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Please Stop Giving Windsofchange Dogs

Daddy P

Posted 10:27 pm, 08/22/2014

Here is my take on the situation....There is a cycle that goes on. Winds posts on here about every six months about a problem with her dogs...sickness, violence, how well she treats them...blah blah blah. Then she goes through cycles of constantly posting on the missing pet thread every day about a dog she spotted or the safety of a dog or her concern for a dog. Those are posts to buffer all the dissing she gets from us for the things she has done with her previous pets. She is trying to convince everyone what an animal lover she is and how concerned she is with their safety. In the meantime she scours the classifieds looking for dogs and goes and gets them. She then changes her minds about keeping them and then gives them away on here.

What I think happened in this situation is she saw an ad on here for this dog and she called them and got the dog. She got it home and maybe it didn't fit in or there was a problem. She put an ad on here to get rid of it. She then made up the BS story after she read smonks post as to why she got the dog. The person who gave her the dog saw this thread got pissed that she is now giving the dog away and slandering him and demanded the dog back....probably threatened her with a lawsuit or such...thus her now lame story that he was just playing with the dog. If he really had been abusive to the dog and she was told that she wouldn't be meekly backing down now. She would have called animal control and said "do not let this man come and take this dog. He has been abusing it. "


Posted 10:27 pm, 08/22/2014

None of you should have any animals, ever!


Posted 10:26 pm, 08/22/2014

Story is :
My MIL didn't want her chihuahua any more, I put it on gowilkes. They saw it and wanted it. They live a few houses from me, I took the chihuahua to them, it didn't like their children, so they wouldn't take the chihuahua. I saw what I thought was abuse, he said he didn't want the little dog anymore and gave her to me.


Posted 10:13 pm, 08/22/2014

Blue waffle


Posted 10:13 pm, 08/22/2014

"He simply asked for her back,"

the question still remains...how did you get her in the first place...did you "simply" ask him for her....

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 10:12 pm, 08/22/2014

I like the mop theory.

How did you get her?


Posted 10:08 pm, 08/22/2014

you should still go and whack him with the mop ...just in case


Posted 10:06 pm, 08/22/2014

He simply asked for her back, I asked him to please not abuse her anymore. He said he doesn't abuse animals, that's how he plays with her. He said he was in a bad mood that day when he threatened her.

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 10:02 pm, 08/22/2014

He just handed his dog over to you. Mmmmkay...

And, at the time, what was going through your mind as to how to care for her?

How is it you come into contact with so many evil, dog-abusing individuals?

What did he say about you attempting her giveaway on GW?


Posted 9:55 pm, 08/22/2014

Smack 'em around with your blue waffle. That'll teach 'em.


Posted 9:54 pm, 08/22/2014

you should of whacked him with the mop


Posted 9:50 pm, 08/22/2014

I asked him for her, he gave her to me. No, we talked, he was nice about it. I gave her back and asked him to not abuse her anymore.


Posted 9:41 pm, 08/22/2014

Lol...I bet he cussed your stupid *** out

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 9:35 pm, 08/22/2014

Sooo...what's the story?

How did you acquire possession of the dog?


Posted 9:29 pm, 08/22/2014

He has her back.


Posted 8:59 pm, 08/22/2014

you can hold him off with your mop...whack him with it


Posted 8:56 pm, 08/22/2014

so now you're saying you stole the dog from him...tried to give her away...under the guise of being an abused animal....hmmmmm I think we've figure out who is telling the tall tale.


Posted 8:55 pm, 08/22/2014

Help what


Posted 8:51 pm, 08/22/2014

He's found out that the dog is on gowilkes! He's coming to get her!!!!! Help!!!

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 8:42 pm, 08/22/2014

I have a question, I hope is reasonable...

How do "you people" go out into the world and take these abused animals from these abusive owners? Do the mean people just hand them over to you? Do you steal them?

How does this work? How is it you come into contact with so many belligerent, abusive people?

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