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pain doctor


Posted 10:04 pm, 03/27/2015

Melissat I've had multiple surgeries and have enough titanium screwed to my spine to set off a metal detector. I've had epidural steroid injections, nerve root blocks and used a tens unit. When you have done it all and multiple surgeons tell you there's nothing else but pain meds what the he!! would you do? You're just another know it all want to be doctor who is ignorant to the subject and careless to other peoples problems. You will never understand until it happens to you but I hope you never have to experience it.


Posted 9:50 pm, 03/27/2015

If my pain ever gets to the point of being debilitating then it's adios to the physical existence. That is me and not meant for anyone else. To each their own.

I have back problems that surgery will not solve and the doc says chances are right now will make things worse. In time it will go out and I will have no choice but surgery. People that sell meds make me sick. They give all chronic pain suffers a bad name. I get dirty looks at the pharmacy even though I'm responsible with my medicine. The statement above has ran through my mind many times when how I feel brings tears to my eyes at night. I would like to end the constant pain but I have two kids depending on me. I've heard people say I had this or that and I never took anything. The thing is when you get hurt you start feeling better in a few days. They don't know what it's like to hurt day in day out week after week year after year. I went for a long time until I couldn't take it any longer. I got a bad deal but I don't ***** about it. I just have a problem with the stigma placed on people in my shoes.


Posted 9:40 pm, 03/27/2015

So morphine for cancer pain is miles from a chronic condition. I see some in pain who would benefit from weight loss. Nobody has mentioned nerve blocks to not experience pain. How about surgical implants
known to divert pain message to brain. Think out of the box. Eastern medicine is so far ahead of Western
philosophy about how to handle pain. We want an immediate fix, so pop a pill.


Posted 9:36 pm, 03/27/2015

Dragon I made the devil comment and I'm sorry it was a stupid thing to say. I know some people who are in bade shape and I don't want to ever experience their pain. Narcotics are really necessary for people who truly need them and they cant help that some people abuse them, again I'm sorry.


Posted 9:25 pm, 03/27/2015

For all of those saying pain meds are the devil I sincerly hope you never know what it is like to need those pills to have a somewhat normal life. I hope you never know the pain of going to Wal-Mart to get a few things and have to just grab a few things and leave because you hurt and every step you take makes you cringe. I hope you never know the pain sitting for more then 20 mins causes knowing you cant go out of town for anything because you cant stand the pain. I hope you never know the pain of trying to explain to your kids why you cant play basketball or football with them anymore. I hope you never know the worthless feelings that you feel having to ask someone to put on your socks or tie your shoes. I know all too well and would not wish it on my worst enemy. And just so you know I have had back surgery and it didnt fix it. So dont be so quick to judge some people have to have meds to live a somewhat normal life.


Posted 9:18 pm, 03/27/2015

I was joking finley and I apologize if I offended anyone.


Posted 9:17 pm, 03/27/2015

Mind over matter.

My father died of cancer too, was never addicted to anything.


Posted 9:14 pm, 03/27/2015

Ever try anything other than Western Medicine.

When your son is given pain pills by someone who is legally in possession of them by prescription by saying here this will make the pain stop. Sure the pain pill stopped the pain, and the extras helped to as he took them all on the way home. Died in his sleep.

That is the story of one parent I know.

Then over the next two years two of his friends died because they were able to obtain these pain pills from a person who was in pain who obtained them leagally.

So what it comes down to is anyone with these pain pills should be responsible and be held responsible for the pills. Should they give them out to others and the other person dies or causes injury the person from whom the pills came should be held liable both criminally and monetarily.

Doctors and researchers need to find other ways to control pain.

If my pain ever gets to the point of being debilitating then it's adios to the physical existence. That is me and not meant for anyone else. To each their own.


Posted 8:58 pm, 03/27/2015

I agree finley, just wait their day is coming.


Posted 8:56 pm, 03/27/2015

Pantera you can kiss my arse. I wouldn't wish my pain on anyone.


