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Please help & thank you


Posted 10:12 am, 03/31/2015

Reader, I'm sorry for what you had to go through and anyone else who is truly suffering. I know people on disability that is more able to work than my son is now or ever has been...but he always wanted to work and didn't mind the jobs that he could actually do since his IQ is 71. He was proud of what he did and that he was able to be on his own and do ok. I think having become dependent hurts him worse than the medical ailments and physical pain. He painted birdhouses for awhile until everyone he knew that wanted one had gotten one from him......anyway no need to go on and on...thank you for your input and kind words.


Posted 10:07 am, 03/31/2015

Con...you truly are brilliant...NOT. You don't have a clue!! But thanks anyway. Made me laugh @ your ignorance of the circumstances and people but soooooo much knowledge and worthless words.


Posted 9:38 am, 03/31/2015

I even sold my hearing aids when I was desperate for money. I wasn't working so I didn't need them as much as I needed food. Good luck. I was approved in 1 year but I am told that was fast. I know someone it took over 3 years. I learned to live on nearly nothing which actually was a good life lesson, but not one I wanted to learn.


Posted 9:20 am, 03/31/2015

I am truly sorry for the hardships. However; everyone has them from time to time. I know several people who are far worse off then him and have made it. But at some point people have to stand on their own. I truly do understand what it's like to have seizures and not know when they will happen. But people do work. even if he can only work a couple hours a day a day or two a week he would feel better.

And yes Tim Welborn is a decent disability atty. Just be prepared that even with an atty the fight can go on for years.


Posted 8:02 am, 03/31/2015

Con, I wasn't going to reply but thought it wouldn't be right not to thank you for your words of encouragement and your brilliant advice as if this was not a last resort idea but the first in the past two years. Especially since you don't know the people involved or all the circumstances. I wish you had advised us too to sell stuff, like his car since he can't go the required time w/o seizures to be allowed to drive or have a couple yard sells and sell things we could do without and the best one to do, myself going deeper in debt to the point that I can't anymore and be able to meet my own obligations. I pray you never know what it's like to have your life turned upside down not of any fault of your own, partly due to the handicaps you were born with. May you always have enough so that you can keep helping those less fortunate than you, just as you've done.

To the other posters in this thread, a sincere thank you for the kind words, geniune advice and the private messages you sent rather than attacking my son w/o even knowing him. Resorting to this is one of the most difficult things to do and it was I who encouraged him to post on here with the link to the gofundme account, it was I who opened him up to being more ridculed by the likes of con. I regret now having done it.


Posted 6:48 pm, 03/30/2015

Guess your fiance needs to start working a second job or better yet if she is employed full time get married that way she can add you to her health insurance. That way you don't have to mooch off everyone and the system. Start building things or a job that allows for you to work from home.

wrestlers Grandpa

Posted 9:30 am, 03/30/2015

as danzig13 suggested go to Tim Welborn.....do it today.....good luck...


Posted 9:13 am, 03/30/2015

Contract Virginia Fox I heard she has helped several people get their disability. Would not hurt to write her a letter and explain the situation she might get you set up a hearing sooner.


Posted 1:45 am, 03/30/2015

I have PTSD for more than one reason. One particular reason I would rather not discuss only that it involves my childhood. Is why I am in counseling in addition to all the other drs i'm seeing. Only those who have been thru it can understand. the 2nd car accident, i saw him coming but couldn't get out of his way. that's my last memory till after a week of being in ICU being kept alive. i stayed there 3wks....anyway, this thread wasn't meant for me to tell my life and some things I'd really don't want to talk about for all the county to see. Thank you to those who have wished me well.


Posted 12:54 am, 03/30/2015

PTSD varies in intensity and severity depending on the tragic events surrounding it.


Posted 11:45 pm, 03/29/2015

it is very hard 2 get disability b4 age of 50...you havent paid much in2 it...sorry 4 your position...


Posted 11:09 pm, 03/29/2015

You can get PTSD after a bad accident. I was hit by car, and it ****ered my body and broke my neck. I saw my femur and my tibia bones sticking out.
I had PTSD for awhile.


Posted 7:22 pm, 03/29/2015

Why do you have PTSD?


Posted 2:59 pm, 03/29/2015

It wasn't apparent.


Posted 2:55 pm, 03/29/2015

chendo...I am his Mom not him. Thanks anyway


Posted 2:54 pm, 03/29/2015

In case anyone is wondering, I am onemoreday2015 mom. he asked me to write for him because he can't spell a lot of the harder words, doesn't remember some of his past history, etc. Help him if you can, pray if you can't help in other ways. Sometimes life doesn't seem fair when from day 1, the cards seemed stacked against him. Thank you.


Posted 2:51 pm, 03/29/2015

Why did you feel the need to create a new screen name for this today?

Everybody knows that here4awhile and onemoreday are the same guy


Posted 2:42 pm, 03/29/2015

family1st...let's see...I was born with a heart defect, had open heart surgery @13 months of age. Before the surgery, I went into heart failure 7x. I was left with learning disabilities but that didn't keep me from working every day of my life...at jobs that paid minimum wage, but I worked. I have been in 2 car accidents, neither my fault. The last one was a drunk driver with no insurance that hit me head on. I was in ICU for 3 wks., the first week, not knowing if I would live or die. A few years after that I started having seizures but because I had no health insurance, only thing I could do was go to the ER be treated & let go. My tongue has so many scars from where I've bitten it during a seizure....anyway, finally a caring ER doctor found a neurologist who would do an MRI on me. I have hetertopias, 4 of them, born with them but wasn't a problem until the last ten years. The car wreck also had something to do with it. I have both epileptic and non-epileptic seizures, PTSD, RA, a severe hernia, have to have my gall bladder taken out and the hernia fixed. I have a sleep disorder where I can go for days and can only sleep two or 3 hrs. Am suppose to have a sleep test the last of April......I think that's enough to list. If not for my fiancee's family and my mother, I have no idea where I'd be right now.


Posted 12:55 pm, 03/29/2015

I can't give any advice or assistance but my thoughts and prayers are with you. Frankly at the rate my sight is deteriorating I'll be in the same boat shortly.


Posted 11:00 am, 03/29/2015

Thanks Truth....,

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