privileges and rights to be stripped, starting with guns and maybe even free speech, the churches tax exemption. I could keep going. Are you will to risk it? Are you so **** blind with anger and hatred that you would tamper with the constitution?


Posted 10:22 am, 07/11/2019

Blackrose.. One thing I do know . The children that are murdered and not have the chance at life are with Jesus and the murderers will have to bow before Jesus.


Posted 9:37 am, 07/11/2019

I still remember the day my mom and I figured out why my little brothers socks kept disappearing.


Posted 8:29 am, 07/11/2019

Can the sock get pregnant? Asking for a friend.


Posted 8:26 am, 07/11/2019

Hang... are you crazy. Sperm and egg equals a child. Woman can't get pregnant without sperm. Man can't make a child by their self.Old saying goes. Can't make a wh*re into a house wife.. Do you know why ? A wh*res heart. No commitment.No heart enough to care or love for someone other than themselves selfish ways. Is a org*sm worth a child's death? To you I suppose it is. Sad..


Posted 8:17 am, 07/11/2019

So Michael if a man ej*culates into a sock, is he then taking that sperms right away from being implanted into an egg?

When a woman has her period if that taking the eggs right away from meeting up with sperm?

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