Posted 8:55 pm, 03/27/2015

Heaven forbid all of you that think pain meds are the worst thing ever have to suffer like some of us do. What if your pain was so bad when you woke up that you have to pull up on something to even get out of the bed or call someone to come pull you up, do you know how bad & worthless that makes someone feel, just how depressing it is? When you whole body radiates in agonizing pain to the point that you cannot even sweep or vacuum the floor or do any ordinary household duties, when even brushing your hair or teeth is almost impossible because your hands are throbbing & you ask someone to brush your hair for you if you have someone? What about when you squat down & hurt so bad that you can't get back up without help? Some of you act so self righteous, true there are some that overdo them. But just think, if they can't get them & are pill sick what do you think they're going to do? To get into rehab cost more than most people see in their lives, there's no help in Wilkes, you can no longer have someone committed for their drug use did you know that? I'm talking bad drugs like meth, crack, ect. so it's better to let them have them legally than for them to come in on your grandma & murder her for her pills, yes this happens. I admire those that live in constant pain that can live without them & some do. But why suffer when they make medicines to help those of us that can't cope without them without laying in bed crying all day & feeling like a worthless pile of dog doo or worse yet not even want to live the pain is so bad. Most Drs do all the right things, we are drugtested, we have to bring our meds in each visit to show that we're taking them right & not selling them. So don't blame the Drs because a few can't do what's right & want to eat the whole bottle in 2 days, believe me when the Dr finds out they are no longer prescribed any. If they take them the right way & not mix alcohol & other drugs with them then they wouldn't be dying. Sometimes people get so drunk they don't realize how many pills they have taken so someone that has a drinking problem does not need them unless another family members administers them to them. Just wait all you perfect young ones, you will get old, you will someday in most cases be the same way some of us are that have the guts to tell it, you will need them too. Most times when you make fun of others it comes back to bite you in the rear. Just like you all making fun of those that ride the buggies at Walmart, don't you think they are embarrassed enough without you coming on here making fun of them? You're so judgmental & cruel. Most of you should be ashamed of yourselves. I don't know anything about a new Dr but Wilkes does need a pain clinic so some don't have to drive so far. Pain clinics are expensive, do you think people would spend that much if they didn't absolutely have to so they can live a somewhat normal life?


Posted 8:46 pm, 03/27/2015

Narcotic pain medication is the devil ban them all.


Posted 8:40 pm, 03/27/2015

Okay - sorry.


Posted 8:35 pm, 03/27/2015

I've tried everything known to mankind. When your pain is severe enough you will do whatever it takes to make the pain just bearable. People who make comments like you did don't know what severe pain really is.


Posted 8:33 pm, 03/27/2015

Agreed SweetHome as I could not say it as well as you did. I was trying though...


Posted 8:31 pm, 03/27/2015

Sorry for the rant. In short steroids are evil and pain pills just mask the pain. Do you want to get better - choose your poison or mask the pain and go on. Not my business. Just experience with others.


Posted 8:31 pm, 03/27/2015

My father died of cancer and he needed the medication that he had in the weeks and months before he died. There are times and situations where pain medication is needed. Everyone who is on pain medication is NOT a criminal.


Posted 8:25 pm, 03/27/2015

finley I am sorry to disagree. Pain pills are not all they do and I am sure you know that. Try some steroids and maybe you can spend the whole next summer in and out of hospitals. WITHOUT any warning. Maybe you need some rest. I am sure you will get some when they say you will have no bad reaction but then you can't stand. Go for it.

Pain pills suck. Why mask the pain when we can treat the problem?


Posted 8:19 pm, 03/27/2015

If you were the one in severe pain you would feel different. Alcohol related deaths and crimes are worse than pain pills so should we bring back prohibition?


Posted 4:02 pm, 03/27/2015

LOL I agree we need no more pain pills in county. Send them back as far as can from here.

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